Monday, November 02, 2020

Trump: The Presidency that Never was (My New, N.A.E.B.C. Column is Up!)

Trump: The Presidency that Never was

By Nicholas Stix

As soon as Donald Trump had been declared the winner of the 2016 presidential election, in the biggest upset in American political history, his Democrat enemies at Google, NBC News, the Democratic National Committee, etc., wiped away their tears, and set about undoing the election via a massive conspiracy to commit sedition.

[Read the whole thing at N.A.E.B.C.!]


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Agree,to a point.I'm not sure why Trump was distracted from draining the swamp--whether "the powers that be" had a talk with him the day of his inauguration-- or what.I DO know,he was not allowed by various factions,to follow through on what he wanted to try.The ACLU,courts,media,RINOS,CIA and FBI--all of them and more--stymied the agenda.
And now we'll have Biden.There goes the rest of the United States of America