Sunday, May 12, 2024

Remembering Kea Fiedler: Disappearing Murder in NY (Part I)

["True Confessions and Hidden PC: Kea Fiedler, Part II."]

Kea Fiedler was 27

By Nicholas Stix

Kea Fielder was murdered. I know where she was murdered, when she was murdered, and by whom.

However, the New York City Police Department denies that she was murdered.

Her case is one of many “disappeared murders” in New York. I have no idea how many there have been at this point, for nobody in any position of power, including the MSM, Democrat or Republican, wants to know, and thus nobody has investigated the matter.

So, why should the reader not wave me off as just another “conspiracy theorist,” or simply an insanity case? Read on.

I will say, as a proviso, that I have a long history of exposing numerous NYCPD cover-ups regarding crime statistics, going back to 1996, as well as other jurisdictions (Philadelphia, Dallas, Boca Raton, Chicago, Detroit, Nashville, Miami-Dade County, Houston; see the bibliography here). Note, too, that the NYCPD has been caught in recent years seeking to hide murders. And in 2013, Chicago Magazine exposed the Chicago Police Department as having disappeared 2.3% (10 out of 432) of the city’s murders during the previous year.

“Disappearing crime” is all the rage.

One thing New York City cops teach each other to do, in order to disappear crimes, is to leave essential words out of police reports. Another is to teach each other to hide murder wounds on a corpse by covering them with towels or scarves, and to claim that the vic covered herself with them, to keep away drafts.

On October 19, 2016, at 4 p.m., Kea Fiedler was waiting for the subway at Union Square Station in Manhattan, on the L train line (on East 14th Street).

As her train arrived, she suddenly fell between two cars, and was instantly dead.

When transit bureau NYCPD cops arrived, moments later, a woman on the platform named Melanie Liverpool (aka Melanie Liverpool-Turner) told them she’d killed Kea Fiedler, by shoving her into the oncoming train.

Melanie Liverpool-Turner said, “I pushed her. I push people in front of trains and I hear voices.”

The cops responded by calling Liverpool/Liverpool-Turner a “liar,” and not arresting her. They reportedly sent the confessed murderer to get a psych evaluation, and a few days later, the psycho ward released her.

“MANHATTAN— A woman was fatally struck by an L train at the 14th Street-Union Square subway station Wednesday afternoon, causing service to be suspended between Manhattan and Brooklyn, officials said.

“A woman in her 20s jumped against the side of a Brooklyn-bound train as it was entering 14th Street, an MTA spokeswoman said.

“The woman was struck by the train around 4 p.m., the FDNY said, suspending service between the Eighth Avenue [Manhattan] and Bedford Avenue [Brooklyn] stations for about an hour.”

[“Woman Fatally Struck by L Train at Union Square, Officials Say,” by Kathleen Culliton, DNAinfo, October 19, 2016, 4:42 p.m.; updated on October 19, 2016, 6:26 p.m.]

“A 27-year-old New School doctoral student was fatally struck by a train in Union Square Wednesday afternoon was remembered as dedicated to her work and a devoted friend.

“Kea Fiedler, a Ph.D. candidate in the Milano program, was hit by a Brooklyn-bound L train about 4 p.m., according to her friend and classmate, Noah Allison.

“Investigators believe Fiedler committed suicide but said their investigation is ongoing, according to Allison.

“‘I went to the Medical Examiner yesterday and spoke to the investigators. I also spoke to New York City transit. It does sound deliberate, but the investigation is still open,” Allison said.

“Friends and mentors of Fiedler were confused and shocked by her death. Prior to her entering the train station she had made plans with friends to watch the presidential debate and was excited about her recent advances in her doctoral research.”

[“New Schooler Fatally Hit By Train Remembered as Caring and Determined,” by Madeleine Crenshaw, Oct 21, 2016, New School Free Press.]

The New School article went over the top in its praise for Fiedler, but the point one can sift out of its hyperbole is that Fiedler was a popular, left-wing activist.

Depending on the source, Fiedler had co-authored or helped with research on the article, “From Decent to Lousy Jobs: New Evidence on the Decline in American Job Quality, 1979-2017.”

At Fiedler’s Muck Rack page, authorship of the paper is credited to David Howell (a New School professor), Kea Fiedler, Stephanie Luce and Alexander Hertel-Fernandez. (Since the minimum wage paper is the only entry at Fiedler’s Muck Rack page, which apparently went up in 2019, long after her death, I’m guessing that it was a memorial page.)

At the paper itself, however, David Howell takes sole credit, while thanking “many doctoral students at the New School’s Public and Urban Policy for their research assistance and feedback, especially Bert Azizoglu, Xia Li and the late Kea Fiedler. Thanks to the many colleagues and seminar participants for their very useful feedback, with special thanks to Maury Gittleman and Arne Kalleberg.”, which published the minimum wage paper, posted a thumbnail bio for Fiedler.

“Doctoral Candidate in the Public and Urban Policy Program

“The New School

“Kea Fiedler passed away in 2016. She was a PhD student in the Public and Urban Policy program at the New School’s Milano School for International Affairs, Management and Urban Policy. She was interested in the ways in which public policies and collective action can reduce economic inequality. Her work mainly focused on labor market policies and industrial relations in an international/comparative perspective. She received a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology from Bremen University in Germany and a Master’s in Social Policy from the London School of Economics, United Kingdom.”

In any event, the paper is intellectually worthless, as it never so much as mentions the role of immigration in decreasing wages.

(Outside of math and the natural sciences, scholarly papers are typically worthless today, or even of negative value, and scholars in the natural sciences are scrambling to catch up with other fields. Once sees the same landfill of lies, built on top of a labyrinth of lies, that I have identified in the media. Even in mathematics, fake scholars increasingly claim to seek to exorcise the spirit of “racism.”)

In the November, 2016 New York Post, Tina Moore reported that Kea Fiedler was a 19-year-old tourist who had committed suicide, heartbroken over her lesbian girlfriend having left her.

In the U.S. edition of the British Daily Mail, reporter “staff writer” simply plagiarized the Post’s Tina Moore.

Ditto for the British Standard, but with the exception that it spoke of Melanie Liverpool/Melanie Liverpool-Turner as being “linked” to both deaths.

[“Melanie Liverpool-Turner who ‘killed New York subway passenger by pushing her in front of train,’ is linked to second death,” by Daniel Bates and Rashid Razaq, The Standard, 8 November 2016.]

I’ve been covering crime since the early 1990s. Since 1996, I have intermittently reported on the practice of the new york city police department of foisting fakestats on the public, through fraudulent statistics, by reducing felonies to misdemeanors, violations, or non-crimes; labeling murders “suicides” and “accidents,” or by simply ignoring crime altogether. In time, I also reported on fakestat practices in other cities. (See the bibliography here.)

(To be continued.)

Kea Fiedler's murderer, Melanie Livingston-Turner


Anonymous said...

The theme is,"White murder vics aren't worth the time of the P.D.--at least in nyc,chicago,baltimore etc."

If Whites are living in those types of cities,"caveat emptor."

blacks killed are ignored for a different reason:"black law" will handle the consequences of blackie's actions.

No crimes,therefore,no need to investigate.


Anonymous said...

A certain Cybill Shepherd look to her in that pic.


Anonymous said...

"a PhD student in the Public and Urban Policy program", there's the root problem right there.

I'm remembering who Kea probably would have been: a meddlesome bureaucrat confident that she knew better than everyone else how they should live their lives, and she was going to craft policy to make it happen, by Gaia!, deferring to no one except occasionally for collaboration with her PhD in Public Health counterparts. Someone will answer the call and vote her absentee ballot in November for Kea's preferred candidates.