Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Leftist Groups are Taking Up Arms, as Streets and Campuses Look Increasingly Like the Weimar Republic

By A Colleague
Mon, Jul 22, 2019 8:57 p.m.
Why Leftist Groups are Taking Up Arms

I continue to marvel at the ability of Leftists to project their owncharacter flaws on their enemies.... hate, intolerance, malice,ignorance, lawlessness, racism, stereotyping, double standards,hypocrisy, McCarthyism...

Andy Ngo could have used some armed protection... not to mention countless numbers of visiting college lecturers and peaceful protestors who have been physically threatened.

This is looking more and more like the Weimar Republic of the late 20s and early 30s when the Brownshirts and Reichsbanner fought each other on the streets, often with the police failing to intervene.

N.S.: The difference between Weimar and now, is that police, prosecutors, and judges are all fighting on the side of the Communists and anarchists.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"N.S.: The difference between Weimar and now, is that police, prosecutors, and judges are all fighting on the side of the Communists and anarchists."

Correct. Only one group so far using violence. AND aided and abetted by the forces of law and order. Very sad.