Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Gonna prank dad when he gets home

Wednesday, June 19, 2024 at 08:38:53 AM EDT

Gonna prank dad when he gets home


Anonymous said...

He's lucky "dad" didn't walk in to get "foamed" or the cops would still be cleaning Jacquarious's brain matter off the walls.



Anonymous said...

Someone on gab said this:

GRA:I think he was serious.


Anonymous said...

All this euphoria about blacks lining the streets of Atlanta for a 78-year-old going to and from court, and then a bunch of them show up for a rally in the Bronx Turns out they didn't turn out to vote for him despite Operation Jailbreak in his first term. But there's Bannon, Root, WhoreibbleMTG and more, flooding social media with excitement about polls of The Black Vote. Another Red Wave that turns into a Dead Wave and I'm not going to be taken for a ride.

Anonymous said...

100 %. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, etc.