By Nicholas Stix

The Penn State University scandal surrounding the cover-up of alleged homosexual anal rapes and other forms of sodomy and molestation of almost 20 boys as young as 10 by former football defensive coordinator Jerry Sandusky has today reportedly toppled school president Graham Spanier, and led to legendary football coach Joe “JoePa” Paterno, the winningest coach in the history of NCAA Division I football, resigning earlier today, effective at season’s end.
“This is a tragedy,” Paterno, 84, said in a statement released today through an independent public relations firm.“It is one of the great sorrows of my life. With the benefit of hindsight, I wish I had done more.”
The school’s Board of Trustees said last night in a statement that it was “outraged by the horrifying details” in the grand jury report about the Sandusky case and would appoint a special committee to investigate how to avoid a recurrence. The panel will be formally named on Nov. 11 at the board’s regular meeting, which Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett said he would attend.
[“Penn State Muzzles Joe Paterno as Opinion Turns Against Winningest Coach,” by Erik Matuszewski and Scott Soshnick, November 9, 2011 12:09 p.m. ET; updated November 9, 2011, 5:09:11 p.m. GMT.]
If you expect anything but a lavenderwash by that “special committee,” I have a great deal for you on some prime Detroit real estate.

Paterno sought to discuss the scandal at his weekly press conference yesterday, but was ordered to maintain silence by his PSU bosses, who cancelled the press conference. That partially explains his use of an independent PR firm. The rest of the explanation is personal damage control. Keep in mind, however, that while Paterno will have to live with his failure to do right by the boys allegedy raped by Jerry Sandusky, he did not hide behind the PR firm; his superiors left him no choice.

For years, the Catholic Church tolerated homosexuals in its seminaries and rectories. Homosexual priests repaid that tolerance by molesting and raping young boys across the country. Church elders such as Roger Cardinal Mahoney of the Los Angeles Archdiocese responded initially by conspiring to obstruct justice, in shuttling priests from parish to parish.
The crimes have cost the church over $1 billion in settlements that it is still paying off. A year or two ago, local parents not far from where I live raised over half-a-million dollars, in order to save a Catholic school. The church shut down the school anyway, and stole the money, diverting it instead to sodomy settlements. The legal terms for such misconduct are “fraud” and “misappropriation of funds.”
Several years ago, I recall homosexual religious of both sexes, the very people responsible for supporting and participating in the church’s secret culture of homosexual libertinism, condemned the church, as if they were the good guys!
And that’s just how their lavender and red comrades in the media, academia, and the public schools presented them. The media lied, re-defining the homosexual child rapists as “heterosexual.”
Since the Lavender Mafia was able to stifle the expression of healthy morality and healthy public condemnation, instead of the rot being cut out, it was permitted not only to spread among the rest of the body politic, but the spread was artificially induced by the public schools, media, and academia. And now, submission to the Lavender Mafia has taken down the most legendary college football coach still active, “JoePa,” Penn State’s Joe Paterno.
I heard the rumors this morning, at about 8:30, at a local deli from someone who surely had heard them on the TV or radio news. One of the men pointed out, correctly, that the perpetrator should have been beaten to death, and when I was a kid, he would have been. Today, instead, we celebrate evil.
And now, the heterosexual taxpayers of the Keystone State will be on the hook for tens, even possibly hundreds of millions of dollars, because Coach Joe Paterno, President Graham Spanier, athletic director Tim Curley, vice president Gary Schultz, and graduate assistant Mike McQueary all bent over for the Levender Mafia. Curley and Schultz stand under indictment for perjury.
Penn State reportedly has an endowment of $1 billion, much of it due to Paterno’s success. Kiss it goodbye!
Will any lessons be learned? Are you kidding me? All over the country, on public and private, and secular and allegedly religious campuses, homosexuals are untouchable. Several years ago, a longtime Moslem staffer (and student) at William Paterson University, where I used to teach, complained of being subjected to homosexual propaganda, via campus e-mail. The school illegally punished the man, his First Amendment rights be damned. It was only through the help of the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education that he was able to successfully fight appeal the punishment. On campus, the sodomy card trumped the moon card!
And while I’m on the subject of Mohammedanism, the delivering, by both organized Christianity and secular religion children into the hands of perverts is the best advertisement imaginable for the Religion of War.
Report: Penn State president will be gone by end of day
Dave Miller, The National Football Post
3 hours, 42 minutes ago
With news that longtime head football coach Joe Paterno plans to retire at the end of this season, Penn State president Graham Spanier will either resign or be voted out by the board of trustees by the end of the day, according to The Express-Times.
The school's executive vice president and provost Rodney A. Erickson is likely to serve as interim president while a nationwide search for a permanent replacement gets underway.
In 2002, Spanier was made aware that then-graduate assistant Mike McQueary saw former defensive coordinator Jerry Sandusky allegedly sexually assault [N.S.: Try, anally rape!] a young boy in a shower in the team's football locker room. According to grand jury testimony, Spanier did not contact police when finding out about the assault. While he has not been charged as of this time, many around the campus and across the nation have called for Spanier's resignation.
Meanwhile, athletic director Tim Curley and vice president Gary Schultz face charges related to a cover-up in the sex scandal. Spanier has shown his support in recent days for both of the administrators.
Email or follow me on Twitter at Miller_Dave
The AP speaks in euphemisms:
Joe Paterno to retire at end of season
11/09/2011 by APLength: 1:19 | Views: 1,740
Penn State football coach Joe Paterno has decided to retire at the end of the season, his long career brought down by his failure to do more about an allegation of child sex abuse against a former assistant. (Nov. 9)
The allegation was not of “child sex abuse,” which makes it sounds as if the former assistant, John Sandusky, touched a 17-year-old’s penis, but that he was allegedly caught anally raping a 10-year-old child in the shower, and is now charged with raping “almost 20” boys.
[Thanks to reader-researcher RC for this story.]
HLN is running with this story on every show tonight. They keep asking "why didn't somebody tell the police?" Or "why wasn't Sandusky stopped?" Nobody comes near the answer.
David In TN
Why are these guys always married republicans?
Alas, buggery is common in the Dar al Islam too!
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