Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Until Justice Rolls Down Like Dollars: Making Hate Pay: Jared Taylor on the SPLC and Donald Trump (Video)

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

A tip ‘o the hate to Hunter Wallace at Occidental Dissent.

American Renaissance

The Trump property Mar-a-lago recently canceled an event booked by Trump supporters, because the SPLC said they were “haters.” What more pathetic capitulation could there be to a spiteful, discredited organization that openly hates Donald Trump?

Jared: “Say ‘Yes’ to your friends, and ‘No’ to your enemies.”


Anonymous said...

I have yet to hear a good explanation of why Trump says one thing and the people under him do another. Why did a Trump-owned place cancel an event by a pro-Trump organization? Why is pro-Indian green card Mike Lee on the list for future Supreme Court Justice? Why is a former lobbyist for importing cheap labor a possible next head for Homeland Security? Why has Trump appointed swamp people for his administration again and again? Why is the state department promoting expanding the EU when Trump speaks for nationalism? Is Trump not paying attention? Is he stupid or two-faced? Trump generally says the right things, but they often are contradicted by the people who are supposed to be under him.

Anonymous said...

Yes, we do hate. We hate the hate as directed by the LEFT toward us. The most conspicuious haters the SPLC.

Anonymous said...

In the continuing pattern formation, that Lindsey Graham and Donald Trump's relationship seems to be in(the last week),alternating days of ally and foe--today Graham was an ally.
NNN tried to incite about the Trump statement that "Ukraine is nothing but a lynching by Democrats."
So NNN went to all the usual blacks who were ready to call Trump "a racist" and bemoan--on air--that the word is "beneath what President should be saying."
McConnell said,"It's not a lynching"--and then he was cut off by NBC/Holt,before the Senate leader was allowed to say what he thought of the process Trump is being put through.
Graham however,was shockingly allowed to opine,"This IS a lynching.The President is not being allowed his rights--it IS a lynching."

I'm theorizing that Holt wants Graham to get into some trouble too,but Graham is not the guy with the target on his back--Trump's the only one everyone is flipping over about the "lynching" description.
That brouhaha followed the "explosive" Bill Taylor testimony--which was supposedly to take place "behind closed doors"--except NBC had all the info on its newscast.CNN and the rest had info as well.
No collusion there--between media and Democrats(sarcasm).
But as long as Graham is in Trump's corner 4 days out of the 7 in any particular week,Trump is not in danger.