By Nicholas Stix
You must embrace the African invasion, and the cultural enrichments it brings, including black-on-white rape, polygamy, slavery, IQs of 67, and, yes, West Nile Virus!
Note that Miss Papachristou's effusive apologies got her nowhere, so if you're going to say something politically incorrect, kiddies, do not apologize, unless it was something that was not true north on your moral compass. Apologies never appease the commissars; to them, they are just blood on the water.
P.S. Didn't we recently endure the spectacle of an Olympics in South Africa, in which that genocidal regime was given cover by political and media elites, and the media even rationalized the vuvuzela terror, as South African blacks expressing themselves, which we were told they had a right to do? Whose eardrums was this young woman blasting?
Greek Olympic triple jumper sent home from Olympics in disgrace after she mocked African immigrants on Twitter
By Adam Shergold
PUBLISHED: 10:07 EST, 25 July 2012 | UPDATED: 11:22 EST, 25 July 2012
Daily Mail
A Greek triple jumper was today kicked off her Olympic team over comments on Twitter mocking African immigrants and expressing support for a far-right party. [N.S.: That is a lie. She did not express support for any party; she said she had nothing to do with politics.]
The Hellenic Olympic Committee said Voula Papachristou was dropped from the team 'for statements contrary to the values and ideas of the Olympic movement.'
Papachristou, who is currently in Athens, was due to travel to London shortly before the start of the athletics events but has now been excluded.
On Monday, she tweeted: 'With so many Africans in Greece... At least the West Nile mosquitoes will eat home made food!!!'
This is a reference to an outbreak of the West Nile virus, a potentially fatal disease transmitted by mosquitoes of African origin, in Athens this summer.
One man died and another 180 have been infected since the outbreak began.
She also re-tweeted a comment from Ilias Kasidiaris, a politician with Golden Dawn, criticising Prime Minister Antonis Samaras's stance on immigration.
It created a storm on the social network, with other users accusing her of being a 'Nazi' and a supporter of the extremist right-wing political party.
Papachristou later took to Twitter to try and defuse the row, saying: 'I apologize if I insulted people! I have no mingling with politics!!! I am only athlete!!'
But her comments were to no avail as pressure mounted on her to be thrown out of the Greek Olympic squad.
The left-wing party Democratic Left led calls for her to step down, saying 'racist humour and jokes' had no place in Greek society.
This afternoon, Isidoros Kouvelos, President of the Greek Olympics Committee, confirmed her expulsion.
Papachristou has since apologised again for her comments on her Facebook page. She wrote: I would like to express my heartfelt apologies for the unfortunate and tasteless joke I published on my personal Twitter account.
'I am very sorry and ashamed for the negative responses I triggered, since I never wanted to offend anyone, or to encroach human rights.
'My dream is connected to the Olympic Games and I could not possibly participate if
I did not respect their values. [What values? Corruption, bribery, and extortion? Rampant commercialization and exploitation?] Therefore, I could never believe in discrimination between human beings and races. [Are you saying that you oppose borders and the existence of white peoples, and thus that you believe in genocide against the white race?]
'I would like to apologise to all my friends and fellow athletes, who I may have insulted and shamed, the National Team, as well as the people and companies who support my athletic career. Finally, I would like to apologise to my coach and my family.' [She didn't say anything about athletes, and owes none of them an apology.]
The 23-year-old was not among the favourites for gold in London. She finished 11th in the European Championships in Helsinki earlier this year and was 8th at last August's World Championships in Daegu.
Her personal best in the triple jump is 14.72m and her season's best was just 14.58m, half a metre behind the favourites.
Her Twitter account has been taken down.
[Thanks to reader-researcher “W” for sending along this article.]
1. When you are representing a Country, represent yourself as a sensible person and show sensitivity to people dying with the virus
2. The comment was very insensitive
3. Her apology would have been accepted, if she was had any medal winning chances (she stood 11th in a previous tournament). This is wrong - Apology should be accepted what ever the case is.
Have you noticed that the people ( ranging from athletes to college professors) who make these statements in interviews, facebook, etc, are never willing to defend them?
David In TN
If Greece doesn't want her, she's the kind of immigrant we need in the US.
Ah the "Democratic Left" criticized her for racism. How original! And how right on the mark!
Gosh those leftists have such insight to bestow.
Now of course when it comes time to install Utopia, and when we all are wearing our Mao-jackets and waving the little red book of approved thought, we can all go home afterwards to our hovels and praise "anti-racism". Leftism brings us so much, we should be grateful.
People need to learn the difference between a racial joke and a racist joke. I always thought that a racist statement was derogatory. That was just a joke about Mosquitos and Africans, give me a break! People just love to throw that word racist around because it makes them feel powerfull and rightous. There was nothing derogatory about that joke."The mosquitos will have home cooking" really? I think it's funny.
Punished for what? Making a joke that was mild by any standard. If you are dependent on the govt for any aspect of your economic livelihood, you must be very careful what you say. What does that remind you of? communism? fascism? islam?
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