Saturday, July 18, 2020

Charleston Police Arrest Two Teens after Husband of New CofC Provost Killed

By R.C.
Sat, Jul 18, 2020 10:47 a.m.

Charleston Police Arrest 2 Teens after Husband of New CofC Provost Killed

R.C.: Whew!

At least the suspects are not "youths"?


Anonymous said...

Police Chief Luther Reynolds called the shooting “an anomaly” in the city.
(GRA:No anomalies.There are 21% blacks in Charleston--can't be an anomaly.)
“I’ll tell you, the small number(21%) of violent criminal offenders that are in our communities doing things like this, they need to be in jail and they need to stay there. And we’re going to make sure they do,” he said.
(GRA:Next phrase up on the stepladder of bullsh*t is,"This violence must STOP!")

Reynolds said tourism also is on his mind and he’d encourage people not to give up on Charleston.
(GRA:Sounding a lot like the mayor in "Jaws"):

“I would say this is a great place to be,” the chief said. “I would say to people, and I have, to my own family members coming here, this is a great place to come. We have the best food, the best culture, the best people and it’s a very safe city for us to be at.”
(Cue music--Theme from "Jaws")
GRA:Just don't walk in it where you see blacks.

Anonymous said...

"Charleston Mayor John Tecklenburg said Friday morning’s shooting was a “a cruel act of violence that has no place in our city.”
GRA:Another oft repeated phrase I'm sick of hearing--"it has no place in our city."
But it DOES have a place in your city--and spewing out wishful thinking doesn't make it go away.A 21% black population guarantees more of the same.
The CORRECT statement to make is:"BLACKS have no place in our city.We're tired of hearing about blacks committing crimes in(city name here).If they weren't here,we'd have a wonderful place to live in--free of crime-and I want to say straight out:YOU'RE NOT WELCOME HERE."
I'd love to hear that from a pol.

Anonymous said...

Charleston-area homicides jump 34% in 2019, the deadliest of the decade
By Gregory Yee Jan 17, 2020 Updated Jun 15, 2020
Michael Allen Green (copy)
A man walks by a memorial for Michael Allen Green, who was shot multiple times on Sumner Avenue near Attaway Street in the Charleston Farms neighborhood, Tuesday, April 30, 2019. Green’s death was one of 30 homicides in North Charleston in 2019, the city’s third-highest number of killings on record, according to a Post and Courier database. File/Brad Nettles/Staff

Brad Nettles
Homicides in the Charleston tri-county region jumped by over 34 percent last year, making 2019 the deadliest of the past decade following a year of declines, records compiled by The Post and Courier show.

There were 82 fatal incidents, mostly shootings, compared with 61 in 2018, an increase of 34.4 percent.

The second deadliest year of the 2010s was 2015 when there were 79 homicides. In 2010, there were 42 homicides in the tri-county area.

The outburst of violence comes amid a persistent problem: firearms stolen from unlocked vehicles(GRA:By who?)Law enforcement officials say the guns end up in the hands of criminals who use them to settle petty squabbles and neighborhood beefs.
(GRA:These sound like the same excuses MY city is making for the murders in GR).

Some homicides were committed during the day in neighborhoods that had shown improvements against crime rates in recent years. Others occurred in public places, such as parking lots of movie theaters and gas stations.
GRA:Is that an anomaly--no it's crap coming from the mouths of the Charleston police chief and mayor.