Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Can you spell e-s-c-a-l-a-t-e? Step by step; slowly it turns… the ukraine can now use U.S. weapons even deeper into russia (pretty much at their discretion)

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
wednesday, june 19, 2024 at 12:52:00 a.m.

“(zh) US national security advisor Jake Sullivan has said that authorization for the ukrainian use of American weapons for cross-border attacks extends not just to the kharkiv region, but into other russian regions, as well, further escalating [fake president/real gangster Joe] Biden’s initial green light for such offensive operations.

“Blinken in a monday pbs interview told newshour’s Nick Schifrin ‘this is not about geography, it’s about common sense’ and expanded the parameters for using nato-supplied missiles. Watch the exchange below:

“the following is what was said in this opening section of the interview:

“Schifrin: ‘does the agreement that you have made with [the] ukraine to allow [the] ukraine to fire American weapons just over the border into russia at russian forces that are about to attack into [the] ukraine, does that extend beyond the kharkiv region, including into the sumy region, where russian forces have also been targeting [the] ukraine?

“Sullivan: it extends to anywhere that russian forces are coming across the border from the russian side to the ukrainian side to try to take additional ukrainian territory.

“Schifrin: so, that could include the sumy region?

“Sullivan: That’s happened in kharkiv.

“we have seen initial indications that russia has made exploratory moves across in sumy. and so it would apply there as well. this is not about geography. it’s about common sense. if russia is attacking or about to attack from its territory into [the] ukraine, it only makes sense to allow [the] ukraine to hit back against the forces that are hitting it from across the border.

“that’s when the interviewer pointed out the obvious—that this policy will lead to open-ended and uncontrollable escalation, given it takes away all parameters. ‘of course, russia is attacking [the] ukraine from all parts of russia. why draw the line there?’ Schifrin asked.

“Sullivan at this point essentially gave kiev the greenlight [sic] to attack a much more expanded area inside russia. ‘well, first, we are permitting ukrainian forces to attack russian forces using russia as a sanctuary in the areas where on the battlefield they are attacking from inside russia with artillery, with other ground-based munitions,’ Biden’s top security official said.

“and what’s more is that when asked about f-16s, Sullivan affirmed that [the] ukraine can use the US-made jets to attack russia.

GRA: Can you spell e-s-c-a-l-a-t-e?



Anonymous said...

And north Korea has signed a defense treaty with Russia.


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Ukraine has barely a 10th the military capability of Russia. Ukraine has 300 military aircraft, Russia has 3,000. The only thing keeping the Russians from obliterating Ukrainian cities with bombers is Russia itself. The only way Ukraine is going to "win" this war is if Russia decides that the cost of trying to hang onto the corridor they created to the Black Sea is worth what they get out of it. Considering that 75% of the Russian naval fleet is anchored at Sevastopol and the only other Atlantic ocean shipping outlet they have is a strip of territory between the Baltics and Norway, there's no way the Russians are going to let the Black Sea come under Western control. If Russia were to go to full war footing, like in WWII, no European or Western power could hope to win a war so close to their territory. Basically, escalation is futile, the Ukraine will not win. Then there's the possibility of nuclear war. I don't even want to contemplate that.

Anonymous said...

Ain't gonna much common sense left after an atomic war.