Friday, November 24, 2023

In the midst of the Hall-Oates mystery lawsuit, Hall comes across like Simon crapping all over Garfunkle

By N.S.


Anonymous said...

I saw a little bit of this yesterday--restraining order?SOMEONE'S overreacting--either Hall,for acting stupid enough to cause Oates to get one or Oates for taking this to an unnecessary level.

I never liked 'em,myself.


Anonymous said...

Might have got the names reversed.I never did know which was which,lol.


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
I really loved Halls & Oates first lp, Abandoned Luncheonette, but never liked anything after that. Not sure why, but it seemed to me they were always trying to hard to establish their White soul man cred (assuming Oates is White that is...chuckle). Their melodies were catchy but to me always had an artifice about them that rubbed me the wrong way. That first album didn't have that, it wasn't just them trying to be "philly soul" or shallow electronic pop but had folk, pop, narrative storytelling and felt organic and authentic. Plus, was just filled with great melodies that hung pleasantly in your head. In any case, while I'm not a fan of H&O in general and have no idea what their spat is all about, I'm impressed with Hall's talent singing and playing music not always in his "genre". Some years ago Hall started posting a video series of live "living room" concerts recorded at his home with guest musical performers, it was titled "Live From Daryl's House" and you can watch/listen to them on Youtube. I let them run while at work or just puttering around the house and they make for great listening. I'm a big fan of these kind of loose intimate music performances that are often semi rehearsal as the band figures out who plays what, jokes around and swap stories. I posted a few of my favorites below and you can see it leans toward classic rock material from my era.

The great Joe Walsh tears it up Rocky Mountain Way and other classics:

Cheap Trick, one of my favorite bands from the 70's, does a great set:

Kenny Loggins, first song is a version of Your Mama Can't Dance done at a different tempo from the single version.

Anonymous said...

MTV playing Hall and Oates was a quick reason for me to switch channels for a few minutes.


Anonymous said...

They seemed overrated, even back then. Thank you for the modern marvel, click BAN then click ARTIST.