Tuesday, March 03, 2020

"OOPS! Brit Hume Accidentally Tweets Out His Computer Search History Showing He Has an Interest in 'Sexy Vixen Vinyl'"

By R.C.


You can’t make this s--t up!

So, who’s the sexy vixen in vinyl?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

NBC did one better,bringing Tom Brokaw out at the end of the "Super Tuesday " festivities,to do his impression of Joe Pesci.Brokaw's voice is actually a combination of Pesci and George Burns now,and while recalling 1968,he combined Bobby Kennedy and MLK's name:"Back then there was the Chicago convention and the assassination of Bobby King."
That one I had forgotten about.
Maybe he'll tell the story of the shooting of John X or Malcolm Kennedy if NBC lets him on again.Still,he's more of a newsman than any of the other idiots assembled--including Chuck Todd,Holt and Andrea Mitchell.
But there comes a time for even Brokaw to call it quits--like 3 years ago.

I saw about 5 minutes of NBC coverage and 5 of CBS(which I commented on elsewhere).
The former CEO,Jack Welch would have fired all of them--except Brokaw--who was his "Nightly News" guy back in the 90s.