Sun, Mar 1, 2020 9:25 a.m.
UK Daily Mail Reports on Texas Kenyan Killer Case; Most US Media Continue Blackout
Ann Corcoran posted: "Last Wednesday I reported the latest news in the dreadful serial killer case in Texas where Kenyan Billy Chemirmir is now charged in 14 murders of vulnerable senior women and where another 8 indictments could soon follow (possibly more as the investigatio"
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UK Daily Mail Reports on Texas Kenyan Killer Case; Most US Media Continue Blackoutby Ann Corcoran
Last Wednesday I reported the latest news in the dreadful serial killer case in Texas where Kenyan Billy Chemirmir is now charged in 14 murders of vulnerable senior women and where another 8 indictments could soon follow (possibly more as the investigation (we hope) is continuing).

In May 2019, Kenyan Satellite News reported on the reaction to Chemirmir's arrest in his home village in Kenya.
I have noticed that whenever the US mainstream media is chicken to report news that they know is explosive involving a 'new American' who wasn't here for a better life, but is here to commit heinous crimes, the UK Daily Mail steps into the breach.
You can read the Daily Mail story yourself. I'm not sure where they get the 1000 number.
And, I don't know why they reference Nigeria in the summary, but do mention his Kenyan roots in the story itself.
Accused serial killer healthcare worker tied to a THOUSAND unexplained deaths of elderly patients is indicted on additional murder charges
The story prompted me to have a look this morning to see which major news outlets in the US have even mentioned the story that first broke in May 2019.
Here is my sample (the story has been widely covered in Texas):
Washington Post: Most recent mention---July 2019
Always the British tabloid publications able and willing to touch material the American media hesitant to report. Hooray for the English. This bad guy too needs to receive the death penalty.
jerry pdx
With Samuel Little in the news, possibly the most prolific serial killer ever in the US, giving another black serial killer, who might challenge Little for the crown, is just a little too much so the media will continue the blackout. This is the game the media plays, maintain the code of silence about the wave of black serial killers that have murdered so many (mostly women) and pretend it's still whitey's thing.
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