Tuesday, March 03, 2020

WHO Bought and Paid for

By Jesse Mossman
Tue, Mar 3, 2020 1:29 p.m.

Obviously the Chinese have bought W.H.O.--first they claimed closing borders would make things worse--huh? They deny Taiwan participation and now, according to Breitbart:

The agency’s director-general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, released a document that cautioned those who associate the viral epidemic with “China,” “Wuhan” or “Asia” in particular to be more aware of people’s feelings.

He said the “stigma” around coronavirus is “more dangerous than the virus itself.” https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/03/03/world-health-organization- warns-against-hurtful-words-damaged-feelings-in-coronavirus-fight/

"More dangerous than the virus itself"? Yeah, tell that to the people who have died. Now they are estimating that 750 to 1500 people have the Chinese Wuhan virus in my county in Washington State. Yesterday I heard that a 40-year-old man in perfect health died from it. So far, six people have died from the Asian virus in the Seattle area--more to come.


Anonymous said...

More to come was correct. Now, Tuesday, the death toll from the Chinese virus is up to 9.

Anonymous said...

Don't use the term Black Death either. Might give some folks the wrong idea.