Monday, March 02, 2020

On February 23, Clashes between Supporters and Opponents of the CAA Broke Out in Majority Muslim Neighbourhoods in NE Delhi (Videos)

By R.C.
Mon, Mar 2, 2020 10:55 p.m.

On February 23, clashes between supporters and opponents of the CAA broke out in majority Muslim neighbourhoods in the northeast of Delhi. Videos on social media show violence being carried out by young men who claim to be Hindu and according to our Obser

"Who are India's RSS, the Hindu Nationalists Accused of Violence towards Muslims?"

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R.C.: Hindu nationalists?

Or white nationalists?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

RSS. Largest voluntary organization in the world. Practice marital arts and stick fighting. Want a Hindu India and are getting it and will violence if they need to. Favorite weapon is a jug of kerosene. Douse you with the kerosene and set you on fire. India is not all Mahatma Ghandi.