Tuesday, May 21, 2024

This is what has become of south africa; this is what will become of the west (video)

monday, may 20, 2024 at 09:22:19 a.m. edt

This is what has become of south africa. This is what will become of the west.


"Why did your parents leave Rhodesia?," I asked her.

"Because they saw the handwriting on the wall," replied the young, white Rhodesian female to me many, many years ago.


Anonymous said...

Actually, that is not just what will become of the West. White and Asian countries are not producing enough children to maintain their population--but African populations are booming. America, Russia, China, Japan will shrink away while billions upon billions will pour out of Africa. Can you say, "Planet of the Apes"?

Anonymous said...

South Africa is code for many cities in the U.S.White flight is a never-ending process.


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Only White countries are expected to "diversify", Africa is getting blacker as Whites flee while Europe and N. America get blacker as more and more negroes are imported.

Anonymous said...

Yowza,Jerry.You is right,the math doesn't look good for Whitey.


Anonymous said...

Did anyone ever think for a second this was not going to occur in SA?