Sunday, August 31, 2014
Stand with Rep. Steve King Against Dictator Obama’s Illegal Mass Amnesty
Barack Obama is close to giving amnesty to millions of illegal aliens. Sign and RETWEET to take a stand!
— Steve King (@SteveKingIA) August 27, 2014
San Antonio: Another Raceless, Nameless Perp Sought in Double Shooting
Which is a wee bit funny, as his photo is shown.
[N.S.: The EN’s overmatched editors were apparently caught between revisions. Just imagine what it must be like to be one of the SAPD’s “editors,” constantly having to convert rapes into misdemeanors, and murders into manslaughters?]
Man sought in shooting of two children
By Mark D. Wilson : August 30, 2014 : Updated: August 30, 2014 11:28pm
San Antonio Express-News
Photo By Courtesy SAPD
Suspected shooter Joe Ramos Mercado.
SAN ANTONIO — A man was on the run Saturday after two children were shot in the head during a domestic disturbance on the Southeast Side.
Both are expected to survive, police said.
The shooting happened about 1 p.m. in the 200 block of Anton Drive.
A boy, 6, and a girl, 11, were rushed to area hospitals with multiple gunshot wounds after shots were fired at a car in which they were sitting during an argument between their mother and a man with whom she was in a relationship.
Police were seeking Joe Ramos Mercado in connection with the shooting. He is described as in his 30s, about 5-foot-11 and weighing about 200 pounds.
The children and their mother weren't identified.
Police said a man had been arguing with the children's mother in the moments before the shooting.
The mother got into a tan Kia Forte with the children and attempted to leave. As she did, the man allegedly grabbed a handgun from inside the house and began firing at the vehicle with the woman and the children inside.
Witnesses reported hearing six to seven gunshots.
A neighbor who requested not to be identified said she saw the mother scream and run toward a nearby house with a child in her arms.
After firing on the family, police said, the man jumped into the Forte and fled on Anton Drive toward Goliad Road.
The girl was grazed on her head, among other wounds, but is expected to recover. She was taken to University Hospital.
Police said the boy was in critical condition and underwent surgery at San Antonio Military Medical Center shortly after the shooting.
When apprehended, police said, Mercado will face two counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.
Twitter: @MDWilsonSA
Ann Coulter and Her Christian Critics
I planned to respond to my critics this week, but, unfortunately, there’s nothing to respond to. They call me names, say I’m cruel, malicious, not a Christian, compare me to Howard Stern and cite the titles of my books as if they are self-refuting. (Zippy, aren’t they?)
In other words, it feels like a book tour….
Read the whole thing at VDARE.
Hispanic Man Killed in San Antonio Hit ID’ed
“A man killed in a West Side home-invasion that police said appeared to be a “hit” has been identified. Cipriano Aguillar, 20, was shot to death in an apartment in the 2500 block of Suzette when two masked gunmen entered the apartment and opened fire….”
The Obvious Solution to ISIS
“ISIS fighters hold their weapons as they stand on confiscated cigarettes before setting them on fire in the city of Raqqa,April 2, 2014. REUTERS/Stringer”
By Nicholas Stix
At Ex-Army Libertarian Nationalist.
Saturday, August 30, 2014
St. Louis Rams End Michael Sam Publicity Stunt, Cut Incompetent Activist; MSM Give Propaganda Cover for Move; Rams Coach Jeff Fisher Says All the Right Things
Re-posted by Nicholas Stix
I tried many times to get the URL to the page, but it kept freezing, which also occurred when I tried to leave comments. I left a few, but lost about 90 minutes of my life. The Houston Chronicle Web page is loaded up with bad script, which constantly caused my pc to freeze, even after shutting down Mozilla, and even shutting down and re-booting my pc altogether. At present, a bunch of militant homosexualist commenters have moved in, with their Orwellian tactics, claiming to care only about football, asserting that Sam was a serious prospect before he came out, and denouncing real fans for not caring enough about the game.
Rams cut Sam, 1st openly gay player drafted
By R.B. FALLSTROM, AP Sports Writer | August 30, 2014 | Updated: August 30, 2014 5:27 p.m.
AP-Houston Chronicle
Comments [over 100]
Former Missouri player Michael Sam watches pregame festivities before the start of the South Dakota State-Missouri NCAA college football game Saturday, Aug. 30, 2014, in Columbia, Mo. Sam, the first openly gay player drafted by an NFL team, was released by St. Louis Rams Saturday. (Photo by L.G. Patterson/AP)
[ST. LOUIS (AP) — The St. Louis Rams cut Michael Sam, the first openly gay player drafted by an NFL team. Coach Jeff Fisher repeated over and over that it was purely a football decision.
"I will tell you this: I was pulling for Mike," Fisher said at news conference on Saturday. "I really was, and I don't say that very often. Mike came in here and did everything we asked him to do."
The seventh-round pick has been forthright and confident as his progress was watched as closely as any rookie in the league. He has been cheered by athletes and celebrities. In the end, the defensive end couldn't make a team stocked with pass rushers and lost out to undrafted Ethan Westbrooks, who proved more productive and more versatile.
Sam still has a chance to get picked up by another team or to make the Rams' practice squad. Wherever he lands, Fisher said "there will be no challenge, no challenges whatsoever" for the team that signs him.
"He's not about drawing attention to himself," Fisher said. "He kept his head down and worked and you can't ask anything more out of any player for that matter."
[Right. He only made a national spectacle out of himself, in order to get himself drafted.]
On Twitter, roughly an hour after he was cut, Sam wrote "The most worthwhile things in life rarely come easy, this is a lesson I've always known. The journey continues."
He also thanked the Rams and city of St. Louis on Twitter, adding that he looks forward to a long and successful career.
Earlier Saturday, he attended Missouri's opener in Columbia, a 1 1/2-hour drive west on I-70 from Rams Park. He was introduced to the crowd in the end zone alongside defensive E.J. Gaines, a sixth-round pick who made the team.
Sam blew a kiss and waved to the crowd, then walked back to the sideline. He posed for a few pictures then started looking at his phone and headed for the locker room.
Fisher personally delivered the news to the 20 others released in meetings Friday and Saturday, but Sam learned via cell phone. Fisher plans to meet with Sam on Sunday.
"He said 'Yes sir,' and he said, 'I understand.' He said, 'Thanks for the opportunity,' and I said, 'Mike, I'm looking forward to visiting with you tomorrow,' and he goes, 'I am, too.'"
The Rams selected Sam, the SEC co-defensive player of the year at Missouri, with the 249th overall pick out of 256 overall. After he was picked, he kissed his boyfriend as a national television audience looked on, and arrived brimming with confidence and with a quick retort for anyone who contended he was in the NFL only because he came out.
["[H]e kissed his boyfriend as a national television audience looked on….” “He's not about drawing attention to himself.”]
Fisher was proud to have made the landmark pick, but he made clear from the start that he chose Sam because he thought he had the talent to make it.
[My b.s. detector just exploded.]
The cameras followed, but the extra attention did not seem to faze Sam or his teammates. Veteran defensive end Chris Long noted rosters are always made up of players from different backgrounds. Players said Sam was part of their family.
Fisher called the draft pick a "second historic moment" for a franchise that signed running back Kenny Washington in 1946 as the league's first black player in the modern era, but he was most interested in describing Sam as a way to upgrade the Rams' defense. So was general manager Les Snead, who referred to Sam after the draft as a "designated pass rusher." Sam shed weight to be faster for special teams duty, reporting at 257 pounds, but Fisher said after the preseason opener that Sam would have to make the team based on defensive end play.
Sam had a sack in that game and said afterward, "You know, I can play in this league. I can play in this league."
Sam came out publicly following his final season at Missouri, though he had told his teammates before it began. The Tigers went on to tie a school record with 12 wins. Sam had 11 1/2 sacks and the lightly-regarded Tigers won the SEC Eastern Division, a huge step forward after going 5-7 during the first season in their new conference.
"If you look at our season, it didn't hurt us at all," recalled cornerback E.J. Gaines, a fellow rookie and former Missouri teammate. "If anything, it brought us closer."
Sam was lightly regarded out of Hitchcock, Texas, a town of about 7,000 along the Gulf Coast about 40 miles southeast of Houston. His first two years at Missouri, Sam backed up Aldon Smith and Jacquies Smith, both of whom are in the NFL.
From the start, teammates seemed to like having Sam around. [Who are you kidding?!] His energy was infectious and, if there were problems, they stayed behind closed doors. Publicly, Sam was just another late-round pick trying to make the Rams, which, like other NFL teams, held sensitivity training [!] early in camp. The Oprah Winfrey Network put off a planned documentary on Sam, saying it would allow him to focus on his dream of making the team.
At one point, Sam's Rams jersey was the No. 2 seller among rookies online, trailing only Cleveland's Johnny Manziel, and Sam was among just 10 draftees selected by the NFL to be featured on commemorative coins. Sam headed to the ESPY Awards to pick up the Arthur Ashe Courage award. He got a hug from Hall of Famer Jim Brown on his way to the stage and fought back tears throughout his speech. [Jim Brown: Still a cancer on the NFL.]
He told the audience: "Great things can happen when you have the courage to be yourself."
As Reward for Corrupting Her Own Corruption Prosecution of Black Supremacist Dallas County Commissioner John Wiley Price, Obama and Holder Appoint Affirmative Action Mediocrity Sarah Saldana to New Job, Tasked with Subverting the Nation’s Immigration Laws
[Previously, at WEJB/NSU:
“Black Supremacist Dallas County Commissioner John Wiley Price Has a History of Racist Violence While in Office.”]
By A Texas Reader
No bias here, right?
A token Mexican with a federal government job moves to another federal government job? And her new job is charged with enforcing this country's immigration laws, i.e., forcibly deporting millions of her fellow La Raza parasites.
Not only this, but the federal prosecutor's Dallas office has botched the investigation into the corruption of Dallas County Commissioner John Wiley Price.
Everyone in Dallas knows Price is just as corrupt as Ray Nagin, former mayor of New Orleans.
Ditto Kwame Kilpatrick, former mayor of Detroit.
So, why the delay in Price's trial date?
[N.S.: John Wiley Price is the most notorious black supremacist in Dallas. I am convinced that he is a member of the genocidal Nation of Islam.]
“Dallas prosecutor Sarah Saldaña is headed for one of toughest federal jobs.”
Allah is Great! It’s National Bacon Day!
Moslem Baconites prostrate themselves in Midtown Manhattan, in celebration of Bacon Day!

If Mohammed were still alive, he’d eat a pound of bacon today, in celebration of the holiest day of the year!
(From the Jyllands-Posten)
Why Malls Die
May 17, 2012
[Re: “Dallas Mall Seeks to Cheat Death.”]
NorthPark mall is perhaps the finest indoor shopping mall in America, and it has long been a haven of calm, couth, and civilized behavior. But once the local transit authority built a light rail station nearby, the mall has been suddenly flooded with packs of cruising Negroes.
And, as always, Negroes = Trouble.
You have to understand the demographics of Dallas to get the true impact of this story. NorthPark is the Vatican of White Dallas. It is the last refuge of the White World, the last place a white Dallasite could go to escape the creeping horror from the south side of town. It is populated mainly by upper-class white ladies of the Junior League type, clean-cut white professional men, and the creamy-skinned, blonde-haired, white honey-pie daughters of same.
And then the authorities built a high-speed rail line linking this oasis of White civilization with the darkest heart of Ooga-Booga Land. Imagine running a pipeline for raw sewage into Saint Peter's and you'll get the impact the rail station has had on NorthPark.
But the 'Park is a high-end outfit. The tenants are Barneys, Neiman's, Nordstrom, Tiffany, and lots of high-end boutiques. The people that shop there are not Wal-Mart customers. They are not used to Negro behavior. They live in all-white enclaves and send their kids to all-white schools. To them, blacks are either Cool, like the models in the Italian suit ads they see in Town & Country; Cute, like the artfags, gay Negroes, and clowns they see at gallery shows, in chic clubs, and on TV; or they are Cowboys -- that is, professional athletes. The typical NorthPark shopper knows only the "theoretical Negro," the Negro that they have experienced second-hand. They have no knowledge of what American black people are really like.
And now they are finding out. Hence, the new rules.
There was once a time when Dallas whites could have pulled off a gimmick like this policy. The cops and judges were all white, after all, and the local media could be counted on to look the other way. Those days are over. You can expect to see protests, marching, and Angry Negroes on TV demanding an end to this "outrage" any day now. Local professional rabble-rouser John Wiley Price will attack some North Dallas soccer mom's SUV as she pulls into the parking structure. A visit from the Rev. Al, the Rev. Jesse, and the SPLC may follow. The media will descend on the story of the "Mall That Hated Black People" like a flock of vultures.
And the next thing you'll see is the white owners of NorthPark on TV, announcing the end to this "misguided and unfair" policy, and sacking the ceremonial Fall Guy.
And then NorthPark will go the way of Red Bird Mall, Town East, Valley View, Vista Ridge, and so many other area shopping centers: it will be overrun by Negroes, then by cholos, then by tweakers. The fights come next. Then somebody gets shot. Barneys, Neiman's, Nordstrom and Tiffany decamp for Allen or McKinney, or whatever small town the white people are fleeing to.
And finally NorthPark will die. Its corpse may live on as Plaza de la Raza or Saigon Shopping City, but the NorthPark we all knew, loved, and grew up in will be dead and gone.
Because of Negroes. Because we wouldn't keep out the Negroes.
Black Supremacist Dallas County Commissioner John Wiley Price Has a History of Racist Violence While in Office
Of course, his violent assaults and batteries against whites just make him all the more popular among his black supremacist constituents.
Today in Dallas photo history – 1991: County Commissioner John Wiley Price involved in downtown scuffles
By Jerome Sims / Photo Librarian
7:00 am on August 2, 2013
Dallas Morning News
Dallas County Commissioner John Wiley Price is held by Dallas Morning News security guard Clayton Leffall as jogger Larry Buck sits on the curb at Young Street on Friday after a scuffle. TDMN staff photo by Richard Wright
From The Dallas Morning News, August 3, 1991
Dallas County Commissioner John Wiley Price was involved in two altercations Friday afternoon that could result in the filing of assault charges against him. A man involved in one of the fights suffered a broken ankle.
The man, a carpenter, was working on a movie set at the Dallas County Administration Building at the time. The fight started after Mr. Price and workers argued over construction equipment that was blocking the street.
That incident occurred about 90 minutes after Mr. Price fought with a jogger during a protest outside the offices of WFAA-TV (Channel 8) and The Dallas Morning News.
[Price doesn't "fight" with whites, he sucker punches or jumps them.]
Both men said they wanted to press charges against Mr. Price, but police were investigating the incidents and said they probably wouldn’t decide until next week whether to file assault charges against the commissioner.
Tim Short, a carpenter on the set of the movie Ruby, was released from Baylor University Medical Center Friday evening after treatment for a broken right ankle, a sprained right thumb and cuts and bruises, hospital officials said.
Mr. Short and Mr. Price have words. TDMN archive photo [That would presumably be before Price broke Short's ankle.]
That incident began shortly before 1:30 p.m. as Mr. Price stopped his car on Elm Street while movie workers moved materials and equipment out of his way. Mr. Price said he had to slam on his brakes when a workman sawing wood in the street stuck out a board.
“The guy didn’t say “excuse me’ or nothing,’ Mr. Price said.
After parking his car on an adjacent lot, Mr. Price approached the men. Accounts of what happened next differ.
Mr. Short, 32, said he tried to intervene when Mr. Price and another construction worker began arguing about the equipment.
“I tried to tell him we’re not a problem, that we’d get out of his way,’ Mr. Short said. “But Price pushed me forward and started choking me.’
Mr. Price said the workers attacked him.
“I went around there to talk to them about blocking the street, and they advanced on me,’ Mr. Price said.
The commissioner said that one worker attacked him, and that he grabbed the man by the neck and rammed him into the sidewalk. A second worker then grabbed Mr. Price, and the man he was holding tried to knee him in the groin, the commissioner said.
“I just came unglued and started punching and kicking,’ Mr. Price said. “The fight was on.’
Employees in Mr. Price’s office who said they witnessed the fight said several of the men were on top of Mr. Price. They also said the movie workers had “mouthed off’ to the commissioner as he waited in his car for them to move the material and again when he approached them.
“I wasn’t really paying any attention to that,’ Mr. Price said. “I started paying attention when they advanced on me.’
However, Mr. Short said the commissioner accused the workers of being white racists and shouted profanities at them. Mr. Price then began choking and punching him, Mr. Short said. He said a woman with Mr. Price hit him over the head several times with a purse.
“They kept backing up and it threw me into the curb,’ Mr. Short said. “That’s when I heard my ankle snap.’
Bruce Richardson, an artist on the movie set, said the two-term commissioner was angry as he approached Mike Fisher, the production company foreman, and began to argue with him. He said Mr. Short tried to persuade Mr. Price to leave Mr. Fisher alone.
“He (Mr. Price) lunged into him and started choking him,’ Mr. Richardson said. “He (Mr. Price) put him in a choke hold and they were wrestling all over the ground. Price’s people kept yelling, “Come on, John, stop it.’ ‘
Court records show that Mr. Short was arrested on charges of aggravated assault and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon in 1977 but that the charges were dismissed. He received a probationary 60-day jail sentence for theft in 1977 and was found not guilty on a 1981 assault charge.
Mr. Short could not be reached to comment on those incidents.
Police said they did not arrest Mr. Price after the confrontation because they didn’t fear he would flee and were unclear of the circumstances of the fight.
Police Lt. Kirk Stewart said felony assault or Class A misdemeanor assault charges could be filed, depending on the severity of Mr. Short’s injuries.
The distinction between felony and misdemeanor charges could be significant because state law bars convicted felons from holding elective office.
The main difference between the charges is the degree of injury. According to statutes, felony aggravated assault may be charged when the victim receives a “serious bodily injury,’ defined as an injury that poses “a substantial risk of death or that causes death, serious permanent disfigurement, or protracted loss or impairment of the function of any bodily member or organ.’
“I guess a broken ankle could be serious bodily injury,’ said Assistant District Attorney Mike Gillett, noting that there are numerous cases interpreting the meaning of that phrase.
Additional charges alleging assault of another construction worker involved in the fight also could be filed against the commissioner, Lt. Stewart said.
Police also may file assault charges against Mr. Price in connection with the earlier incident involving a jogger Friday during the protest outside WFAA and The News. Mr. Price and supporters have been demonstrating almost daily outside the television station, which they accuse of insensitive news coverage and discriminatory hiring and promotion practices.
The jogger, Larry Buck, 40, of Lancaster said he was tackled and beaten by Mr. Price as the jogger ran through a group of pickets on Young Street in front of the newspaper.
“I saw a big circle and a big gap (in the crowd), and joggers don’t like to take any extra steps, so I just tried to go through the gap,’ Mr. Buck said immediately afterward. “Mr. Price then body-slammed me to the ground. . . . He attacked me for no good reason.’
Some protesters said the jogger started the incident.
“The guy tried to run over our children,’ said the Rev. Robert Hadley, past president of the Dallas chapter of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. “He almost ran over me. I ducked out of the way, and he ran into John.’
Mr. Buck, who said he regularly jogs past the building, said Mr. Price should have let him pass through the picket line.
“He had no reason to do that,’ said Mr. Buck. “They have no right to block the sidewalk. I am going to press charges against him.’
Mr. Buck was not seriously injured.
Mr. Price is appealing a February conviction on misdemeanor criminal mischief charges. That stemmed from a Dec. 7 incident in which he damaged the windshield wipers of a Plano woman’s van during a demonstration at the Dallas offices of KXAS-TV (Channel 5).
Last summer, Dallas police Officer Robert Bernal accused Mr. Price of threatening him with a submachine gun after the officer shouted an obscenity at the commissioner. The two men later apologized to each other, and no criminal charges were filed.
Staff writers Al Brumley, Todd Copilevitz, Joseph Palmore, Jason Reid and Pete Slover and The Associated Press contributed to this report.
Fred Siegel on the Moral Bankruptcy of the War on Poverty
Fred Siegel
The Poverty of Benevolence
Fifty years of the Great Society have made things worse for blacks, not better.
2 July 2014
City Journal
Please Stop Helping Us: How Liberals Make it Harder for Blacks to Succeed, by Jason Riley (Encounter Books, 205 pp., $23.99)
A half-century ago, the Great Society promised to complete the civil rights revolution by pulling African-Americans into the middle class. Today, a substantial black middle class exists, but its primary function has been, ironically, to provide custodial care to a black underclass—one ever more deeply mired in the pathologies of subsidized poverty. In Please Stop Helping Us: How Liberals Make it Harder for Blacks to Succeed, Jason Riley, an editorial writer for the Wall Street Journal who grew up in Buffalo, New York, explains how poverty programs have succeeded politically by failing socially. “Today,” writes Riley, “more than 70 percent of black children are born to unwed mothers. Only 16 percent of black households are married couples with children, the lowest of any racial group in the United States.” Riley attributes the breakdown of the black family to the perverse effects of government social programs, which have created what journalist William Tucker calls “state polygamy.” As depicted in an idyllic 2012 Obama campaign cartoon, “The Life of Julia,” a lifelong relationship with the state offers the sustenance usually provided by two parents in most middle-class families.
Riley’s own life experience gives him powerful perspective from which to address these issues. His parents divorced but both remained attentive to him and his two sisters. His sisters, however, were drawn into the sex-and-drug pleasures of inner-city “culture.” By the time he graduated from high school, his older sister was a single mother. By the time he graduated from college, his younger sister had died from a drug overdose. Riley’s nine-year-old niece teased him for “acting white.” “Why you talk white, Uncle Jason?” she wanted to know. She couldn’t understand why he was “trying to sound so smart.” His black public school teacher similarly mocked his standard English in front of the class. “The reality was,” Riley explains, “that if you were a bookish black kid who placed shared sensibilities above skin color, you probably had a lot of white friends.”
The compulsory “benevolence” of the welfare state, borne of the supposed expertise of sociologists and social planners, undermined the opportunities opened up by the end of segregation. The great hopes placed in education as a path to the middle class were waylaid by the virulence of a ghetto culture nurtured by family breakdown. Adjusted for inflation, federal per-pupil school spending grew 375 percent from 1970 to 2005, but the achievement gap between white and black students remained unchanged. Students at historically black colleges and universities, explained opinion columnist Bill Maxwell, “did not know what or whom to respect. For many, the rappers Bow Wow and 50 Cent were as important to black achievement as the late Ralph Bunche, the first black to win a Nobel Peace Prize, and Zora Neale Hurston, the great novelist.”
“Why study hard in school,” asks Riley, “if you will be held to a lower academic standard? Why change antisocial behavior when people are willing to reward it, make excuses for it, or even change the law to accommodate it?”
In the 50 years since the start of the Great Society and the expenditure of more than $20 trillion to alleviate poverty, millions of newcomers have entered America from Asia and from Africa. They generally arrived in poverty and have improved themselves by dint of self-help and hard work—those boring middle-class values that President Obama’s mentor, Reverend Jeremiah Wright, denounced so strenuously. But if, as Riley demonstrates, the Great Society programs have failed in conventional terms, they have been an overwhelming political success. Together, government workers and the recipients of government benefits make up a formidable voting bloc. Yet their very political success may also prove their undoing: President Obama’s share of the African-American vote increased between 2008 and 2012, but during that period, blacks’ share of the national income declined and their unemployment rate increased.
“Everybody has asked the question,” Frederick Douglass said in an 1865 speech, “‘What should we do with the Negro?’ I have had but one answer from the beginning. Do nothing with us! Your doing with us has already played the mischief with us. Do nothing with us! If the apples will not remain on the tree of their own strength, if they are worm-eaten at the core, if they are early ripe and disposed to fall, let them fall. . . . And if the Negro cannot stand on his own legs, let him fall also. All I ask is, give him a chance to stand on his own legs!” A century and a half later, Jason Riley echoes that advice.
Fred Siegel is a City Journal contributing editor and the author of The Revolt Against the Masses.
Another “Family” of Foreign Invader-Grifters Sues the American Taxpayers for Millions
Thanks to A Texas Reader, who wrote,
Doesn't the scientific method, and thus modern medicine, reflect the "hegemony of the white race"?
So, shouldn't this parasite have been given a potion made of cacao beans, and sent on his way?
He should have received medical care appropriate to what the Aztecs would have provided him.
Note that this “family” has already ripped off the American net taxpayers for hundreds of thousands of dollars. If anyone should be getting sued, it’s this woman.
Family of Immigrant [sic] Detainee Sues President Obama, Government for Wrongful Death
August 29, 2014 6:03 PM
Reporter Amy Johnson
LOS ANGELES ( — A [foreign] local family says it will sue President Barack Obama and several federal agencies because their loved one, an [illegal alien] immigrant being held in various detention centers, died while waiting to get medical treatment.
[Illegal alien] Nancy Luna fought back tears Friday as she discussed her husband’s [?] ordeal. At a news conference Friday, attended by CBS2’s Amy Johnson, Luna said her husband had Type 2 diabetes, and his care was neglected.
[The criminal Nancy Luna spoke entirely in Spanish. After ten years of living here illegally, the woman doesn’t speak a word of English, but she has the welfare mentality down pat! And why is she named “Luna,” if she was married to Aguilar Batista? Were they even married?]
He was held at the Metropolitan Detention Center, among other places.
Last March, Roberto Aguilar Batista, 38, died from complications of diabetes at the Dalby Correctional Facility.
“It’s so tough, because he was so young,” said Batista’s [illegal alien] niece Esmeralda Aguilar. She said her uncle was constantly writing letters.
“He was letting [his wife/CBS] know it was really tough in there. That he didn’t want to be in there,” said Aguilar.
Batista lived in the LA area for 10 years with his [illegal alien] wife and two [illegal] daughters.
He was arrested in June 2013 on suspicion of entering the country illegally.
[The accompanying video doesn’t say “on suspicion,” but simply that he was arrested for “entering the country illegally.” Adding “on suspicion” makes it sound like a non-immigration crime, where you get the presumption of innocence. But there’s no presumption of innocence for illegal aliens. If you’ve entered the country legally, you simply show the immigration authorities your visa, work permit, or green card, and they leave you alone, without arresting you. This mope was arrested, because he was guilty of being an illegal human being.]
His family says at the Metropolitan Detention Center he was denied proper care and developed kidney damage, a heart attack and blindness.
[Then he shouldn’t have broken into our country. He should have remained in the country which alleged reporter Amy Johnson refused to name, assuming she even asked Miss Luna where she and her “husband” were from, and gotten its free, world-class medical care.]
Batista was moved to three other facilities before his death.
“They gave me another medicine,” Batista wrote in a letter read by his attorney, James Segall-Gutierrez, “that de-controlled my sugar levels.”
In a letter a month before he died, he complained of not receiving proper medical care and also asked for an attorney.
The family’s attorney has filed a civil-rights complaint against Obama, the Department of Homeland Security, Immigration Customs Enforcement, the Department of Justice, the Metropolitan Detention Center and the Giles Dalby Correctional Facility.
[I know what you’re thinking—it’s poetic justice, that “Obama” and his goons should get a taste of their own medicine.]
“Everybody, even if they are undocumented, is entitled to civil rights,” said Segall-Gutierrez.
[Wrong! Illegal aliens are most certainly not entitled to civil rights. Civil rights are the rights due to citizens.]
“A man has died; he left his [illegal alien] family, two children and a loving wife,” Segall-Gutierrez said. “Unacceptable.”
The attorney said he plans to go to Washington and serve the president.
“The only reason I’m filing against the president of the United States is that he is the figure head [sic] of the United States,” Segall-Gutierrez said, “for violating the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, and particularly the article which states we would live in peace.”
[The lawyer is a liar. If anyone violated the treaty, it is his client. But at least he gave away that the grifters are Mexican, in spite of Johnson’s attempt to cover that up.]
Johnson reports there has been no comment from any of the agencies named in the complaint.
Disappearing Murders… in San Antonio
“Last year, there were 45 slayings in San Antonio through the end of August that were classified by the Police Department as murder investigations, according to data SAPD reported to the FBI. This year’s stats are, so far, much higher but still less than 2012, when the department reported 65 murder investigations through August.
“The numbers do not include slayings classified as justified homicides or manslaughters.” [“Two dead in morning shooting” by Alia Malik, San Antonio Express-News, August 28, 2014; updated August 28, 2014 7:15 p.m.]
Disappearing murders! Just turn them into manslaughter.
RNC Eunuchs Know How to Show Those Dastardly Democrats!
@GOP "Congressmembers"? If the RNC weren't such a bunch of eunuchs, you'd have said "congressmen"--and we'd be talking about "Pres. Romney."
— Nicholas Stix (@NicholasStix) August 30, 2014
Friday, August 29, 2014
The San Antonio Hate Crime Murder that the Local Media Have Given the “Gentle Giant” Treatment, and that the National Media Have Refused to Report on at All (My New VDARE Report is Up!)
“San Antonio’s Unarmed Black ‘Gentle Giant’ Occasions No Riots—Just Beats White Victim to Death with Fists” (read the whole thing here).
Obama’s “Children,” Criminal Invaders Seek to Take Over Lynn, MA; “Children” Signing Up for Public Schools Have Gray Hair, and “More Wrinkles than” the Mayor, but Obama Illegally Forbids City Officials from Verifying Their Ages!
Re-posted by Nicholas Stix
Thanks to Brad Morris, at Round Up and Deport Every Illegal Alien in the USA.
I believe that Obama's order forbidding Lynn officials from verifying the ages of its newest illegal aliens is itself illegal.
Illegals Swamp Blue Collar City
By SFC Drake | 3 comments
Aug 28, 2014
DML Daily
Obama administration is dumping hundreds of Guatemalan migrants into the blue-collar town of Lynn, Mass., boosting its education costs, forcing cuts in government services, and helping raise rental prices for Americans, according to the city’s mayor.
Many “are illiterate in both English and Spanish [and] the odds of us getting them to pass a 10th grade math test are negligible,” Judith Flanagan Kennedy, the mayor of Lynn, told reporters.
Most of the city’s residents “are very afraid to speak publicly about it, because they don’t want to be branded as a racist,” Kennedy said.
But the voters tell her, via letters, emails and conversations, that “they are very concerned about the number of people coming in,” she said.
“They want to see it stopped. They’re glad I’m speaking up about it,” she said.
The mayor of says that some of the illegal aliens from Guatemala who are enrolled in her city’s public schools are adults with graying hair and “more wrinkles than I have.”
“They are not all children,” Judith Flanagan Kennedy told reporters at a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. She added that the federal government will not allow school officials to verify their ages, even though one of the students turned out to be 35 years old. “We were told through a directive from the Department of Justice (DOJ) that we were not to question or verify – attempt to verify these ages,”
Kennedy said that the majority of those from Guatemala who are enrolling in the Lynn Public Schools claim to be between 14 and 17 years of age.
“But there were people with graying temples, hair around the temples,” said Kennedy, adding that although she did not see these individuals in person, she saw photographs of them in registration paperwork. “There were people with more wrinkles than I have around their eyes.”
Ferguson: Genocidal Nation of Islam’s New Black Panther Division Calls for Finishing Mike Brown’s Job, and Murdering White Officer Darren Wilson (Video)
A tip ‘o the hate to Conservative Free Thinkers.
Published by Jim Hoft, on Aug 16, 2014.
The New Black Panthers are raising HELL in Ferguson, Missouri on Saturday night
N.S.: Although the criminal incitement to violence in the video above took place 13 days ago, note that the Mike Brown Hoax had already been completely debunked by then. Note too that the police’s passive resistance strategy, instead of defusing matters, led to two weeks of riots.
See my blog devoted to the NOI’s murdering ways: The Zebra Project.
India: Witches Burn Indian Man Alive in Front of His Family
News from the largest democracy in the world….”Give me that old time religion….”
Breaking News: Was Michael Brown Already a Killer, When He Tried to Murder White Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson?
Charles Johnson, editor-in-chief of GotNews, filed a lawsuit in St. Louis seeking the release of Michael Brown’s juvenile criminal record, claiming they no longer need to be kept private. Johnson says law enforcement told him that Brown’s juvenile arrest record contains a second-degree murder charge and information linking him to the notorious Crips street gang.
Read more here.
Immigration-Related Double Murder in San Antonio
By Alia Malik, San Antonio Express-News : August 28, 2014 : Updated: August 28, 2014 7:15pm
A woman grieves where San Antonio police are investigating the scene of a double shooting Thursday August 28, 2014 on the 2500 block of Suzette on San Antonio's West Side. The shooting took place about 4:00 a.m. when two men entered an apartment and shot a couple to death. The shooters fled the scene in a dark SUV. A 22-year-old woman was killed and a man in his 20s was also killed. (Photo By JOHN DAVENPORT/San Antonio Express-News)
SAN ANTONIO -- The last time Imelda Adalee Rincon’s father saw her, he and his girlfriend had bought her groceries.
“She gave us a kiss goodbye,” said Yvette Garza, the nine-year girlfriend of Imelda’s father, Hector Rincon.
Hours later, two masked gunmen kicked in the door of the West Side apartment where Imelda Rincon, 22, lived with her boyfriend and shot the couple to death.
“Numerous” shots were fired at about 4 a.m. at the apartment in the 2500 block of Suzette Avenue, said Lt. Michael King of the San Antonio
Police Department. One person was found dead in the bed, while another was found dead outside the bed in the bedroom, King said.
There was no evidence of a robbery, King said. Police are investigating the double-slaying as the 59th and 60th suspected murders this year.
“They intentionally came into the apartment with the intent of killing two individuals,” King said. “It doesn’t look random. It looks like something that would be consistent with a hit, but we don’t know that for sure.”
The unknown gunmen drove away in a dark SUV, according to police. A few minutes later, officers found a small SUV on fire in the 2400 block of Pinn Road, near the crime scene. King said authorities do not yet know if the blaze was related to the shooting.
Several witnesses were taken to the homicide office to give statements. According to police, family members might have known the couple was in danger. But Imelda Rincon’s father said Thursday that he did not.
“I don’t know why they killed my daughter,” he said in Spanish, before tears came to his eyes. “She wasn’t in a gang.”
Imelda Rincon does not appear to have a criminal history, according to public records. Her father described her as a hard-working young woman who worked every day at a nearby bingo hall on Marbach Road. She was a graduate of Memorial High School.
The couple said they did not know Imelda Rincon’s boyfriend well. They knew him only as “Chucho.” Authorities have not yet released his identity.
Before daybreak, a woman ran through the crime scene tape, screaming, “No,” before police got her to stand back.
She wept loudly and said, “Where’s my baby?” while another woman held her and said, “We don’t even know if it’s him yet.”
[Donde es mi bebe?!]
A neighbor, who asked to remain anonymous for fear of retaliation, said he thought jealousy — rather than gang violence — was the motive for the killing. He said groups of men, and officers, had mistakenly knocked on his door looking for Imelda Rincon.
The neighbor said he and Imelda Rincon were friends and that she had recently broken up with another boyfriend to be with her current one.
The neighbor described Imelda Rincon as outgoing and friendly.
“It’s just sad that it happened to her,” the neighbor said. “She was a good person.”
Last year, there were 45 slayings in San Antonio through the end of August that were classified by the Police Department as murder investigations, according to data SAPD reported to the FBI. This year’s stats are, so far, much higher but still less than 2012, when the department reported 65 murder investigations through August.
The numbers do not include slayings classified as justified homicides or manslaughters.
[Disappearing murders! Just turn them into manslaughter.]
Thursday’s incident is one of several this summer that have left police dealing with crime scenes involving multiple bodies.
In June, Zachary Manciu, 19, and Michael Moore, 20, died in a shootout following an alleged robbery gone awry.
Moore and Joseph Michael Kirschberg, 21, were trying to rob the apartment where Robert Payne, 20, lived, officials have said. Payne, who had barricaded himself in his bedroom with a shotgun, called Manciu for help, but when Manciu arrived the two suspected intruders ordered him to kick down Payne’s door, police said.
Payne opened fire on his friend, believing him to be an intruder, officials have said. In the shootout that ensued, Moore was also shot and killed. Kirschberg was later arrested and has been charged with capital murder.
Last month, Hector Davila, 44, is believed to have killed his wife and daughter — Irma Davila, 41, and Destiny Davila, 13 — before shooting and killing himself at their West Side home.
Staff Writer Drew Joseph contributed to this report.
Twitter: @AliaAtSAEN
Thursday, August 28, 2014
Are These Hot Dutch and Russian Police Persons Actresses, or Just Auditioning for Sugar Daddies? (Rule 5 Draft Pics)
Dutch girl, via The Daily Caller
Russians, via The Moscow Times
Have you ever tried to cuff a bad guy who didn't want to get cuffed? I have.
Sorry, but all these girls are good for, gun or no gun, is as Moslem gang-rape-bait.
Family of Mexican Invader-Terrorist Who Tried to Stone Border Patrol Agents to Death, and Died When They Killed Him in Self-Defense, is Suing the Agent and the Feds for $40 Million
Thanks to A Texas Reader.
The mentality is the same as with blacks: Whitey must pay, and pay, and pay. He must pay by letting us rob him of his country, and if he should defend his country, then he must pay even more, forever!
Family of Mexican man killed by Border Patrol suing for $40M
By Jason Buch
August 27, 2014 : Updated: August 27, 2014 4:29pm
San Antonio Express News
The family of a Mexican man shot and killed by Border Patrol agents today sued the officials involved and the U.S. Government for $40 million.
The family of Guillermo Arevalo Pedraza are suing Agent Christopher Boatwright and his supervisors over the September 2012 killing of Arevalo on the banks of the Rio Grande in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico.
At the time, Border Patrol said the agents were responding to rock throwers on the Mexican side of the river. On Wednesday, Arevalo's family said Boatwright's shooting from a boat was unprovoked.
At a news conference, Corpus Christi attorney Bob Hilliard acknowledged that Border Patrol has changed its policies, but said the high dollar amount of the lawsuit was to ensure Border Patrol agents are deterred from unnecessary use of deadly force. [So, he hasn’t even the pretext of a fairy tale of a rationalization.]
[N.S.: So what are the policies now? Do BP officers have to run away from the rocks, or stand there and let themselves be slaughtered?]
Unbelievable! The guy is trying to sneak into this country illegally, is killed by authorities in the act of committing a crime and his family is not only suing but suing for more money than he would have made in several lifetimes.
News on Genocide in South Africa
Thanks for this article to Brad Morris at Round Up and Deport Every Illegal Alien in the USA.
Architects of the Slow War against White South Africans
August 24, 2014 at 12:57 p.m.
Since the fall of Apartheid in 1994 South Africa has seen an explosion in violent crime and in 20 short years has become the rape and murder capital of the world. This under the rule of the African National Congress (ANC).
The Urban Dictionary defines a Slow War as a war that is only visible when the big pattern is revealed over time. If you could play the seemingly-isolated events of a Slow War in speeded-up time, its real nature would be visible.
A Slow War is the opposite of the Blitzkrieg. A war so slow that you hardly notice it. A war so slow that those waging it can deny that it is actually happening. Under the fog of war they hide it as “ordinary crime”.
The end result is still the same as the Blitzkrieg. Total annihilation of the enemy.
Signs of the Slow War against Whites in South Africa:
- Afrikaans schools and universities forced to become English and taken over by blacks.
- Afrikaans language disappearing from television.
- Whites forced out of the civil service in their hundreds of thousands and replaced by incompetent blacks.
- Names of towns and streets replaced with the names of Marxist terrorists.
- 4000 white farmers killed.
- 40,000 whites robbed, raped, tortured and murdered in their homes.
Read More on “The South African Slow War”
One group has suffered greatly and their situation is getting worse by the day. Being a farmer in South Africa is officially the most dangerous job in the world. In fact you are 2.2 times more likely to be murdered as a SA farmer than a SA police officer is.
The South African farmer’s murder rate is 220 in 100,000. South Africa has been ruled by the African National Congress since 1994. In 1997 the government had the opinion that farmers were uniquely being targeted for murder.
South Africa’s then minister of safety and security Sydney Mufamadi established the joint task force of police, military and organized agriculture to develop a plan to protect farmers. It became the Rural Protection Plan and commando groups were tasked to protect the farmers.
In 1999 a “priority committee on rural safety” was created to ensure rural crime prevention strategies were treated as a national security priority. In 2001 police established an independent committee of inquiry into farm attacks. As a result from 2001-2007 police included a separate statistic for farm attacks and murders in their annual reports.
In the past decade the government’s attitude towards Afrikaans farmers as well as the European descended population has taken a 180 degree turn. The recording of farm attacks and murders were stopped in 2007 without explanation.
Then President Thabo Mbeki disbanded the commando units that same year giving the responsibility of protecting farms to the South African Police SAPs. It took eight years for the police to come up with a plan to protect farmers.
Up till 2007 the Democratic Alliance (DA) also actively supported the fight against farm attacks as reported by Mail and Guardian on 6 May 2007.
In another security-related motion, the congress called on the government to implement an effective policing policy in all rural areas, and to stop closing down commandos until sector policing units were in place.
Proposing that motion, the party’s safety and security spokesperson Diane Kohler-Barnard said it was completely unacceptable that farmers, who fed the nation and had irreplaceable skills, should be left unprotected and exposed in the face of increasing farm attacks.
Why did the DA stop supporting the fight against farm attacks in South Africa? Political incorrect to support the White minority in South Africa? Gain support of the masses by only addressing the issue of “ordinary crime”?
“The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything.” – Albert Einstein
South Africa Today – South Africa News
Great Moments in Criminal Justice Affirmative Action: Black New York City “Role Model” Gets Attempted Murder Reduced to … Nothing (Revised and Expanded)
Re-posted by Nicholas Stix
“Rockaway Youth Task Force”? Is that just a fancy name for a criminal gang?
Youth Leader Gets Plea Deal [Embargoed for two weeks, except with a paid subscription]
By Jonathan Wolfe
August 22, 2014
The Wave
Milan Taylor, president and founder of the Rockaway Youth Task Force, accepted a plea offer from the District Attorney’s Office on Monday,Aug.18, and pled guilty on charges of disorderly conduct. [The inadequate spacing was in the original.]
On June 5, Taylor was arrested at the RYTF headquarters after an altercation with a woman [Riána Sherwood, see story below] in his office. The woman reported that Taylor attacked her, threw her on the couch, and choked her, according to the criminal complaint.
Taylor was originally charged with assault, criminal obstruction of breathing and second degree [sic] harassment, also according to the complaint. [“Criminal obstruction of breathing” used to be either attempted murder or felony assault.]
He pled guilty to the lesser charge of disorderly conduct and will undergo eight weeks of anger management [sic]. If Taylor completes the eight weeks of anger management, then his case will receive a conditional discharge, according to law enforcement sources. [All he has to do is intimidate his victims over the next six months out of going to the police, and his record for this crime will be expunged.]
The woman [Riána Sherwood] who filed the complaint against Taylor was granted a full order of protection for one year. [That and $3.00 will get you on the subway—$2.50 normal fare, plus a goddamned-fool surcharge, for relying on the courts. The only real orders of protection are issued by Judges Smith & Wesson.]
The Rockaway Youth Task Force is a non-profit organization whose mission is to [shake down local businesses and the city taxpayers] empower [muggers] youth in the Rockaway community “through civic engagement and volunteer activities,” according to the website.
Taylor, who is also a member of the Community Board, founded RYTF in 2011 and is an active member of the [criminal] community.
[This is tough journalism. The “reporter” had already repeatedly emphasized the thug’s “community” work, but felt compelled to say it yet again.]
…continued on page 6
…continued from page 1
Like Taylor, Denean Ferguson is a co-chair of the Far Rockaway/Arverne Non-Profit Coalition, of which RYTF is a member agency.
Ferguson says that RYTF is, “a great idea and a great initiative,” and she calls their work “fantastic.” However, Ferguson adds that RYTF is an important organization, not because of its volunteer work, but rather as a vehicle for presenting young role models to the community.
Taylor, “is someone they look up to,” she says. [They look up to him because they know that he’s the kind of guy who is ready to strangle anyone who gets in his way.] He should make an apology to his organization and make it clear that this behavior was unacceptable and as their leader work to meet their expectations as a positive role model.” [Missing opening quotation marks.]
[This Denean Ferguson lady sounds great. I just hope she has a paid-up, fancy life insurance policy. Ditto, of course, for Taylor’s unnamed victim, Riána Sherwood, and for the ones who haven’t yet gone to the authorities.]
Ferguson also says that she feels uncomfortable with the idea of having Taylor represent the Far Rockaway/Arverne Non-Profit Coalition.
[Black supremacist reparationista] New York State Senator James Sanders Jr., who nominated Taylor to his position on Community Board 14, reacted to Monday’s proceedings in an email.
“As an elected official, I have nothing but respect for our judicial process and their independence,” he wrote. “I remain committed to spreading awareness about the horrors of domestic violence in our community.” [But nobody said that Taylor and his victim were lovers. Translation: Sanders is pleased as punch his black guy got off.]
Sanders indicated he would like to sit down with Taylor and [congratulate him for sort of beating the rap] hear his side of the story. [‘B---h set me up!’]
“Domestic violence continues to wreak havoc in our community,” Sanders continued. [There’s that DV line again. Is he just BSing the reporter, or were attacker and victim lovers?] “I remain committed to women in affording them protection as well as stopping the cycle of abuse.”
Councilman Donovan Richards declined to comment for this story. Dolores Orr, Chairwoman of Community Board 14, did not return calls requesting comment.
On Tuesday, Taylor made it clear that he did not intend to step down from his position at Rockaway Youth Task Force and refused to provide further comment for this story.
Victim Blasts Plea Deal for Rockaway Youth Leader Accused [sic] of Assault
By Katie Honan @katie_honan
August 21, 2014 1:12 p.m.
Milan Taylor, seen with Mayor Michael Bloomberg, allegedly choked a woman inside the offices of the Rockaway Youth Task Force. [Since he took the plea deal and the anger management classes, he has admitted to his guilt. Thus, the presumption of innocence is out, and journalists no longer need use the phrase “allegedly.” The practice of referring to convicted black criminals as having “allegedly” committed crimes was founded by black supremacists, who refuse to ever admit that a black was ever guilty of any crimes under “the white man’s law,” and use “allegedly” sarcastically.]
FAR ROCKAWAY — The woman who was allegedly [sic] choked by the president of a local youth group blasted the plea deal given to him by the district attorney's office, saying he is not fit to lead the peninsula's young people.
Riána Sherwood, 25, was allegedly [sic] thrown onto a couch inside the Rockaway Youth Task Force's office by the group's president, Milan Taylor, 25, on June 5, according to the criminal complaint.
He then placed his hand on the [sic] her neck and choked her, the court documents said. Her iPhone was also allegedly [sic] damaged in the assault.
Taylor, who co-founded the RYTF in 2010 and is also a member of Community Board 14, was charged with assault, criminal obstruction of breathing and second degree harassment, according to the complaint.
But he pleaded guilty instead to disorderly conduct before his trial on Aug. 18. He must complete eight weeks of anger management [sic], according to the Queens District Attorney's Office.
If Taylor was convicted of assault in the third degree, he would have faced a maximum sentence of one year incarceration, a source said.
[But what if he had been convicted of “criminal obstruction of breathing”? Why did the reporter single out a seemingly Mickey Mouse charge, instead of the big one? Well, it turns out that they’re ALL Mickey Mouse charges!
“Criminal obstruction of breathing” is a Mickey Mouse, affirmative action misdemeanor offense, i.e., a crime for which a conviction cannot result in a sentence of more than one year in jail, as opposed to a felony, a conviction of which in theory brings a sentence of at least one year and one day in state prison.
The relevant New York State criminal statute, “CRIMINAL OBSTRUCTION OF BREATHING OR BLOOD CIRCULATION (A Misdemeanor) PENAL LAW 121.11(a) or (b)” went into effect on November 11, 2010 (pdf).
I wonder what group or groups would enjoy a disparate impact from having thousands of violent felonies committed by its members reduced, as if by magic, to piddling misdemeanors?]
Sherwood was also granted a full order of protection for one year against Taylor. The victim, who said she is a co-founder of the group, said she has known Taylor for more than 10 years, during which time he exhibited "irrational behavior." She did not elaborate.
But she "never expected him to do what he has done to me, especially not to this extreme," she told DNAinfo New York.
She hopes the situation will "serve as an example to anyone else who is being or who has been abused by him within the organization or outside of the organization."
No other allegations have [yet] surfaced against Taylor.
"He is clearly controlled by his temper, which is not an ideal characteristic when leading young people," she said.
Taylor declined comment.
Hank Williams Jr.’s “Country Boy Can Survive”—an Anthem of the American Resistance?
Back in October 2011, Hank Williams Jr. stuck his neck out, and equated the dictator calling himself “Barack Obama” with Hitler.
At that point, Williams had opened every game of Monday Night Football for 22 years by singing, “Are You Ready for Some Football?!” ABC Sports retaliated, by firing him.
Williams responded with the song, “Keep the Change.”
“Keep the Change” isn’t a serious song; it’s a musical op-ed. What follows, however, is probably the most political real country song ever made. It’s also a great song, with Cajun blues and bluegrass chords, Williams’ own powerful lyrics, and that baritone-bass voice of his, which seems to emanate from the bowels of the earth.
“Country Boy Can Survive” (with Lyrics)
AllCountryLyrics's channel.
A Country Boy Can Survive
By Hank Williams Jr.
The preacher man says it’s the end of time,
And the Mississippi River, she’s a goin’ dry,
The interest is up, and the stock market’s down,
And you only get mugged, if you go downtown.
I live back in the woods, you see,
My woman and the kids, and the dogs, and me,
I got a shotgun, a rifle, and a 4-wheel drive,
And a country boy can survive,
Country folks can survive.
I can plow a field all day long,
I can catch catfish from dusk ‘til dawn,
We make our own whiskey and our own smoke, too,
Ain’t too many things these old boys can't do,
We grow good old tomatoes,
And homemade wine,
And country boy can survive,
Country folks can survive.
Because you can't stomp us out,
And you can't make us run,
‘Cause we’re them old boys raised on shotguns.
We say grace,
And we say ma’am,
And if you ain’t into that,
We don't give a damn.
We came from the
West Virginia coal mines,
And the Rocky Mountains
And the western skies.
And we can skin a buck,
We can run a trotline,
And a country boy can survive,
Country folks can survive.
I had a good friend
In New York City,
He never called me by my name,
Just “Hillbilly.”
My grandpa taught me how to live off the land,
And his taught him to be a businessman,
He used to send me pictures of the Broadway nights,
And I'd send him some homemade wine.
But he was killed by a man with a switchblade knife,
For 43 dollars, my friend lost his life,
I'd love to spit some beechnut in that dude’s eyes,
And shoot him with my old ‘45.
‘Cause a country boy can survive,
Country folks can survive.
‘Cause you can't stomp us out,
And you can't make us run,
‘Cause we’re them old boys
Raised on shotguns.
We say grace,
And we say “ma’am,”
And if you ain’t into that,
We don't give a damn.
We're from North California,
And South Alabam,’
And little towns all
Around this land.
And we can skin a buck,
And run a trotline,
And a country boy can survive,
Country folks can survive!
Country boy can survive!
Country folks can survive!
National Police Union Head: Obama Acted Stupidly, in Attacking Ferguson Cops
The executive director of the Fraternal Order of Police criticized President Obama Thursday for his remarks about law enforcement in Ferguson, Mo.
"I would contend that discussing police tactics from Martha's Vineyard is not helpful to ultimately calming the situation," director Jim Pasco said in an interview with The Hill.
Police chief [sic] rips Obama remarks
By Mario Trujillo
August 14, 2014, 03:53 p.m.
The Hill
"I think what he has to do as president and as a constitutional lawyer is remember that there is a process in the United States and the process is being followed, for good or for ill, by the police and by the county and by the city and by the prosecutors’ office," Pasco added.
Pasco harkened back to 2009, when Obama criticized a Massachusetts police officer for arresting Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates, when he was attempting to break into his own home. Obama said the officer had “acted stupidly.”
"That is one where the president spoke precipitously without all the facts," Pasco said, adding that the current situation "is a much larger and more tragic incident."
Pasco said both police and members of the public are entitled to due process but said he is not convinced police have used excessive force in Ferguson.
"I'm not there, and neither is the president," Pasco said. "That is why we have due process in the United States. And this will all be sorted out over time. But right now, I haven't seen anything from afar — and maybe the president has — that would lead me to believe the police are doing anything except to restore order."
Obama on Thursday called for “peace and calm on the streets” of Ferguson after “disturbing” clashes [riots] between police and protesters stemming from the police killing of an unarmed black teenager. [Translation: Which the thugs used as a pretext to riot. While a supporter of the rioters would assert that I just editorialized, what I said was that was no more opinionated than Mario Trujillo claiming that the police shooting caused the “clashes.”]
"There is never an excuse for violence against police or for those who would use this tragedy as a cover for vandalism or looting," Obama said in a statement from where he is vacationing in Massachusetts. "There's also no excuse for police to use excessive force against peaceful protests [what “peaceful protests”?] or to throw protesters in jail for lawfully exercising their First Amendment rights."
The officer involved in the Ferguson shooting is a member of the Fraternal Order of Police and is being represented by one of its lawyers. His name has not been released to the public.
Pasco declined to comment on whether Ferguson police should be withholding the officer's name.
"I would leave any statements on that to his defense," he said.
The Elmer Bernstein Memorial Concert, on the Tenth Anniversary of His Death
National Geographic Theme, or Ode to Copland in Four Movements
(A word of warning: The guy who put this together went a little nuts with images of the weird. Some of them might be relevant to the theme of National Geographic, but most either express his own preoccupations, or resulted when he went in a certain direction, and just kept going.)
By Nicholas Stix
For at least six months, I had planned on publishing this tribute on August 20, for the tenth anniversary of “Bernstein West’s” death. Alas, on August 9 I got distracted by some Midwestern unpleasantness, which has yet to be supplanted by the next bit of unpleasantness.
The Magnificent Seven
Thanks to the marvelous Frederik Riesberg for the splendid upload and playlist.
Biography, from
Elmer Bernstein is a name in music that continues to be synonymous with creativity, versatility and longevity. The year 2001 marked his 50th anniversary as a feature film composer who wrote the music for over 200 major film and television scores, the only composer to have achieved such longevity. He practiced his craft for the past half century, gracing virtually all creative media with his work.

In 1947
A young Elmer Bernstein, aka "Bernstein West," from the period in which he scored The Man with The Golden Arm
Upload by Frederik Riesberg.
Mr. Bernstein was born in New York City, April 4, 1922. During his childhood he performed professionally as a dancer and an actor and won several prizes for his painting. He gravitated toward music by his own choice at the age of twelve, at which time he was given a scholarship in piano by Henriette Michelson, a Juilliard teacher who guided him throughout his entire career as a pianist. Fortunately for Bernstein, Miss Michelson thought she detected other talents and took him, at the age of twelve, to play some of his improvisations for composer Aaron Copland. Mr. Copland was encouraging and selected Israel Citkowitz as a teacher for the young boy.
Recognized with countless awards for his work in film, television, stage and audio recording, Bernstein was a fourteen-time Academy Award nominee, winning the Award in 1967 for his score for Thoroughly Modern Millie. Other nominated scores include The Man with the Golden Arm, The Magnificent Seven, Summer and Smoke, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Return of the Seven, Hawaii, True Grit, Trading Places, The Age of Innocence and Far From Heaven. His Oscar-nominated songs include "Walk on the Wild Side," "My Wishing Doll" from Hawaii and "Wherever Love Takes Me" from Gold.
Bernstein was recognized by the Hollywood Foreign Press Association with Golden Globes for his scores for To Kill a Mockingbird and Hawaii. In 1963 he was awarded the Emmy for excellence in television for his score of The Making of The President, 1960. He is the recipient of Western Heritage Awards for The Magnificent Seven (1960) and The Hallelujah Trail (1965). He received five Grammy nominations from the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences and garnered two of Broadway's coveted Tony Award nominations for How Now Dow Jones and Merlin.
Additional honors included Lifetime Achievement awards from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP), The Society for the Preservation of Film Music, the USA, Woodstock, Santa Barbara, Newport Beach and Flanders International Film Festivals and the Foundation for a Creative America. In 1996, Bernstein was honored with a star on Hollywood Boulevard. In 1999, he received an Honorary Doctorate of Music from Five Towns College in New York State and was honored by the American Film Institute in Los Angeles. Bernstein again was honored by ASCAP with its marquee Founders Award in 2001, and with the NARAS Governors Award in June 2004.
The Great Escape
Bernstein attributed his remarkable longevity to the superb musical training he received from Roger Sessions, Stefan Wolpe, and his mentor, the renowned teacher Israel Citkowitz. Beginning as a virtuoso concert pianist, Bernstein performed extensively between 1939 and 1950, representing the United States on a worldwide basis as both a pianist and conductor. Bernstein's unconditional love of all styles and forms of music underscores how the man who composed much of the ballet music in Jerome Robbins' 1954 stage production of Peter Pan, starring Mary Martin, as well as the ballet music for the film Oklahoma, could, 30 years later, score the video of Michael Jackson's Thriller.
Bernstein discovered his love of music growing up with a family interested in the arts and he was encouraged by them in his various creative pursuits. World War II provided him with the chance to arrange American folk music and to write dramatic scores for the Army Air Corps Radio Shows. In 1949 Mr. Bernstein was asked to do two shows for United Nations Radio which brought him to the attention of Sidney Buchman, then a Vice President of Columbia Pictures. Mr. Buchman offered him the opportunity to write the music for Saturday's Hero in 1950 and Boots Malone in 1951. He first attracted attention in 1952 with his unusual score for the motion picture Sudden Fear featuring Joan Crawford and Jack Palance.
He suffered the fate of many of the great talents during the Fifties when his career with the studios was slowed by the McCarthy era. Having been sympathetic to left-wing causes, he found himself "gray-listed" in Hollywood. [Bull.] During this time, Bernstein was forced to work on two low-budget science fiction films, which became, and remain today, cult favorites, Robot Monster and Cat Women of the Moon. In spite of these small budget movies, or maybe because of it, Bernstein established himself a true innovator, pioneering early experiments in the use of electronic music.
True Grit Opening Credits – Title Song by Glen Campbell
Upload by Bill Clarke.
Upload by DJReBorn1980.
River2Walk’s Cut
(It says 5:09, but only lasts 2:32, and the stunning first 52 seconds are not on the selections above.)
Upload at river2walk’s channel.
Bernstein credited Cecil B. DeMille with bringing him back into the mainstream. Originally hired to write only the dance music for The Ten Commandments, Bernstein was soon hired to compose the entire score for this great epic. During the year-long process of scoring The Ten Commandments, Bernstein was hired by Otto Preminger to score The Man with the Golden Arm after Preminger's brother heard Bernstein's score for the film noir Sudden Fear. Bernstein proposed a Hollywood first, an all-jazz score. Played by a big band assembled by Shorty Rogers, with Shelly Manne on the drums, the hot jazz sound perfectly externalized the emotions of Preminger's tormented hero, a heroin-addicted jazz musician played by Frank Sinatra.
The maestro first made his mark as a film composer with these back-to-back scores of The Ten Commandments and The Man with the Golden Arm. This work is credited with virtually changing the sound of American film music, creating new colors and tones for a whole generation of composers who would follow him.
"Elmer Bernstein's historic contribution to the development of screen music should be emphasized. Until now jazz has been used as a specialty or a culmination of a plot point. It remained for Bernstein to prove that it can be used as a sustained and continuous story-telling element in underscoring the mood elements of an entire picture."
Jack Moffitt, The Hollywood Reporter December 14, 1955
"All the men [Bernstein] had in there. Woodwinds, legitimate oboe players and everything else. He had a bunch of jazz artists punctuating jazz phrases. We'd never played with strings yet there we were, in the orchestra. All this combined with his orchestral skill. It turned out very normal, very honest."
Pete Candoli, trumpet player Ashley Kahn, Mojo Magazine June, 2002
After The Man with the Golden Arm, jazz became the rage in film and on television. Bernstein was then tapped to create jazz scores for other films such as The Sweet Smell of Success and the Academy Award-nominated Walk on the Wild Side. In the latter, his music electrified the opening titles, designed by Saul Bass, which depicted an alley cat prowling the back streets of New Orleans.
It was during this time that Bernstein changed musical direction from jazz to score a variety of musical genres. He worked in association with Alan Pakula and Robert Mulligan on a series of films, which culminated in To Kill A Mockingbird in 1962.
To Kill a Mockingbird
No one film can sum up Bernstein's incomparable career, but To Kill A Mockingbird represents many of the virtues that made him one of Hollywood's most venerable and respected composers. The score, one of Bernstein's personal favorites, depicts a distinctively American sound, reminiscent of Bernstein's mentor Aaron Copland. Recognized for its sparse orchestration, the score begins with a piano and solo flute over the main credits. As Bernstein had previously done with The Man with the Golden Arm, this score marked a radical departure from the more lush European style of movie music so prevalent in the late thirties and forties.
Bernstein's music created another new trend when the score from The Magnificent Seven defined the sound of the Western. During the sixties and seventies he scored eight John Wayne films, including True Grit, earning Wayne an Oscar, and Wayne's last film, The Shootist filmed in 1976. Bernstein also continued to work with then new directors, including John Frankenheimer (Birdman of Alcatraz, and The Gypsy Moths).
An Earlier Memorial Concert
It was his collaboration with George Roy Hill that resulted in the dramatic score for Thoroughly Modern Millie, which won Bernstein his only Academy Award.
Always looking for new challenges, Bernstein kept breaking new ground, scoring some of the biggest blockbuster comedies of the Seventies and Eighties, including John Landis' National Lampoon's Animal House. Bernstein became highly sought after for high-profile comedies, composing the music for such blockbusters as Slap Shot, Meatballs, Airplane!, Ivan Reitman's innovative animated feature Heavy Metal, Stripes, Trading Places, which garnered Bernstein his twelfth Oscar nomination, Ghostbusters, Three Amigos, and Funny Farm!
Even with these great successes, Bernstein refused to be limited to a certain genre and told his agent to say "No" to the sequel Ghostbusters 2. Bernstein then sought out independent films that were significant in their messages and character portrayal. "My next period really began with My Left Foot in 1989," he says. Bernstein promised Irish producer Noel Pearson that he would write the score for free for his film about the disabled writer Christy Brown. When Pearson finally got the project off the ground, with newcomer Jim Sheridan directing, Bernstein kept his promise, supplying an offbeat score for the Oscar-winning film. Other independent films that Bernstein scored included the acclaimed Da! and The Field.
Bernstein's collaboration with Martin Scorsese began with The Grifters, a film noir directed by Stephen Frears and starring Anjelica Huston, Annette Bening and John Cusack. "To me, The Grifters was a quirky film," said Bernstein, "and that led to the quirkiness of the score, which contained colors different from any score I had previously composed."
When he heard that Scorsese was remaking Cape Fear, Bernstein called the director and asked to write an adaptation of Bernard Herrmann's original score. "Bernard Herrmann was one of my heroes," he explained, "and I felt it would be a privilege to work on one of his scores. I wrote six minutes of original music for the film, but we used most of Herrmann's original work, and moved the cues around, because Scorsese's version is a very different film." Bernstein even utilized cues from Herrmann's score for Torn Curtain, which had never [sic] used by Hitchcock. They had, however, been recorded in the Seventies by Bernstein as part of a series of albums, The Film Music Collection, to preserve the music of Herrmann and other composers and to present them to a new generation.
According to Bernstein, every composer should have the experience of working with Scorsese at least once. He was associated with Scorsese on seven projects. The collaboration on The Age of Innocence is a prime example of how a filmmaker and a composer join forces. "We started talking about the character of the music long before he ever shot a frame of film," he recalls.
"We agreed that the sense of period is very important to understanding the people's behavior. I went off to England with a small orchestra and wrote four or five themes; Scorsese started using two he particularly liked as he was editing. Halfway through the editing process I recorded twelve pieces, which became the temp score until the picture was locked." Bernstein then scored Scorsese's Bringing Out the Dead starring Nicholas Cage.
Similarly, working with Francis Ford Coppola on The Rainmaker was also a process of experimentation and creative give-and-take. Bernstein explained, "Musically his original concept was to use the Memphis sound, but as The Rainmaker evolved we ended up with a sound that has elements of Memphis, but is basically a dramatic score."
For Robert Benton's Twilight, Bernstein felt he wrote a very different kind of score. "It's a film noir with a romantic, smoky feeling," he explained. "The music style is an homage to my esteemed friends Bernard Herrmann and David Raksin."
Bernstein continued to work with interesting and innovative top directors including Martin Scorsese (Bernstein's thirteenth Oscar-nominated score was The Age of Innocence), Jim Sheridan (My Left Foot), Stephen Frears (The Grifters), Martha Coolidge (Rambling Rose, Lost in Yonkers, Introducing Dorothy Dandridge), Carl Franklin (Devil in a Blue Dress), Francis Ford Coppola (The Rainmaker), Al Pacino (Chinese Coffee), Edward Norton (Keeping the Faith) and Todd Haynes (Far From Heaven, Bernstein's fourteenth Oscar-nominated score).
His scores during the past two decades have often included the innovative French musical instrument, the Ondes Martenot. Its distinctive sound can be heard in films as diverse as Ghostbusters, My Left Foot and The Black Cauldron.
Bernstein was active in his community, having served his profession as a vice-president of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and president of the Composers and Lyricists Guild of America. He was a founding life member of the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences. For ten years he was president of the Young Musicians Foundation, an organization which promotes new, young talent in the concert world. He was most recently president of the Film Music Museum, an organization devoted to the preservation and storage of film music and a member of the Board of Directors of ASCAP. For many years Mr. Bernstein enjoyed his role of instructor at the University of Southern California's Thornton School of Music in Los Angeles, where he taught "Scoring for Motion Pictures and Television."
With more than half his over 200 combined film and television scores available on records or CD, Bernstein is one of the most recorded film composers in the history of Hollywood. To Kill a Mockingbird became a successful sound track album. The Man With The Golden Arm produced Hollywood's first instrumental hit single, and the heroic theme for The Magnificent Seven, already famous in its own right, became part of a long-running advertising campaign for Marlboro. Some of the many-recorded Bernstein scores are Men in War, Drango, God's Little Acre, The Ten Commandments, Walk on the Wild Side, The Sons of Katy Elder, The Return of the Seven, The Great Escape, The Caretaker, The Silencers, The Carpetbaggers, Summer and Smoke, Hawaii, Where's Jack?, True Grit, Desire Under the Elms, The Hallelujah Trail, Baby the Rain Must Fall, My Left Foot, The Grifters, Rambling Rose and The Age of Innocence.
He conducted for, and in collaboration with, Neil Diamond on the RIAA certified gold double CD "The Movie Album—As Time Goes By," released in October 1998. National Public Radio presented the last broadcast of the 20th Century, "Memos to a New Millennium," a meditation written and directed by Norman Corwin, narrated by Walter Cronkite, with music by Elmer Bernstein.
In addition to his work in motion pictures, television and stage, Bernstein
composed numerous pieces for the concert hall. In September, 1999, the Honolulu
Symphony premiered Mr. Bernstein's "Concerto for Guitar and Orchestra" that
featured the world-renowned classical guitarist Christopher Parkening.
Bernstein conducting the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra/Photo by Jean Delamare
A recording of the piece by Bernstein and Parkening, with the London Symphony Orchestra, was released by Angel Records in 2000. Additional performances followed at the Hollywood Bowl in August 2002 and at the UK premiere of the piece at Royal Albert Hall with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra in October, 2002.
Bernstein also composed an extensive score for the TCM Documentary, "American Epic: The Story of Cecil B. DeMille," that aired in 2004. His last composition, "Fanfare for the Hollywood Bowl," was commissioned by the Hollywood Bowl Orchestra as its inaugural piece for the opening of its 2004 season.
"Elmer Bernstein was unique. His musical voice was his own, identifiable and unmistakable. The man will be missed. The music will endure."
Jon Burlingame