Tuesday, April 16, 2024

cuny law grad lionized at racist school heading nazi group gets cuffed at nyc anti-Israel riot she led — and defiantly smirks when freed; anti-Semitic, new york post operatives can't keep their lies straight!

By N.S.

"controversial cuny law grad at helm of radical group gets cuffed at nyc anti-Israel protest — and defiantly grins when freed"

"Nerdeen Kiswani, who leads the condemned within our lifetime group, was among dozens of protesters detained when a fired-up mob, including some brandishing terrorist hezbollah banners, stormed through manhattan and..."

"though some pro-Israel activists believe the American protesters are being funded by bad actors overseas, a recent nbc news analysis of the anti-Israel protests and their backers found no evidence financially linking hamas or any other foreign governments to the US demonstrations.

"instead, the protests [sic] appear to be grassroots in nature — with help from a labyrinthine network of big-money leftist philanthropists in the US, including extremist billionaire George Soros’ open society."

Either post operatives Dana Kennedy and Emily Crane can't keep their lies straight, or they're strangers to the English language.

nazi terrorist leader Nerdeen Kiswani, in terrorist outfit, with her glasses on her head


Anonymous said...

nbc said...WHAT?Hook your tv set up to a lie detector when you're listening to nbc.Those should come standard with tvs these days,so you know what to believe,when watching the news---basically,nothing.


Anonymous said...


(ZH)Calls are growing for NPR to have its government funding withdrawn after a series of tweets by ceo Katherine Maher were uncovered in which she supported far-left causes, including endorsing racial reparations and making claims that the planet is “burning.”

But the content of the Ted Talk she gave is raising even more eyebrows.

Maher ludicrously suggested during the speech that far-left Wikipedia had a model “which actually works really well” in determining “what the truth really is.”

Acknowledging that Wikipedia writers are “not focused on the truth, they’re focused on something else, which is the best of what we can know right now,” Maher suggested the “truth” was not a priority.

"The truth is subjective,based on each individual's perception of events,"she lied(like a black).

GRA:She's BLACK-O!And White--she's a WHACK-O!


Anonymous said...

Talks black-o,looks White=Whack-o.