Monday, March 02, 2020

Breaking News: Supreme Court Announces It Will Decide Fate of ObamaCare

-----Original Message-----
From: New York Post <>
To: add1dda <>
Sent: Mon, Mar 2, 2020 10:18 a.m.
Subject: Breaking: Supreme Court announces it will decide fate of ObamaCare

A decision is not likely before the November presidential election.
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MAR 02, 2020



Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Shots were heard being fired as immigrants attempted to cross into Greece:
This the future of warfare, or cold war tactics, Muslim countries on the border of Europe will unleash waves of "migrants" as cannon fodder. I have some thoughts on this, number one of which is that I really don't blame Turkey, Libya or any other country that is a launching point for illegal migrants, it's the asylum policies and the open border loons within Europe itself that are the problem. If asylum policies were ended, illegals aggressively expelled, illegals immediately disqualified from qualifying for citizenship and laws forbidding employment of illegals actually enforced then there wouldn't be a problem in the first place.

Check out the 1st photo in the article, it shows a nice well dressed and well fed family with rosy cheeked children as if that is the typical migrant. And those evil Greeks are "shooting" at them...oh please, this is typical media manipulation that gives the impression that illegals are all families. That is likely a staged photo op. To be fair, this article, unlike most, does state that most of the migrants in Turkey trying to cross the border are men, though it doesn't point out that they are mostly young men and that the percentage is more like 99% young men.

This second article is a little more deceptive than the 1st, but this is the BBC and that is to be expected. It's about Greece suspending asylum applications for a month (how about forever?) then runs pictures of "family" migrants as if they represent the whole herd. The top picture caption states "many children" are arriving at Lesbos (island where Turkey holds migrants):
"Many" children? many are named Abdul, stand close to 6 ft. tall and have full beards, but claim to be 15 or 16?

Also stated in this article is that people were seen "wading through the water". What??? You mean people were wading across the Mediterranean to get to Greece? That would be quite a feat, better send money to the George Soros Open Borders Foundation so those "waders" have decent boats.

You can tell that open borders operatives write these articles, they are filled with sly and deceptive ways of eliciting sympathy for these illegal invaders but throw in little bits of actual truth here and there to maintain a semblance of credibility. Personally, my conclusion on that is they don't even need to bother with bits of truth, too much of the general public of the West is too brain dead to put the clues together, they simply go with the deceptive impression handed to them.

Who knows who "shot" guns while the illegals were invading, most likely it was somebody among the invaders themselves, Soros or EU operatives or the Turkish army trying to chase them out of Turkey and into Greece. They knew it would be reported by the media and make the Greeks look bad.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
I'll never forgive Obama for the tax penalty for not having health insurance. Another way of pulling money out of our pockets for an essentially useless program. Obamacare isn't "universal health insurance" but a system of tax bennies designed to benefit the pharma industrial complex and take money from the middle class. Very little of that money filters to the middle class but what little does goes disproportionately to illegals, drug addicts, criminals & hypochondriacs.