On Monday, March 4, 2013, the Oberlin College community comes together to celebrate a series of hate crime hoaxes

Another hate crime hoax rally, also held on Monday, March 4

Oberlin College aerial view with fall colors (i.e., out of hate crime hoax season)

Black affirmative action students of Oberlin's "Dance Diaspora" put on a show to celebrate their triumphant victimhood
Posted by Nicholas Stix
Students and faculty members packed Finney Chapel at Oberlin College on Monday for a discussion about a recent flurry of hate-related incidents.
Since the “hate” graffiti involved was done to posters celebrating Black History Month and the “Year of the Queer,” and a third incident involved a swastika, you can bet your student debt, plus interest, that the “haters” were black, homosexual, and Jewish, respectively.
The only case I recall, offhand, in which swastikas were found on campus in recent memory, the hoax was pulled in 2007 at George Washington University by a Jewish student named Sarah Marshak; the “Whites Only” drinking fountain hate crime hoax is an improvement over the one (“Colored Only”) that was pulled at SUNY College at New Paltz, in Fall, 2011.
[Previously, by this writer (partial list):
“The Duke Rape Hoax”;
“‘To Dispatcher: “Race Hoax in Progress at [Redacted] Ware Street’”;
“Gatesgate Lesson: If You Think You See Two Black Males Committing a Crime, Don’t Call 911”;
“Columbia University is Ripe for a New Race Hoax”;
“2011 Campus ‘Hate Crime’ Hoax Season about to Begin”;
“Race Hoax Alert! Four ‘Colored Only’ Signs at College Water Fountains!”;
“Another Campus Race Hoax, This Time at Mass’ Williams College”;
“University of Texas Hoax Crimes Intended to Save Affirmative Action?”; and
“University of Texas Hoax Crime Hysteria Aims at Racial Cleansing—No Pushback from Campus Republicans.”
By Richard Pérez-Peña and Trip Gabriel
Published: March 4, 2013
New York Times“A liberal campus is jolted by slurs, swastikas and a late-night sighting of someone in a robe and hood.” [N.S.: The foregoing was the article’s Web description, but was censored from the article itself.]
OBERLIN, Ohio — Oberlin College, known as much for ardent liberalism as for academic excellence, canceled classes on Monday and convened a “day of solidarity” after the latest in a monthlong string of what it called hate-related incidents and vandalism.
A campus rally on Monday included members of Dance Diaspora, a West African dance group at Oberlin, 30 miles outside Cleveland.
At an emotional gathering in the packed 1,200-seat campus chapel, the college president, Marvin Krislov, apologized on behalf of the college to students who felt threatened by the incidents and said classes were canceled for “a different type of educational exercise,” one intended to hold “an honest discussion, even a difficult discussion.”
In the last month, racist, anti-Semitic and antigay messages have been left around campus, a jarring incongruity in a place with the liberal political leanings and traditions of Oberlin, a school of 2,800 students in Ohio, about 30 miles southwest of Cleveland. Guides to colleges routinely list it as among the most progressive, activist and gay-friendly schools in the country.
The incidents included slurs written on Black History Month posters, drawings of swastikas and the message “Whites Only” scrawled above a water fountain. After midnight on Sunday, someone reported seeing a person dressed in a white robe and hood near the Afrikan Heritage House. Mr. Krislov and three deans announced the sighting in a community-wide e-mail early Monday morning.
“From what we have seen we believe these actions are the work of a very small number of cowardly people,” Mr. Krislov told students, declining to give further details because the campus security department and the Oberlin city police are investigating.
A college spokesman, Scott Wargo, said investigators had not determined whether the suspect or suspects were students or from off-campus.
Several students who spoke out at the campuswide meeting criticized the administration, saying it was not doing enough to create a “safe and inclusive” environment and was taking action only when prodded by student activists. But beyond the chapel, many students praised the administration for a decisive response.
“I was pretty shocked it would happen here,” said Sarah Kahl, a 19-year-old freshman from Boston. “It’s a little scary.” She said there was an implied threat behind the incidents. “That’s why this day is so important, so urgent.”
Meredith Gadsby, the chairwoman of the Afrikana Studies department, which hosted a teach-in at midday attended by about 300 students, said, “Many of our students feel very frightened, very insecure.”
One purpose of the teach-in was to make students aware of groups that have formed, some in the past 24 hours in dorms, to respond.
“They’ll be addressing ways to publicly respond to the bias incidents with what I call positive propaganda, and let people know, whoever the culprits are, that they’re being watched, and people are taking care of themselves and each other,” Dr. Gadsby said.
The opinion of many students was that the incidents did not reflect a prevailing bigotry on campus, and may well be the work of someone just trying to stir trouble. “It seems to bark worse than it bites,” said Cooper McDonald, a 19-year-old sophomore from Newton, Mass.
“I can’t see many of my classmates — any of my classmates — doing things like this,” he said. “It doesn’t reflect the town, either.”
He added: “The way the school handled it was awesome. It’s not an angry response, it’s all very positive.”
The report of a person in a costume meant to evoke the Ku Klux Klan added a more threatening element than earlier incidents. The convocation with the president and deans, originally scheduled for Wednesday, was moved overnight, to Monday. “When it was just graffiti people were alarmed and disturbed. But this is much more threatening,” said Mim Halpern, 18, a freshman from Toronto.
There were few details of the sighting, which occurred at 1:30 a.m. on Monday, Mr. Wargo said. The person who reported it was in a car “and came back around and didn’t see the individual again,” he added.
Anne Trubek, an associate professor in the English department, said that in her 15 years at Oberlin there had been earlier bias incidents but none so provocative. “They were relatively minor events that would not be a large hullabaloo elsewhere, but because Oberlin is so attuned to these issues they get addressed very quickly,” she said.
Founded in 1833, Oberlin was one of the first colleges in the nation to educate women and men together, and one of the first to admit black students. Before the Civil War, it was an abolitionist hotbed and an important stop on the Underground Railroad.
Anything to drum up a little attention.
That is not how Oberlin operates. It is an extremely progressive college that is supportive of everyone. This racist/anti-Semitic/homophobic group has been scaring and angering everyone. It is shameful for people to be suggesting that these racist acts are hoaxes.
Despite all the yammering about 'hate', it seems to me that the real story behind this story is 'hate deficit'.
All these 'progressives' at elite colleges have had their minds filled by their 'radical' professors that they are crusaders against 'hate', but there's no 'hate' to be found anywhere.
They are like hounds eager to chase foxes, but there's no fox.
So, at the slightest whiff of 'hate', these 'progressives' go into a tizzy and howl and bark like mad.
Same thing with the Duke Lacrosse thing. Most interracial rapes are black on white--indeed, almost all of them--, but the 'liberal narrative' says 'hateful white male patriarchs violate helpless black women'. But such story was impossible to find, and so, when a story of white lacrosse players raping a black woman surfaced, it was like a Hallelujah moment for liberals. It's like FINALLY WE HAVE SOMETHING TO GO NUTS ABOUT. But then.... it turned out to be a phony.
Same with the media. They are ever on the lookout for the Evil White 'Racist' attacking and killing helpless defenseless Negroes. Meanwhile blacks who attack whites are only 'teens' and 'youths'.
So, when Zimmerman killed Martin, the media finally got a 'hate story' and ran it as 'evil white racist' guns down a cherubic black angel boy armed with only skittles. But then the story came out that Trayvon was 17, was beating up Zimmerman, and Zimmerman is of mixed race and not simply 'white'. Oh boy.
So, the problem is 'hate deficit'. Liberalism built up its moral credentials by fighting the likes of Bull Connor. But such folks are all gone. So, how can white liberals feel justified? They desperately look for more 'hate' and go wild when they find any sign of it. It's like vampires going nuts at the slightest whiff of blood.
So, I have an idea to solve the problem of 'hate deficit'. Every campus should have a 'hate center'. Actors will be hired to play KKK guys, neo-Nazis, gaybashers, male chauvinist pigs(though, what with slut pride, such types are being celebrated more and more), and the like.
So, once every month, some KKK actor will burn a cross on the quad and all the students can scream about injustice. And once a week, some guy will run around campus with a t-shirt that says "God hates fags", and students can jeer him and throw eggs at him. And so on.
This way, students at every liberal campus can make believe that they are on the frontline of fighting for 'social justice' and 'equality'.
Here's another one at another elite college campus:
The whole thing reeks of hypocrisy. If Oberlin and other colleges like it are so 'liberal' and 'inclusive' and 'diverse', why are they elitist in their student enrollment? Why is college community pretty much segregated from the non-college community, especially of blacks.
Take Yale and University of Chicago. Though close to black areas, there's a lot of segregation built into the community.
If 'liberal' means egalitarian, why create such privileged and enclosed setting for children of privileged upper middle classes and upper classes? What is so 'liberal' or 'inclusive' about separating oneself from most ordinary Americans? What is so 'progressive' about creating a privileged world of one's own? Why must elite liberals be only amongst themselves in a cloistered and protected world to be liberal? If liberalism is for the people and for equality, why is the practice of liberalism so precious and privileged?
If white liberals just love blacks and wanna rub shoulders with them, why go to the trouble of building African Heritage Centers? Entire Detroit and South Side of Chicago and huge swaths of Philadelphia and Cleveland are African Heritage centers with millions of blacks. If white liberals love that stuff, just go there and rub shoulders with blacks. Don't go to a college community made up mostly of privileged whites.
Of course, white libs don't wanna do that, and so they build quaint little African Heritage centers at elite colleges just like Marie Antoinette built quaint little cottages in within her palace walls so she could play at being a shepherdess. She could feel one-with-the-people.
What a dishonest way to 'be one with the Negroes'! Separate oneself from them and go to an elite college. But build a potemkin village African Heritage Center to make oneself believe that one is 'with the brothas and sistaz'.
As for all this gay stuff, what a convenient way to have the cake and eat it too. We know gays are privileged and love riches. Gays are among the most vain, fancy-pants, materialistic, picky, fussy wussy, narcissistic, and selfish people in the world, which is why they are, along with Jews, at the top of the totem pole. 'Gay rights' are convenient for liberals because (1) gays are not violent and thuggish like blacks (2) gays love money and power. This way, by being 'gay-friendly', liberals at places like Oberlin can indulge in privilege/narcissism(along with gays) and not fear being mugged or raped. But, as gays are designated as 'victims', being 'gay friendly' means that you're 'progressive' and fighting for the 'oppressed' even though you hang around gays because you love their power and privilege. It's so precious and phony. It's almost as funny as GOP conservatives pretending to be for the 'oppressed' Jews by mindlessly being pro-Zionist and pro-Israel on every issue. Oh those poor Jews with 300 nukes about to be wiped out by all those Nazi Palestinians with atomic slingshots. Of course, conservatives feign sympathy for 'Jewish victims' because they want some dough from Jews-as-victors.
And I find it funny that liberals at Oberlin are sooooo concerned about the physical safety of blacks on the campus. By golly, a bunch of KKK and neo-Nazis(who haunted the Girl with the Dragon Ass tattoo, no doubt) might pop out of the bushes and lynch and kill blacks and burn crosses on the quad!!!
If liberals really care about victims of violence and especially racial violence, haven't they heard about black on white crime in Cleveland and many other places? Do they know that most blacks are killed by other blacks all across America? If Oberlin is 30 miles away from Cleveland, I would expect Oberlin students to know about the real dangers faced by blacks and the real dangers faced by non-blacks from black violence.
But they ignore all such true reality and go into Salem Witchhunt hysteria mode over some likely 'hate hoaxes' or silly pranks.
As with the case at Northwestern University, these 'fight hate' rallies have become a vain form of white liberal narcissism and privilege. You see, these white liberals love to go to elite colleges and enjoy all the goodies and amenities. But as liberals and 'progressives', they are supposed to be FOR THE PEOPLE, especially Negroes. But they are separated from most real people and real problems. And so they fixate on some bogus rumors on campus to make a big perfumed stink about how much they are care!!!!
What a bunch of phonies. It's the 'compassion of privilege'.
Meanwhile, rap music blares on all over campus and Marxist professors sing praises to Che Guevara who wanted to shoot off nukes at the US.
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