Oberlin College: On Monday, March 3, Oberlin College administrators, faculty, staffers, and students celebrate the racial socialist spring ritual of welcoming a series of hate crime hoaxes. Classes were cancelled for the day, as everyone engaged in a monologue about how much they love love, and hate hate. New York Times Propaganda Ministry caption: “Students and faculty members packed Finney Chapel at Oberlin College on Monday for a discussion about a recent flurry of hate-related incidents.” Tolerance-filled rage salute to Steve Sailer!

Oberlin College: Aerial view of a police state (Oberlin College official photograph). As the stunning fall colors make clear, the picture was not taken during hate crime hoax season. Cleveland Plain Dealer caption: “An aerial view of Oberlin College, where students are concerned about a ‘No Trespass’ list.”
Posted by Nicholas Stix
For over 50 years, leftists have mocked Joe McCarthy’s announcement, “I have a list” of Communists who had infiltrated the federal government. Of course, McCarthy was telling the truth, and his enemies were lying.
Well, the communists running Oberlin College have been exposed as maintaining a secret list of over 300 people from the area who are banned, on pain of arrest, from ever setting foot on campus. Since no one is ever notified by the college that he has been banned, no one can defend himself against the black list. And even should one learn of being blacklisted, which provides no explanations for his blacklisting, he still has no recourse, short of suing the school for defamation. (Now, there’s an idea!)
Oberlin has been the scene of hate crime hoaxes this semester, making it the pacesetter for this year’s hate crime hoax season.
Secret 'No Trespass' list at Oberlin College raises concerns at forum
By Pat GalbinceaFebruary 13, 2013 at 11:00 p.m.; updated on February 14, 2013 at 7:47 a.m.
The Plain Dealer
OBERLIN, Ohio -- A secret 'No Trespass' list kept by Oberlin College, known as one of the most liberal colleges in the country, is creating a stir among students and residents.
Get on the list, and you can be barred from campus, which encompasses part of the historic downtown.
But the problem is that many do not know that they are on the list or what they have been accused of doing.
A campaign led primarily by Oberlin College students is seeking to modify the college's "No Trespass" policy, which dates to the early 1970s.
An overflow crowd of more than 100 jammed the Oberlin Public Library on Wednesday evening to attend what turned into a lively public forum to discuss revising the "No Trespass" policy.
"I've been on that list for two years, and I couldn't believe what I received in the mail," said Shane Brendes, a 1996 Oberlin College graduate. "I was put on the No Trespass list and banished without knowing what the charge was. How could I defend myself?"
He said that with the help of an attorney, he learned that one person was frightened of him.
"But I still have not been given an explanation of what I did," he said. "This breaks my heart. . . . I feel like I'm living in the Soviet Union."
Oberlin resident Miko Israel, who said he is originally from Brooklyn, N.Y., agreed with Brendes and other speakers, saying that although he has not been on the No Trespass list, he has been hounded by campus security officers several times for what he said were no solid reasons and treated as if he were a criminal.
A campus security officer and an Oberlin police officer were introduced at the meeting, but neither commented.
Anyone who violates the campus security codes, such as playing basketball without a student ID, skateboarding on college property or committing a more serious crime such as theft, can be put on the list.
If a person is on the list and is caught on campus, police can arrest him or her.
Speakers said another problem is that town members are treated differently from students, creating an atmosphere akin to a gated community. The community has about 8,000 residents; the college about 3,000 students.
And the list is not open to public scrutiny, said Lyle Kash, spokesman for the One Town Campaign, which organized the meeting.
No one except the Oberlin College safety and security department and Oberlin Police Department knows who is on the list, how the people got on the list, how long the list is and how many people have been removed from the list.
The meeting was divided into two parts, the first half about experiences that residents and students endured. The second half was about solutions.
Junior Tom Lock suggested the list needs to be scrutinized.
"The college is getting bad publicity it really doesn't want," Lock said. "They should review that No Trespass list to determine if names on that list still need to be on it. Third parties may need to be involved to make sure this process goes well."
The two-hour meeting ended without any solutions.
Kash said there would be future meetings to continue to discuss the issue.
"Our ultimate goal is to develop a coalition with the town," said Kash, a senior majoring in comparative American studies. "We hope to come up with a policy to keep everybody safer because the No Trespass list is ineffective. We need to find new ways to keep this town and college safe."
One Town Campaign members were busy Wednesday. Two hours before the meeting, many joined hundreds of students who marched around the town protesting hate signs directed at minorities that recently have been appearing on boards in various school buildings.
Throughout the march, the students chanted, "No more hate."
"The administration at this point doesn't know who is doing this," said Eric Martinez, a student from Chicago. "But last night we decided to rally with other students who are also angry with these signs targeted at minorities, and to show we absolutely support them."
You can bet these "lists" exist far and wide.
I know I am on more than a few "lists" myself, I have been told so by a great many people through the years, lately with increasing frequency; by so many credible people that there is no room for doubt that any of this is some sick joke or idle threat.
Leftists cannot tolerate dissent in any form; funny coming from the crowd who used the "tolerance" cover to advance their agenda to this point. Now that they have assumed control in many areas, tolerance now means submission to them and their twisted worldview and practicing any dissent against their aims means death.
Far from being banned from any one place, the leftist lunatics making the threats have told me that I will be killed, their choice method for offing me is via a bullet through my temple. I am sure they fantasize about other means but I am one big, mean, nasty, calloused fellow who would snap a stack of these freaks like a bundle of faggots in a single motion between my hands(pun fully intended).
I have made sure to welcome them trying their murderous move against me. If they tried it in a crowd where they would be hesitant raising a gun in public and I caught sight of them going for any gun I would rip their head off with my bare hands.
If they tried it elsewhere and I was armed I would empty a clip in THEIR heads.
As you know Mr. Stix, these leftists are dangerously insane. You cannot discuss anything with them rationally. It is literally their way or you have to be killed.
I cannot believe our country has come to this.
As their numbers grow people who don't go along with their demented program will be in increasing danger, this you must know.
"Kafkaesque Little List, Banning 300 Locals, Including Oberlin Alumni, Who Will be Arrested if Seen on Campus"
Ah Ha! A hate list.
I suspect this Oberlin secret list is simply more "diversity for thee but not for me" leftist elitist hypocrisy.
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