Sunday, January 02, 2022

negro male Rapes and Murders a Five-Year-Old Girl; This is Why law enforcement Can’t Publish Mug Shots: They Only Reinforce “Racist Stereotypes”!

Jeremy Williams and Kamarie Holland

[“If police departments are going to Protect and Serve black and brown criminals, and Lie Like Thieves about It, While Waging War on Law-Abiding, White Taxpayers... by All Means, Defund the Police!”]

By Jerry PDX
Sunday, January 2, 2022 at 12:37:00 A.M. EST

negro male, Jeremy Williams, rapes and murders a five-year-old girl. The girl’s coal-burner mother is charged with trafficking her own child in the case:

breitbart didn’t have a picture of Jeremy Williams but I searched through google images and found one. Only a negro would have a look of defiance on his mugshot, after raping and murdering a five-year-old girl:

The "mother": 2021 mug shot of Kristi Siple, aka Hoskins


Anonymous said...

A fat,bloated White female--perfect for blacks to take advantage of. Instead of losing weight and giving a damn(where a White guy might be interested),she porks out even more and winds up--probably on drugs(thanks to the black thugs)and totally destroyed as a human.blacks can do that to White women very easily.


Anonymous said...

A death penalty case for sure. Georgia. Please let justice be done. That "mother" too deserves a very harsh punishment.

Anonymous said...

"Kidnapping, Capital Murder during Course of a Rape, Capital Murder during the course of Sodomy and Production of Child Pornography,”

Jeremy is one sick fuck. Needs to be executed. That mother perhaps also. That crime too with the disposal of the body in Alabama crossing interstate lines. Could be a federal case with the death penalty a definite option.