Sunday, May 19, 2024

Why the Hiss case outraged the establishment (Nixon video)

Re-posted by N.S.

This guy Paul Porter was a crypto-communist. He never joined the party, but he supported it. Otherwise, his claim makes no sense.


Anonymous said...

If anyone hasn't read Witness by Whitaker Chambers, I suggest they read it. It is a great book and enlightening in this time when people are finally waking up to the dangers of the deep state.

Anonymous said...

It's easy to make excuses for allowing communism to place its shadow over the country.Maybe it was inevitable as an agriculture based economy transitioned to a manufacturing and then a technological economy.Cities changed from White to black,intelligence became more important than manual labor in the economy.Whites,though more intelligent than blacks,lost their focus in protecting what they had built for decades.

And now only a civil war can reverse the damage.


Anonymous said...


(Breitbart)Democrat Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg and his team of prosecutors rested their case against former President Donald Trump on Monday afternoon, signaling that the end of the six-week trial is rapidly drawing near.

The defense could call more witnesses or have Trump take the stand, which the former president has not ruled out yet. However, if the defense also rests its case, the trial would move to closing arguments and then to the jury for deliberations.

On Monday, Trump’s defense team delivered yet another decisive blow to the prosecution’s “star witness,” Michael Cohen, by getting him to admit that he stole money from Trump.

During cross-examination, Trump’s lead defense attorney, Todd Blanche, asked Cohen if he “stole from the Trump Organization.”

“Yes, sir,” Cohen responded.


Anonymous said...

Never joined the party OPENLY.