Thanks in advance for your generous support!
Nicholas Stix
A sampler of black race hoax reports, by yours truly, follows:
“Columbia University is Ripe for a New Race Hoax”;
“The Race Hoax Handbook: Twelve Steps to Bigger, Better, Race Hoaxes”;
“Giving Thomas Jefferson the Business: The Sally Hemings Hoax”;
“Classic Race Hoaxes, from Tawana Brawley to Florida 2000”;
“The Great Florida Disenfranchisement Hoax”;
“Guests from Hell: The NAACP's Shakedown of the Hospitality Industry”;
“To Dispatcher: ‘Race Hoax in Progress at [Redacted] Ware Street’”;
“Nicholas Stix’ Absolutely Definitive Account of the Incredible Disappearing Duke Rape Hoax”;
“2011 Campus ‘Hate Crime’ Hoax Season About to Begin”;
“Maurice Clemmons Internet Race Hoax Goes Viral”;
“Race Hustles ‘R Us”; and
“Ebonics: Bridge to Illiteracy.”
1 comment:
Hey Nick,
I've been away for a sec but I see where you have been driving for donations recently. My situation is far from ideal at this moment but the first chance I get some extra I'll definitely jump up on the wagon, I can't think of a better place to contribute to.
Thank you for all that you so tirelessly do.
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