Thursday, June 03, 2021

A Brief, Moving Memorial Day Speech by President Ronald Reagan (1985)

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

Thanks to @jesusizrael777.

N.S.: This is as powerful as anything I’ve ever heard the Gipper say.


Memorial Day Tribute – “Thank You”
May 29, 2014

Champion Forest Baptist Church

Remembering those who gave it all so that we can live in freedom.

Speech from Ronald Reagan, 1985. Arlington National Cemetery



Anonymous said...

They gave up their lives...for the country that WAS--not the country that IS.


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
I will relentlessly point out that the vast majority of illegal alien's are young single males, they come from countries that practice female infanticide, child bride marriage and polygamy which results in skewed gender ratios of too many men. To a degree, immigration rules reflect that which causes many of these young men to be disallowed but Biden/Harris want to do away with that and allow those masses of men entry and supply them free transportation to boot:
Vastly increased rates of sexual assault, child rape and crime in general will result but the Dems/libs don't care one bit.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
There are time when I read Ann Coulter I just want to smack her. Yes, she can be great at times but other times she can have a tunnel vision that is maddening. I just spotted this on Breitbart:
OK, I get that DNA is a great way to track otherwise unfindable serial killers but Coulter appears to be oblivious to the fact that most serial killers nowadays are black men. If anything, I suspect the players behind the scenes are trying to keep DNA from revealing the vastly disproportionate amount of black serial killers, or black violent criminals in general.

Anonymous said...

What would Reagan think about today?If he was still alive,here's what he might say.

Republican of your choice,announcing:HERE'S THE 40TH PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES...RONALD WILSON REAGAN(applause)

"Thank you.Well,I know I've been out of office for a long time,but hell--Don Rickles isn't even around to heckle me from the back(laughs).

"I've been asked to give a few remarks about what's happening today,in the year 2021.I almost said the year 2525,but that was a hit record during my first term as governor--at least that's what my daughter,Patti,told me at the time(laughs).Personally,I was still trying to understand the Beatles,but by the time I did--in about 1970--I was informed that they had broken up."

"But I digress,as a man of my age does from time to time.I'm told the Senate minority leader is here,a Mitch McConnell--HE'S our best Republican?Next thing you'll tell me,George W Bush was elected President twice--what's that--HE WAS?How is this country still standing?Like a horse with three broken legs,I know."

"After I left the White House,I have to admit,I kind of lost interest in politics,I didn't remember why for a long time,but lately,my memory has been making a comeback and the reason,I discovered,was this:Politicians in the last 30 years have evolved into--and I'm being kind--morons,imbeciles,lowlifes and sociopaths.Many are commies and shouldn't even be in our country--let alone in office.

"Something has gone amiss in America.Freedoms that our Constitution guarantees to us are disintegrating before our eyes.The right to live in a peaceful neighborhood,the right to have the best qualified worker hired--not because of "affirmative action",the right to know your vote is being counted correctly,the right to protect your family and your home with the right to bear arms,the right of the police to enforce the law against thugs--lock them up and throw away the key;the right of people not to be overtaxed and the right to be able to hear your TV news--knowing it isn't one big filthy lie.

I believe we need a reawakening of the American vision that I grew up with in Dixon,Illinois--that meant hard work,the American flag on your porch and patriotism in your heart.Anyone who doesn't like the history of this land should leave it."Love it or leave it"--they used to say..and well,I agree.

I have only one suggestion to make as to how to get there.Back in 1987,I said,"Mr.Gorbachov,tear down this wall."I will update that here,35 years later:"Mr.US Citizen--tear down this communist country and make it America again."

Thank you,goodnight and God bless America--and get rid of that damn McConnell."