Saturday, January 28, 2023

noble savages (graphic)

By An Old Friend
sat, jan 28, 2023 8:47 p.m.

noble savages


Anonymous said...

Can you say,"casino royalties"?


Anonymous said...

American Indians engaged in slavery. They called slaves "captives". American Indians need tp pay reparations.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Negroes do the same thing...We wuz peaceful saints before Whitey came and taught us to be murderous savages. Funny how that contradicts their concurrent claim that they had empires, kings and conquered the world before Europeans came to Africa. Isn't that how how you build and empire? Conquest, war and mass murder? I suppose they asked nicely pretty please let us conquer you, unlike the White man who uses only force.

I've been listening to OPB and they had some negro writer "historian" who was lecturing about how the "long history" of European exploitation has created "generational trauma" that "resonates" to today...which is why those black cops beat that black thug to death. All roads lead to Whitey. We dondu nuffins.

Anonymous said...

Oxymoron of the day:negro historian.
