Monday, October 14, 2019

Fascist Reading List

Fascist book / reading list (x-post /r/DebateFascism)

This is a really good reading list I found on \r\DebateFascism. It not only consist of the works of today's most important fascism scholars (Stanley Payne, Roger Griffin, Robert Paxton), but also includes primary source material of some of today's most influential fascists (Aleksandr Dugin, Alain de Benoist, Julius Evola). For some reason the hyperlinks to the PDF files of the books aren't visible, but it's there when you move your mouse over the titles of the books.

Political Theory
Orthodox Fascism
Strasserism / national communism
National socialism
Iron Guard
New right
Social Corporatism
Special category

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whoever compiled this list did a great service for scholars. The fascist idea not hardly confined to Nazi Germany or Italy. In the aftermath of WW1 disaffected persons many millions of them seeking an answer to problems of the era as perceived. Many choosing communism and many choosing fascism. It cannot be denied.