Saturday, June 29, 2024

racist leftists are terrified of school children being taught the Bible as literature, and fear that atheism's status as state religion is imperiled

By N.S.

right wing watch, which was founded by the late King Lear, who also founded people for the American way, used to do pr work for yours truly.


Anonymous said...

I went to high school in a suburb of New York City--there were children of corporate big shots in our school--it was what was called a bedroom community with many fathers working in NYC. But I guess they weren't woke like today because we studied the Bible as literature in our senior English classes.

Anonymous said...

For Nicholas Strix concerning Fat Leonard of Malasia and especially Brian Tashman:

I remember reading about 10-15 years ago or thereabouts (around the time David Petraeus had an affair with his biographer) about a few women in Florida coming onto a Navy base and apparently partying with some of the officers at a officer club of some kind over a period of time regularily, and thinking to myself that the military had better be careful because some of these women could be spies, or wind up getting contacted and used by real spies as the officers were married if memory serves. Then I read years later about Fat Leonard and his underage strippers and hookers. He would apparently arrange for many people in boats to form a sort of protective circle around the docked Navy ships, so the Brass could relax as no suicide bomb boats could pull a USS Cole without going through Leonard's friend's boats. I just knew there had to be spying and big money involved when I read that. Leonard could have had friends photograph interior instrumentation and information systems aboard, gotten blackmail material on certain officers, seen what secrets the girls could suss out or whatever. Fat Leonard was putting an awful lot of effort into keeping the Captain and his staff (no pun intended) happy.
How much easier a time would Leonard have if it were younger minority captains and crews instead of older, boring white officers who might want to, but tend to be less daring? You are right about increased espionage risks, and I'm sure examination of sexual misconduct by authority figures by race would easily prove this.

About Brian Tashman......if you ever see him again, hopefully you can impress upon him white gentiles like myself are so saddened about becoming a minority in America BECAUSE THE ENTIRE WEST is doing the same thing! If this stuff doesn't work out that well, and we change our minds, guess what? There will be nowhere to go. If Canada had remained 90% white, or Eastern Europe, or France, or Scandinavia, or Australia, we would not be nearly as dismayed. There is an old Santana song called, "Nowhere to Run" that applies. Russia and Belarus, now that Poland has elected Donald Tusk, an international lefty-type, will be the last white areas on earth. The Baltics and Finland are in NATO, so it's just a matter of time before migration compacts are financially forced on them via whatever underhanded Brussels method. Hungary and Romania might hold out for a minute, but come on, what are the chances 50 years from now they haven't been regime changed by a determined West? We will have nowhere of our own. It's amazing. If you'd have told me this in 1975, I'd have called you crazy.

Anonymous said...

I got proof of my Irish citizenship many years ago--one thought was it was somewhere to go if the US went bad. But I heard from an Irish woman that Ireland was already gone. I wouldn't want to leave the US anyway--there is no place else I am so attached to. The US--especially the Southwest--is the most beautiful place on earth and the rest of the world has already lost its freedom. Now that some are waking up from being "Woke", maybe there is still a chance to save our country. They may put Trump in prison, but we have not year begun to fight.