Monday, November 02, 2020

Affirmative Action Divides Asian-Americans, UC’s Largest Overrepresented Student Group

By R.C.
Sun, Nov 1, 2020 1:20 p.m.

Affirmative Action Divides Asian-Americans, UC's Largest Overrepresented Student Group

R.C.: It's called "racial profiling."

Besides, Asians benefit from affirmative action.

No different than blacks.


Anonymous said...

Trafalgar Group Chief Pollster Robert Cahaly who accurately predicted the 2016 presidential election claims President Trump will win again in 2020.

ROBERT CAHALY: It seems rather strange to me they haven't learned any lessons.

They say they corrected things. That is nonsense -- about adjusting their sample for education weighting, yet when we have -- again in place in Florida, in the Gilliam-DeSantis race, last year, 2018, they were all wrong again. We were the only ones right too.

PETE HEGSETH: The governor's race in Florida. Take one place in Michigan. It has Trafalgar race in Michigan, president up 1%. "Real Clear Politics" the famous aggregator, has the president down eight points. That is a nine-point gap. You have a strong Senate candidate there in John James(GRA:who I can't stand). When you look at a race like that in particular, are you confident that the president's ahead there right now?

ROBERT CAHALY: You know I really am. I look at three factors. One, there is a lot of folks who are absolutely enthralled with John James as a candidate. He is also kind of, coming in as an outsider which makes his message mesh very well -- giving some strength to the ticket. Also, we can't, there is no one that Trump can be more appreciative of than Gretchen Whitmer because she is single-handedly created environment where people in Michigan -- want to get back to business and that is also an advantage for the president there. Pete: yeah.

HEGSETH: A lot of key contrasts there in Michigan. Listen, I for one hope your polling is correct. I think people should be paying a lot of attention to it as opposed to dismissing it.
GRA:Trump has too much to overcome imho.

Anonymous said...

You no like go somewhere else.