Tuesday, January 04, 2022

Indiana Deaths Up 40%: Is This Evidence of the "Great Die-Off" of the Vaxxed that Many Doctors Have Predicted?

By Jesse Mossman
Tue, Jan 4, 2022 1:40 p.m.

Indiana Deaths Up 40%

Among employed and insured people ages 18 to 64. This is not Covid--the Fauci-Wuhan deaths are DOWN this year. The knee-jerk answer is that people are depressed hanging around during the lockdowns and so are overeating, over drinking alcohol, and taking illegal drugs. But these are not the unemployed--these are the people who work every day and so have insurance.

Steve Kirsch makes a convincing case that these deaths are due to the so-called "vaccines." He also covers articles written by Dr. Malone and others.

Kirsch writes:

"This is huge. HUGE. They've never seen anything like this before in their history. Normally death rates don't change at all. They are very stable. It would take something REALLY BIG to have an effect this big. The effect size is 12-sigma. That is an event that would happen by pure chance every 2.8e32 years (as shown in the image below). That's very rare. It's basically never. The universe is only 14 billion years old which is 1.4e13. In other words, the event that happened is not a statistical "fluke." Something caused a very big change.


Kirsch also writes: "These deaths started only after the vaccines rolled out.

The deaths are "primarily working-age people 18 to 64" who are the employees of companies that have group life insurance plans through OneAmerica. That's not to say 65 and over aren't affected as well. What's key is that we're seeing effects in young people. There are more excess deaths than anytime in history, so it is likely caused by a new threat, never seen before in history, like a novel vaccine that has never been used before or something new like that that a huge number of people would be exposed to (such as by a state that pushes vaccination)."

Could this be the first evidence of the great die-off of the vaxxed that many doctors have predicted?


Anonymous said...

I've also read this previously and what an abomination it would be to have mortality rates exploding because of vaccines--and more to the point-- the cover up of their side-effects.Most media is in on it,Biden is still blathering about getting vaxxed. Just had a thought:Have you seen any house or Senate members telling the public to get vaxxed?

Personally,I have not.


Anonymous said...

As more and more information comes out about deaths, and serious adverse effects from the clot shots, eventually the sheeple will catch on. Savvy politicos won't want to be caught on the wrong side when the voters start to see the light. I once worked for a Romanian. When Ceaucescu (sp?) the Romanian dictator was executed, she took the entire office out to lunch to celebrate. I hope someday we can celebrate the jailing of Fauci.

Anonymous said...

I hope someday we can celebrate the jailing of Fauci."

Fauci, Murphy, Cuomo, Wolf, Whitmer all tried for crimes against humanity. Like they did to the Germans after WW2. Placed sick persons in nursing homes and killed thousands of the elderly. Maybe place them under international authority of a tribunal at the Hague. Deprive them of 5th Amendment rights. They MUST answer all questions.

That big mouth dago Cuomo especially.

Anonymous said...

From your lips to God's ears.