Sunday, May 19, 2024

It's about the boy: 2013 argentine coca cola ad (video)

By "W"
sunday, may 19, 2024 at 04:12:58 p.m. edt

2013 argentine coca cola ad

[A colleague] brought this to my attention earlier today. When I took an interest in latin america, as an undergraduate, our professor noted that the argentines considered their country (we're talking c. 1970) to be the first White country south of Canada.


Anonymous said...

No nigs.


Anonymous said...

Argentina populated mostly by Castilian Spanish and Italians with very little American Indian admixture.

Anonymous said...

Chile [more mixed race I think] is quite similar to Argentina but they are slipping it seems. You can recall recently those Haitians at the USA border not so long ago. Many had flown in from Chile when the word got out the Americans were doing all sorts of foolishness.