A tip ‘o the hate to James Fulford.
“While some of those attacked have been white, and some suspected attackers black, experts said the incidents are more about preying on the seemingly helpless than race or religion.” [From article below.]That’s a pack of lies, like everything else in this “news” article. Why is it that millions of civilians know that these are over 90 percent racist, black-on-white attacks, but the “experts” not only don’t know that, but lie through their teeth, in denying it? Every time one of these propaganda “articles” identifies someone as an “expert,” the reader needs to replace that word in his mind with “liar” and “accomplice.”
And “experts” are now making a case for censoring the reportage, and lying and saying that sweet, raceless angels will attack more raceless victims, because the media made them do it. Cart, horse. The media sought to cover up these attacks for years. But the attackers themselves filmed the attacks, and uploaded them to the Web. Thus, the media had no effect on spreading this campaign. They are just looking for a pretext to go back to censorship mode, in order to protect racist, black sociopaths.
“Juvenile delinquency experts say a good punishment for these teens would be empathy training, such as volunteering at a homeless shelter.”“Volunteer work” would be “a good punishment” for attempted murder and murder? Like I said, “liar” and “accomplice.”
Re-posted with English translations by Nicholas Stix

Attacks probed for link to knockout game
CREATED [Fabricated would be a better word.] Nov. 23, 2013
AP/1170 KFAQ
Comments link [Seems to have been disabled sometime this morning, since I posted two comments.]
NEW YORK (AP) In New York, a 78-year-old [white] woman strolling in her neighborhood was punched in the head by a [black] stranger and tumbled to the ground. In Washington, a 32-year-old [white] woman was swarmed by [black] teenagers on bikes, and one clocked her in the face. In Jersey City, a 46-year-old [Hispanic] man died after someone [black] sucker-punched him and he struck his head on an iron fence.
In each case, police are investigating whether the attacks are part of a violent game called "knockout," where the object is to target unsuspecting pedestrians with the intention of knocking them out cold with one punch. Authorities and psychologists say the concept has been around for decades - or longer - and it's played mostly by impulsive [racist black] teenage boys looking to impress their friends.
"It's hard to excuse this behavior, there's no purpose to this," said Jeffrey Butts, a [liar and accomplice] psychologist specializing in [rationalizing away black and Hispanic] juvenile delinquency at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice. "When someone runs into a store and demands money, you can sort of understand why they're doing it, desperation, whatever. But just hitting someone for the sheer thrill of seeing if you can knock someone out is just childish."
At least two deaths have been linked to the game this year and police have seen a recent spike in similar attacks.
New York City police have deployed additional officers to city neighborhoods where at least seven attacks occurred in the past few weeks, including the assault on the 78-year-old woman. Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said some are smacked, some are more seriously assaulted, and some harassed. The department's hate crimes task force is investigating, because some attacks have been against Orthodox Jews in Brooklyn.
In Washington, D.C., police were investigating two assaults in the past week, both of which resulted in minor injuries but not unconsciousness.
One [white] victim, Phoebe Connolly, of Brattleboro, Vt., said she was randomly [sic] punched in the face by a teenager while riding her bike during a work-related visit to Washington last Friday. Connolly, who is 32 and works with teenagers in her job, said the blow knocked her head to the side and bloodied her nose.
"I don't know what the goal was," she said. "There wasn't any attempt to take anything from me." [If she’s that stupid, or that dishonest, she shouldn’t be working with “teenagers.”]
While [almost all] some of those attacked have been white, and [almost all] some suspected attackers black, [liars and accomplices] experts said the incidents are more about preying on the seemingly helpless than race or religion.
"It's about someone who is seemingly helpless, and choosing that person to target," Butts said.
A recent media blitz about the game circulating on television stations and online isn't helping, Connolly and [liars and accomplices] experts said, especially because images are being repeatedly broadcast of victims in a dead fall, smacking the ground with a limp thud. The viral footage comes from older incidents: In one instance from 2012, 50-year-old Pittsburgh English teacher James Addlespurger was punched in the face and falls to the curb. The image was caught on surveillance cameras, and a 15-year-old was arrested.
"The behavior of the sudden assault of someone who seems helpless has appealed to the idiotic impulsive quality of [black] adolescence forever," said Butts. "But there are now bragging rights beyond your immediate circle, when this is on television and online."
Paul Boxer, a psychology professor [liar and accomplice] at Rutgers University who studies aggressive behavior, said Thursday the media stories may perpetuate the assaults, but most teens clearly aren't unfeeling sociopaths. [That’s why they laugh their heads off, after maiming their victims!]
"You've got some impressionable [racist, sociopathic, black] kids, already with a propensity for violence who could be affected by this," he said. "But not because they are hoping to hurt somebody [!], it's more about risk [sic] taking, and new, different and exciting ways of getting into trouble."
[But there’s no risk at all in this behavior! As a previous lair and accomplice emphasized, they only target the weak. And how many of them get into trouble?]
In Lower Merion, a leafy suburb near Philadelphia, two attacks may be related to the game [It’s not a “game”!].
"We do worry that it's something like that ... because we've had two similar assaults, neither one of which resulted in a robbery," said Lt. Frank Higgins of the Lower Merion Township Police Department.
In one, two [black] 19-year-olds were charged with knocking down a 63-year-old [white] man out walking his dog the evening of Oct. 29. They were arrested nearby a short time later, and have been charged with assault, Higgins said. No arrests were made in the other incident from September.
Also in September in Jersey City, N.J., two [black?] 13-year-olds and a 14-year-old were charged as juveniles in the murder of 46-year-old Ralph Eric Santiago. He was found Sept. 10 with his neck broken and his head wedged between iron fence posts. Hudson County Prosecutor's Office spokesman Gene Rubino has said prosecutors believe the teens were playing the game.
In late May in Syracuse, a group of [black] teenagers attempting to knock [white] Michael Daniels out with a single punch wound up beating and stomping him to death, according to police. A [black] 16-year-old was found guilty of manslaughter, and his 13-year-old [black] co-defendant pleaded guilty to assault, admitting he started the fatal beating by trying to knock out Daniels with a single punch. Both were sentenced to 18 months behind bars.
And earlier in May, [black] Elex Murphy, now 20, was sentenced to life in prison plus 25 years in St. Louis for killing a Vietnamese immigrant as part the game in 2011.
[Vietnamese count racially. Thus, AP and 1170 KFAQ are insinuating that Asians and Jews have been victimized, and who else? Blacks? I have actually seen black readers lie on a comment thread about a white victim—he was interviewed on video, and the cameraman showed his hands—asserting that the victim was black, and that the black readers were likewise in danger. I called them out on their lies.]
Juvenile delinquency experts say a good punishment for these teens would be empathy training, such as volunteering at a homeless shelter. But a New York lawmaker proposed a bill this week that would make stricter sentences not only for those who do the punching, but for those who publish images online and watch the attacks.
[They leave this part for the end, after most people have stopped reading.]
"These twisted and cowardly thugs are preying on innocent bystanders and they don't care if the victims are young, old, a man or woman," GOP state Assemblyman Jim Tedisco said. "Life isn't a video game. These are real people whose lives are not only being put in jeopardy but in many cases destroyed."
Even in Brattleboro Vermont the "game" occurs. Even there. No safety for whitey anywhere.
That observation was made a long time ago that both civilized persons and barbarians commit the same crimes, but the barbarian makes not effort to conceal while the civilized man attempts to conceal. NOT only are the perps doing the dirty deed but placing on the Internet for the whole world to see. Bragging rights they call it or something.
The media uses those words such as "most" or "predominant", etc. Most could mean 51 % when in "most" cases the perpetrators are uniformly 100 % negro attacking uniformly 100 % non-negro.
NOT only are crimes committed but they villains derive a sick and very warped and perverse pleasure of what they are doing. Sick mentalities for which there is probably no treatment of any sort. Teens just plain ordinary bad persons and always will be.
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