Thursday, May 30, 2024

Woman sets herself up to get raped (video)

Re-posted by N.S.

"Bronx neighbors rush to help woman attacked by man who was following her" | nbc new york"

More accurate headline: Woman sets herself up to get raped: The vic was a fool. "She had her earbuds in," and you could see her talking away with her hands, on a dark, deserted street at 1:30 a.m. So many people have been killed in this country, because they paid no mind to their environment. Will she learn her lesson? Don't bet on it. Meanwhile, the perp was long gone, before the neighbors showed up. "And probably saved the girl's life," said a stupid, middle-aged White woman.


Anonymous said...

Perp is made to look White.More likely a mex,puerto rican,muslim.

I'll guess a turbanless muslim.


Anonymous said...

Woman is lucky she is alive. Keep your wits about you at all times.

Anonymous said...

Remember the female jogger in Alaska who was killed by wolves. She had earbuds on and never heard the pack coming up behind her. Many animals are interested in eating--not getting injured so if the prey looks ready to fight, they may back off. Probably same in the hood.