Monday, October 05, 2020

Breaking News Alert: TRUMP TO LEAVE WALTER REED AT 6:30 P.M. Today

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Oct. 5, 2020, 3:02 p.m. ET
Monday, October 5, 2020 at 3:06:00 P.M. EDT

Just now

Covid-19 Live Updates: Trump Says He Will Leave Walter Reed Monday Evening, His Doctors Will Soon Give an Update

Experts say that the president’s treatment suggests his condition may be severe, while the West Wing outbreak grows with the press secretary testing positive.

RIGHT NOW Trump tweeted he will leave the hospital Monday evening, adding, “Don’t be afraid of Covid.”

Here’s what you need to know:

Trump’s physician, Dr. Sean Conley, is expected to update the public soon on the president’s condition.


President Trump’s doctors are expected to provide the latest developments on the state of his condition as he recovers from coronavirus after misleading accounts of his health over the weekend.

Trump tweeted he will leave the hospital Monday evening, adding, “Don’t be afraid of Covid.”

President Trump tweeted Monday afternoon that he intended to leave Walter Reed medical center, where he has been receiving treatment since Friday. His medical team is expected to brief the public on his condition at 3 p.m. Eastern.

Mr. Trump was eager to leave the hospital as soon as possible, as the drama around his treatment and the virus’s toll on the White House continued to mount.

In the morning, the White House shuttled reporters to Walter Reed, where a briefing lectern had been placed, raising speculation about another update from Mr. Trump’s medical team. But the lectern remained covered with a garbage bag through lunchtime.

Amid questions about whether Mr. Trump could relocate to the White House without endangering himself and others came a reminder that the virus may still be spreading through the West Wing and beyond: Mr. Trump’s press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, announced that she, too, had tested positive for the virus and would be isolating. Ms. McEnany, who said she had previously tested negative several times, spoke briefly to reporters outside the White House on Sunday. She did not wear a mask.



Anonymous said...

GRA:My personal opinion:Just like when Reagan was shot,no one in government admitted how severely he was affected--near death,actually.

Trump receiving dexamethasone meant something else was happening.He should not be leaving the hospital so early since Covid is unpredictable in its attack path for each person.Four days and out?Cured?Difficult to believe.
Not wise imho to leave Walter Reed--unless he's an anomaly of some kind.

Anonymous said...

Question to Trump as he walked from Walter Reed to the helicopter:"Mr.President,are you a super-spreader?"
I'd fire that f***er immediately.

Anonymous said...

Lesta Holt and Hallie Hackson critiquing Trump's every move--when he took his mask off at the White House--Holt said,"many people shaking their heads at that act."

Anonymous said...

Your fears can destroy your rationality. Do not succumb.

Anonymous said...


"Critics also noted the president is receiving care that isn’t available to most people, including an experimental antibody treatment that is still being tested in clinical trials and has been given to only a few hundred people."
--One of the MSM dipsh*t networks
GRA:Let's see,we have two patients. Dipshitious Jones,who just got out of prison for rape and President Trump;both have coronavirus--which person receives the more advanced treatment?The thug or the President?
Inane reporting.

Anonymous said...

I'm not a doctor so I don't know, but from what I've read he is in the high risk category. But it is a mistake to bet against him--he can do things ordinary people cannot. I cannot imagine having the energy to do two, even three, campaign events in a single day. And every patriot better hope he comes through again, because what the Democrats have waiting for you will destroy this country. If Biden wins you can kiss freedom and prosperity goodbye. What Trump said is absolutely true--they are not coming for him, they are coming for you--and Trump is just standing in the way.

Sebastian Hawks said...

The media is unbelievably hypocritical the way they trashed Trump for saying we need to stop fearing and get on with our lives in the tone of their beloved FDR. They'd have us hide at home forever, or at least until old Joe is in there and suddenly unemployment might cost THEM big time in the mid terms. I seem to remember a completely different tone during the last "new disease" outbreak 30 years ago. I remember in the 90's Cinemax ran this Patrick Stewart movie called "Jeffery" that turned out to be about some young gay guy, and the entire message of the movie was "Common Jeffery, stop being so afraid, you've got to get back to ass fucking." Their rancid hatred of the vaccine moving forward demanding we slow down the process to the full bureaucratic crawl was not exactly the tone I remember the "act up" mob from expressing.