Tuesday, October 01, 2019

Tawana Brawley, er, Amari Allen, Confesses Her Hate Crime Hoax; No White Boys Cared about Her Stupid Dreadlocks; Media Operatives Like NBC News’ Lester Holt and Rehema Ellis, Who Exploited Hoax Like MSM Al Sharptons, Have Not Apologized, Nor Have They been Fired

N.S.: And here, I thought she’d be choosing from photo arrays of white boys on the school’s lacrosse team by now, looking for the three rapists, er, hair-choppers.

Note, too, the perp’s mother’s ridiculous lie—that the perp’s “family” didn’t notice for two days that her dreds were gone. Not that that extra idiocy was even necessary.

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Monday, September 30, 2019 at 6:30:00 P.M. EDT

Black Girl Admits Lying about Three White Boys Cutting Her Hair
Girl Recants Accusation that Classmates Cut Her Dreadlocks
POSTED 4:42 PM, SEPTEMBER 30, 2019

The girl, Amari Allen, tells CNN that three white boys at Immanuel Christian School in Springfield, Virginia, pinned her on Monday to a playground slide and cut several of her dreadlocks.

SPRINGFIELD, Va. (AP) — A northern Virginia girl has recanted her accusation that three classmates grabbed her and cut her dreadlocks on the playground of a northern Virginia private school.

The Washington Post reports that the girl’s family issued an apology Monday to the boys, the school and the community.

Last week the 12-year-old girl told multiple media outlets that three of her sixth-grade classmates at Immanuel Christian School in Springfield called her hair “ugly” while they assaulted her at recess. The girl is African American and said her attackers were white. The story received national attention.

The school’s principal, Stephen Danish, sent a statement to parents Monday confirming the allegations were false. He said the school feels “tremendous pain for the victims and the hurt on both sides of this conflict.”

GRA: Another black lie—not to be confused with a white lie. Let's see if Lesta issues a retraction of the report that Rehema Ellis jumped on last week with such delight.

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Monday, September 30, 2019 at 7:22:00 P.M. EDT


Holt, True to Form, Fails to Correct Racist Lie, by Him and NBC News, against White Kids

There was no retraction or mention of this lie tonight on NNN.
Lyin’ Holt—an accomplice to spreading the lie—with blackie Rehema Ellis—
should be fired. I have seen numerous erroneous “Negro Nightly News” stories that were reported in haste against whites, white cops, and white children—without remorse.

He pretends to care about Mexican “chillen” being separated at the border, black “chillen” getting shot in St.Louis—by other blacks, but WHITE “chillen” don't get an ounce of due process. Instead, Ellis is sent to a fake story which is assumed by Holt to be true because three whites did it. The white kids are indicated guilty on national TV—in a one-sided court trial presided over by Holt. The white kids’ side was not presented for one second.

Holt’s favorite word is “OUTRAGE!”

Tonight, he would be correct.


Jerry PDX
Monday, September 30, 2019 at 7:22:00 P.M. EDT

Race hoax of the week (maybe daily is more accurate) exposed! Remember the story of the grade schooler that claimed three white boys assaulted her and cut her dreadlocks? The “victim” now admits she made it up, as you pointed out earlier Nicholas, the hoaxers are getting younger and younger: https://www.foxnews.com/us/virginia-6th-grader-dreadlocks-made-story-up
Story got some major coverage with ABC, NY Times, NY Post, and various other heavy hitters but so far I only find ABC, NY Times covering her recant. BET covered the hoax but hasn't reported it’s a hoax but Essence has. Disclaimer: That's based on a quick internet search using some key words, I could have missed some things but it’s pretty obvious, as usual, the hoax confession will be reported with much less vigor than the initial false allegation.

Anonymous said...
Tuesday, October 1, 2019 at 11:34:00 A.M. EDT

“SPRINGFIELD, Va. (AP) — A northern Virginia girl has recanted her accusation that three classmates grabbed her and cut her dreadlocks on the playground of a northern Virginia private school.”

The colored girl made the whole thing up because HER COLORED GRANDMOTHER told her she had ugly hair.

Those three boys faced a life of misery if this tale not corrected. It has been corrected but the damage done.

2/3 of alleged hate crime hoax and 2/3 of hate crime as committed by minority against whitey.


Anonymous said...

No Holt apology today either.Brings back memories of Houston,in January of this year,when a black(LaPorsha Washington) accused a white man of shooting her daughter at a traffic stop.
The drooling racist himself (Holt)fed the white killer theory without waiting for some REAL proof--not the knee-jerk theories that abound early on.
"Here are artists renderings of two white men who police are looking for, after a drive-by shooting of an 8 year old black girl.It's a possible hate crime."
But Abracadabra---in one weekend,the whites magically turned to black thugs.Because of their haste(and unquenchable thirst) to air "white hating" stories,this one was pushed for broadcast without the facts--which NBC COULD HAVE waited for--being a national news show.There's no deadline for accuracy--or there shouldn't be.
And no apology in that case either,for the method they used,which caused errors in reporting and a potential incitement to riot.Yes,they reported the correction (quickly),but NBC News has not changed it's faulty method of gathering and reporting news.
I remember others as well.One of Holt's favorite is about white police shooting blacks who resist arrest violently.San Diego(El Cajon actually--a suburb),in 2016 was one spot that Holt referred to as "a city where tensions are rising--with hundreds of African-Americans--upset with the killing of an unarmed black man,marching the streets tonight."
No city needs to hear that.
But until Trump is out,I believe this inflammatory style of white hating news reporting will continue unabated.

Sebastian Hawks said...

Dreadlocks are about showing the world you are a lazy pothead, not about being black. That's why it's adventageous for any black seeking professional employment to cut them off. Similar to whites with Mohawks, body piercings, tatoos, and all these strange mullah beards I see in white guys from Generation Bastard? When I was in College in the early 90s there was a black guy on our floor whose black girlfriend made him cut off his dreadlocks because she knew the bad signals it sent.

Anonymous said...

Those boys actually accused of a most serious crime, physical assault with hate as a motivator. Could have been detention or reform school till an adult with all the consequences that would have brought. Big time law suits by the parents of the boys is needed.