Tuesday, May 21, 2024

war crime in minneapolis: gang of somali thugs shoot an unarmed White teen in the back in drive-by home raid

By R.C.
Tuesday, May 21, 2024 at 08:47:28 a.m. edt

gang of somali thugs shoot an unarmed White teen in the back in minneapolis drive-by home raid



Anonymous said...


Who can live in a city like this with a smile?
Who can live in a neighborhood,
Where blacks can be seen,
More than once in a while.

Well the crime there has gone ballistic,
But you girl,you never,
Became fatalistic,
Crime is all around and you have seen it,
Crime is all around,you move between it,
So far you've made it through it all,
So far you've gotten through it all.

(In an unbelievable coincidence,this murder occurred next to Mary Richard's home,where she was--also coincidentally--hosting a party in the backyard,with her TV station cohorts.)


Mary Richards:MR.GRANT--did you see that White,young man get executed by those Somali individuals?

Lou:Saw it,heard it,almost felt it--keep moving toward your sliding patio door,Mary.Come on everyone,into the house.Ted,why are you standing there?

Ted:I can't move my feet, Lou.My feet are glued to the cement.

Lou(lying):They're jumping the fence,Ted,here they come!

(Ted MOVES--like a blur--past everyone--quickly into the house)

Murray:Come on,Sue Ann,Georgette,just follow Ted--otherwise known as "The Minneapolis Flash".

(They do and shut and lock the door)

Georgette(looking out the window):I think they made their getaway.

Mary:Listen,all of us witnessed what happened,Mr.Grant,is this our lead story for tonight's 11 pm news show?

Lou:At WOKE TV?You know nbc forbids coverage of black on White crime--and we're OWNED by nbc.

Mary:I'm calling the police,at least.

Murray:Why,Mare?Derek Chauvin won't be available to stop by and take a police report for 20 more years.

(Sirens and flashers appear as the cops show up)

Mary:I'm going to tell the police what I saw.

Lou:You can do that if you want,Mary,but if "someone" at nbc finds out YOU pointed the finger at blacks,in the murder of a White teen,let's just say,it's like putting your notice in to quit.


Lou:I know,Mary,I know--hey,the party's breaking up.

Mary:I wonder why.

Lou:All right,I'm going home too,see you in the morning,Mary--nice party.

Ted:Yeah,nice party,Mary--when you move to different house,I'll go to another one--come on,Georgette.


Murray:See ya,Mare

(Everyone leaves,door closes)

Mary:I HATE Minneapolis in 2024.




Anonymous said...

That is what it is. A jihadi raid. A razzia I think the Muslim calls it. Roam around looking for victims. The kid is underage. Everyone in that vehicle needs a long term in prison.

Anonymous said...

Nothing even historic on the Internet about this.