It’s almost five years since Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom endured the unspeakable in Knoxville, Tennessee, at the hands of a group of at least six racist blacks.
Channon and Chris had been dating for a few weeks, and were falling in love. On Saturday, January 6, 2007, they had gone to friends to have dinner and watch a movie. At about 10:30 p.m., they’re smooching a little in Channon’s 4-Runner, outside of their friends’ apartment building before heading home, when someone flings open the door, and holds a gun to them.
I’ve written so many articles about this case that I’ve lost track—50, 80, 100? Whatever the number, they could fill a book. And the case still isn’t over. The five racist monsters so far convicted of murdering or helping to murder Channon and Chris are all appealing their convictions.
Thirteen years ago, white supremacists murdered James Byrd Jr. in Texas. Ever since, the mainstream media (MSM) have conspired to ensure that virtually every adult in America has heard the name James Byrd Jr., what his killers did to him, and that the killing was racially motivated. The same MSM have conspired to ensure that about 99 percent of the adults in America have never heard the names Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom, and that people outside of the Knoxville area have only heard about the case, when the MSM have tarred those whites who have stood up in the victims’ memory as “white supremacists,” as a warning shot to righteous whites everywhere.
Wikipedia has done likewise.
Help me fight the MSM and Wikipedia, and get the word out to millions of Americans who Channon and Chris were, what was done to them, who did it and why, and who has suppressed their story, and why.
I need you to send links of my stories to your friends, relatives, and allies, to post links on newspaper and magazine comment threads (if the threads don’t permit links, then post the titles and tell readers to google them), and to SEND ME MONEY via the PayPal “Donate” tab at the top of this page.
Thanks in advance for your generous support.
Nicholas Stix
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