Monday, March 02, 2020

74 Jewish Groups Express Their Support for a Worldwide COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Pandemic

By A Friend

Mon, Mar 2, 2020 11:49 p.m.

"74 Jewish Groups Condemn Racism against Chinese over COVID-19 Outbreak."


Anonymous said...

If the Tzu fits...wear it.The chinks were stupid,the towelheads in Iran were stupid and WE were stupid to allow one person back from countries(or cruise ships) with COVID-19 outbreaks.
Now there are reports that the CDC allowed someone who tested positive for COVID-19 to just walk out of a hospital.
This crap biological weapon from China will be spreading from coast to coast.Only disinformation from health organizations will prevent it from being labeled a massive contagion and a killer.
I hope I'm wrong.
Ahhhh Tzu.

Anonymous said...

For people who are supposed to be smart, an awful lot of Jews are REALLY stupid. I am married to a Chinese woman and I sure want to stop Chinese from coming here and spreading a disease which could kill her. And it makes perfect sense to avoid places where Chinese are apt to be found because who knows how many have been to China recently. Note that if a person coming from China is a US citizen or permanent resident, quarantine is voluntary and who knows how many obey it? We should also stop Koreans and Italians from coming in until the corona virus epidemic ends.

Anonymous said...

Prudence as a response a possible global epidemic is racism? I guess if the Jews say it is so then it is so. And even if it is not so just agree anyhow. Nicholas will understand.