Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Terry Williams: race hoaxer, or victim of neo-Nazi savages?

"Terry Williams speaks with neighbors and friends as firefighters put out a blaze at his family home nearby on May 21, 2024"

By N.S.

I learned about this case from Steve Sailer: "Wouldn't it be crazy if this one turned out not to be a hate hoax?"

Possibilities: 1. hate hoax; 2. old wiring; and 3. (not my idea, but it sounds plausible): A former dog-walking customer had a beef with Williams, and staged this to get back at him, while deflecting attention from himself.

One serious contradiction in Eleni Balakrishnan's thing in mission local are her claims that Williams had had his parents move out of the city, and yet, they were in the house at the time of the fire, his mother had to be rescued, and his father reportedly got partially burned.

"His elderly parents lived in the unit above him. But after Williams received the racist packages, he asked both of them to leave the city for their safety and said he has been keeping track of his nephew’s whereabouts, too."

"Before he knew it, [nearby neighbor Daniel] Seiberling saw the flames coming out of the windows, then Williams’ mother being carried out of the building. Another neighbor said she saw Williams’ father get slightly burned on his head as he attempted to leave the building."

[N.S.: I reversed the order of the quotes.]

"the home of Terry Williams on fire on may 21, 2024. Photo courtesy of san francisco fire department"


Anonymous said...

The dog,living at the residence,set the fire to end the misery of being forced to live with blacks.

--G R A

Anonymous said...

You figured it out,GRA.


Anonymous said...

"he runs a dog-walking business"

Probably lets the dawgs shit all over the place and then never cleans up after the dawgs do their duty.