Saturday, May 18, 2024

dr. who actor blames series tanking ratings on 'racists'”

By R.C.
saturday, may 18, 2024 at 05:31:52 p.m. edt


Anonymous said...

To hire blacks in White roles or not to hire blacks in White roles--THAT is the question(for producers and casting types).


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Dr. Who tanked for me when they made the Doc a woman. That's the first season I couldn't find anything entertaining about the show. You could argue it was the writing, not that they had a female Dr. Who and that could be part of it but the show was clearly skewing toward wokeness. I stopped watching at that point and have never resumed. I have no idea what the new episodes are like but my guess is that it's become even more woke than it was before and there has been a corresponding decrease in quality of writing.

Anonymous said...

It isn't "Doctor Who",it's "Doctor,Who's Dat Nigga?"


Anonymous said...

What else could it be? Damn that whitey.