Wednesday, July 24, 2019

My Chronicles Archive: Please Support WEJB/NSU!

By Nicholas Stix

From 1992-1998, I freelanced for Chronicles magazine, among many other publications—dailies, weeklies, monthlies, quarterlies, publishing my own occasional magazine (A Different Drummer)—
delivering papers at conferences (philosophy, aesthetics, politics, remedial ed), and teaching five-to-seven days week at colleges, and even in people’s living rooms.

Chronicles was the most brilliantly written representative of “paleo-conservatism,” a notion that seems to have been retired, in favor of the Dissident Right, in recent years. “Paleo-conservatism” was for a generation or so the main intellectual alternative on the Right to neo-conservatism.

In 1998, Chronicles Editor-in-Chief Thomas Fleming purged me, in what was apparently a proxy war, when Ted Pappas left after carrying Fleming for ten years. Unbeknownst to me, Ted had apparently been my “rabbi.”

Years ago, Chronicles set up a barebones archive, but one could only access back issues and articles through subscribing. A number of years later, Ron Unz graciously set up such an archive through his vast complex at ( seems to have been swallowed up by

In the meantime, Chronicles vastly improved its archive, and by pooling its results with those of, I was able to compile a comprehensive, linked listing.

Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture: Nicholas Stix Archive

July 1993: Downtown Manhattan Identities;

October 1993: “Legalized Racism”;

September 1994: Students as Clients;

December 1994: “Virulent Propaganda”;

September 1995: “Black English”;

January 1996: “Politics: Merry Kwanzaa”;

August 1996: “Letter from New York: Crime Stories”;

March 1997: “Letter from New York City: The War on White Teachers”;

April 1997: N.S. Letter: “On Religious Studies”;

September 1997: “Letter from Nueva York: The Elite of El Bronx” (As Robert Berman);

November 1997: “Literature: The Black Nationalism of George S. Schuyler”;

December 1997: Reader’s Letter, in Response to “Letter from Nueva York”;

February 1998: “Making Agenda Meet” (Review);

September 1998: “The Asphalt League” (as Robert Berman).

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