Monday, November 16, 2020

If the ADL isn’t Racist, I Don’t Know What is

By Nicholas Stix

ADL: “Racism

“Racism is the marginalization and/or oppression of people of color based on a socially constructed racial hierarchy that privileges white people.”

If I could, I would ask ADL CEO and National Director Jonathan Greenblatt, Why do you hate White people?



Anonymous said...

Everyone else does--why be different?

Anonymous said...

There are Jews who don't want to be considered white--they are upset at programs giving minorities special rights and want in on the scam. They don't want to be blamed for having "white privilege." That there are so many whites trying to be "minorities" puts the lie to the claim that being white is a privilege. Arabs too are trying to flee the sinking white ship. If Biden gets away with stealing the election, expect a full court press on whiteness. No doubt the Trump executive order stopping Critical Race Theory indoctrination in federal agencies will be quickly overruled.

Anonymous said...

Eventually each and every country or kingdom where the diaspora Jew has lived sooner or later the locals turn on them. The Jews unfortunately except for the Orthodox in USA have hitched their cart to the wrong horse. The dark horse. Bad idea.