James Fulford writes: Tonight, you see that we`re running an appeal by Nicholas Stix, who has always supported our fundraising efforts. We also have, if you go down to the bottom, past the donation links (wait, not so fast!) you`ll see we have a magnificent column by Steve Sailer,totally demolishing Malcolm Gladwell`s new book, which book a farrago of bad old ideas (the conventional wisdom)and stupid new ones—Gladwell`s own work. Gladwell is paid tens of thousands of dollars every time he makes a speech, on the condition that he not tell the truth about the social sciences he glibly discusses. We, by comparison, are asking you for a relative pittance, which we remind you is tax deductible, and remember, the end of the calendar year is fast approaching.
On Wednesday, The Baltimore Sun published an attack by Ron Smith on the Southern Poverty Law Center, a civil rights organization known nationally for its lawsuits against and investigations of white supremacist hate groups in America (“The truth about `hate crimes` and the racial justice racket,” Commentary, Dec. 3).
Aside from a great deal of unsubstantiated name-calling, Mr. Smith mentions an essay written by Nicholas Stix, a man Mr. Smith sparely describes as a “columnist and blogger.”
What Mr. Smith declines to say is that Mr. Stix is a well-known white nationalist who recently prepared a lengthy introduction to an article,* published by the National Policy Institute, that paints “a statistical and narrative portrait of the war on white America.”
In it, Mr. Stix concludes that the Brown v. Board of Education ruling outlawing school segregation was “arguably the worst decision” in the Supreme Court`s history. “Integration and the civil rights movement,” Mr. Stix continues, “led directly to the destruction of great cities.“
Many of Mr. Stix`s articles, which dwell heavily on what he sees as a huge wave of anti-white hate crime committed by black people, are archived at the VDARE Web site.
With Mr. Stix, Mr. Smith claims that the October murder of an interracial couple in Winchester, Calif., allegedly by four black men, was motivated by race hate – despite the statements of police that the motive was robbery.
Actually, the concept has been ratified by the Supreme Court in a case [Wisconsin vs Mitchell, 1993] in which the defendant was a black man who had attacked whites because of their race. Yet that doesn`t stop Mr. Smith from claiming that “the truth is one thing and the liberal agenda is another.”
*Actually, my good friend Mark erred, in describing me as having written “a lengthy introduction to an article.” In fact, I wrote the introduction to an over 45,000-word NPI report, The State of White America – 2007, which I edited and co-wrote, and which can be downloaded for free here.
I have a feeling that Mark neglected to read more than the introduction. I’m immensely proud of that report, which two brilliant social scientists, statistician [sic; economist] Ed Rubinstein and historian Robert J. Stove, together wrote with me, and want everyone to read it.
I realize that Mark is terribly busy, what with phoning in race hoaxes all the time, cashing supporters’ checks, and having meetings, but mightn’t it be a good thing for the director of an alleged “Intelligence Project” to spend a wee bit of time collecting … intelligence?
I appreciate that Mark incorporated the correction I had made of his misquotation of me as having called Brown, “arguably the worse [sic] decision”in the history of the U.S. Supreme Court.
Conversely, in the case of the racist, Jena, LA attempted murder committed against white student Justin Barker by from eight to ten black students, the SPLC not only refused to tell the truth about Barker’s ordeal, but in one propaganda release after another, turned his attackers into victims (see, for instance, here, here, here and here), and used the Jena Hoax as a means with which to defraud the American public out of millions of dollars in fundraising.
In contrast to Potok & Co., I spend thousands of hours per year researching my articles, reading books, articles and reports on the Web, and interviewing people. The books (not to mention, bookcases!) are a major expense, as are things like computers (I just bought a new one in May, and already, it`s crapping out on me) and printers, and I have less dramatic but continuing expenses for my ISP, telephone, toner, paper, etc.
But at over 60 hours per week, my biggest expense is time. I need to make money from my work. While the SPLC has shown itself willing to increase my name recognition and readership, neither Mark Potok, nor the SPLC’s boss of all bosses, Morris Dees, has been willing, so far, to publish or pay me for my work. The New York Times has shown a similar reticence.
VDARE is sponsored by the VDARE Foundation, a 501(c)(3) charity; your contributions are tax-deductible.
Thank you for your support.
You can donate(tax-deductibly!) by check (click to get form for easier mailing) or credit card—and you can do it monthly if you prefer. ALSO: you can now fax your credit card info! Donations are tax-deductible.
We are delighted see donations of any size—$10, 100, $1,000, $10,000. But we do feel especially good about the larger ones!
[N.S.: I cut the “ask” short, because it offered gifts that may no longer be available. Check the current “circle of support” page, to see what supporters are getting for their generous gifts.]
NAACP President Cornell William Brooks to Join Protests at Sessions' Mobile, AL Office
Protests at Five Sessions Offices in Alabama Scheduled
MOBILE, AL—NAACP President and CEO Cornell William Brooks will join with local Alabama chapters of the NAACP for a statewide protest against the nomination of Senator Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III for U.S. Attorney General.
Alabamians Against Sessions for Attorney General will include five protests at the five Alabama offices of Sessions, located in Mobile, Huntsville, Dothan, Birmingham and Montgomery.
“As a matter of conscience and conviction, we can neither be mute nor mumble our opposition to Senator Jefferson Beauregard Sessions becoming Attorney General of the United States. Senator Sessions has callously ignored the reality of voter suppression but zealously prosecuted innocent civil rights leaders on trumped-up charges of voter fraud. As an opponent of the vote, he can't be trusted to be the chief law enforcement officer for voting rights,” said NAACP President and CEO Cornell William Brooks.
President Brooks will be joined at a January 3 press conference and protest at Sessions' office in Mobile by Alabama State Conference President Benard Simelton and Mobile Branch President Lizetta McConnell.
“Despite 30 years of our nation moving forward on inclusion and against hate, Jeff Sessions has failed to change his ways,” said Alabama State Conference President Benard Simelton. “He’s been a threat to desegregation and the Voting Rights Act and remains a threat to all of our civil rights, including the right to live without the fear of police brutality."
The press conference featuring NAACP President Cornell William Brooks, Alabama State Conference President Benard Simelton and Mobile (AL) Branch President Lizetta McConnell will take place in Mobile, AL on January 3, 2017 at 11 a.m. at the Office of Senator Jefferson Sessions, 41 West Interstate 65 Service North, Mobile, Al 36608
“Some of us in Alabama recall, Senator Sessions saying he liked the Klan,” said Mobile Branch President Lizetta McConnell. “He said it was a joke, but saying something like that while discussing a case where the Klan murdered a young black man says a lot about a person. We need someone who realizes that attorney general has got to actually care about the people’s rights he’s protecting and not just doing it because it’s his job."
Local members of the NAACP will hold multiple Press Conferences around the state on January 3, 2017 at four of Sessions' other district offices:
200 Clinton Avenue West #802, Huntsville, Al 35801
Vance Federal Building, 1800 5th Avenue North, Birmingham, Al 35203
100 West Troy Street #302, Dothan, Al 36303
7550 Halcyon Summit Drive #150, Montgomery, Al 36117
Founded in 1909, the NAACP is the nation's oldest and largest nonpartisan civil rights organization. Its members throughout the United States and the world are the premier advocates for civil rights in their communities. You can read more about the NAACP’s work and our six “Game Changer” issue areas here.
If you would rather not receive future communications from NAACP, let us know by clicking here.
NAACP, 4805 Mount Hope Drive, Baltimore, MD 21215 United
Over at VDARE, the Christmas/New Year’s Fundraiser has stalled short of its goal of $100,000, and so I’ve ridden on ahead, to get the cavalry. If you’re in a hurry to help, and don’t have time to read the spiel (though it’s a good one), please hit this link. And tell them Nicholas Stix sent you!
[Memorial Day Weekend, 2013: Because of the necessity of fighting back the nation-breaking Amnesty/Immigration Surge Bill, Peter Brimelow has not shut down VDARE during this year’s spring fundraiser. Thus, as is my wont, I am doing some freelance fundraising.]
[New Year’s Eve, 2012: This is your last chance to make a contribution to VDARE or yours truly that you can deduct from your 2012 taxes.
To make a tax-deductible donation directly to VDARE, hit this link.
To make a tax-deductible donation to yours truly, via the fund that Peter Brimelow has kindly set up for me at VDARE, hit this link.
Thanks in advance for your generosity, and thank you, Peter!]
[This is a lightly corrected and revised re-run from April, 2009.]
We in the Stix household recently watched the classic John Wayne western, True Grit. In Wayne’s unsentimental yet raffishly charming portrayal, protagonist Marshal Reuben J. “Rooster” Cogburn is an occasional coward, occasional thief, occasional perjurer, maybe even an occasional murderer, and a full-time drunk. But Rooster Cogburn has grit.
Cogburn may be a fictional character, but he is a recognizable type to anyone familiar with American history, by which I do not mean the propaganda currently promoted in our schools and universities.
In this country, men with grit and greatness—most of whom were not cowards, thieves, perjurers or murderers, though quite a few were drunks—used to practically sprout out of the soil like corn. America’s first census, in 1790, showed a combined three million freemen and slaves, and yet there was probably more greatness then than there is now, with 100 times as many warm bodies.
Well, I’m not George Washington, and you’re not Thomas Jefferson; we can only try and be the best we can be. But we’ve got to try!
Various powers aim to rob Americans of their patrimony. VDARE.com aims, as one of the leading forces in the patriotic immigration reform movement, to stop them. Will you join in helping us, with a tax-deductible donation?
History for Patriots—or Traitors?
My son recently turned nine. When he started school, in pre-K, I resolved not to fight with his teachers, until he was along a decent piece. No use confusing the child. And the public school he attends is one of the most patriotic in New York. Whereas school administrators on Manhattan’s Upper West Side would have kids sing the “Internationale” or kneel facing Mecca before they’d have them say the Pledge of Allegiance, every day at assembly at my boy’s school, they say the Pledge and sing Irving Berlin’s “God Bless America.”
But the books the children are given to read are often another story, entirely.
During the First Grade my son, then six, had a wonderful young teacher, just a couple of years out of teacher’s college. As I later told her, I was glad that she didn’t have any kids of her own yet (and, though I kept it to myself, glad that she wasn’t a party girl), because once she did, she wouldn’t be able to devote herself completely to her pupils. She smiled and nodded in agreement.
But some of the books my son was bringing home from school were abominations which had to be contradicted. One, that was assigned for class, claimed that (white) Americans, in their terrible wastefulness—in contrast to the Indians—had almost killed off the bald eagle. As if the Congresses that passed conservation laws were full of Indians! And what was the racial background of that great conservationist, Teddy Roosevelt? (I don’t know if my son’s teacher or the head of social studies assigned that book, and I’d just as soon not know.)
At about the same time, my son brought home an oversized, illustrated library book that portrayed the Indians as angels, and the white man as a cut-throat savage.
That did it. I ranted against that book to my son, and purchased the 1956 John Ford masterpiece, The Searchers, which we watched together. In that story, the Comanche massacre a settler family. They scalp the husband, gang-rape, scalp, and murder the mother and their beautiful, teenaged daughter, and kidnap their little daughter, Debby (Natalie Wood). The husband’s brother, Ethan Edwards (John Wayne) and one-eighth-Indian, adopted son, Martin Pawley (Jeffrey Hunter), set off to find Debby and bring her back. It takes years, but they rescue her.
The thing about The Searchers is that, unlike the supposedly non-fiction book my son had brought home, it was based on the true story of Cynthia Ann Parker.
(Unfortunately, the Comanche had kidnapped Parker for so long—25 years—and married her off to a Comanche leader, so that when she was found, she no longer knew English, had two children, and did not want to return to her family. PC biographies now speak of her as having been “adopted” by the Comanche.)
In its Golden Age, Hollywood was never known as a reliable source of history, but those old pictures are today often more accurate than the “history” books that are foisted on our children.
I want my son to grow up loving and honoring his country, but first he’s got to have a country. If this nation’s policies—policies promoted, for different motives, by Right and Left elites alike—continue apace, not only will America soon be a nation unfit to be loved, but it won’t be a nation at all. Giving schoolchildren anti-American propaganda is meant to sap their wills, so that they won’t have the necessary desire to fight for their country that had my late Uncle Irwin Simpkins, later a mild-mannered, college librarian in civilian life, enlist in the Army for World War II, and re-up for the Korean War. (What about me, you ask? Less than one month after the last chopper took off from the roof of the U.S. Embassy in Saigon, I turned 17 and volunteered for the Regular Army. I may have set a record for the most possible ways that a man can flunk an Army physical.)
VDARE.com does not promote itself as a history site, but its writers must often treat of historical issues, because so much of anti-American propaganda involves lying about the past, in order to conquer and enslave the American people now and in the future. And since the movement to destroy America has long employed the means of race war, it manufactures a steady stream of racist, anti-white propaganda.
Let’s return to True Grit for a moment. The area where it was shot, in Ouray County, Colorado, already had some period buildings, such as the Ouray County Courthouse, built in 1888, and the movie crew either constructed or converted some Western buildings in the style of the period, in the towns of Ouray and Ridgway.
Ridgway preserved quite a few of them. In her short documentary, True Grit: Then and Now, “JeepsterGal” will show a building or a rock in a movie scene, and then show the same landmark now, in most cases looking exactly the same, 40 years later. And the countryside in the San Juan Mountains that dominates Ouray County (542 square miles, present population, 3,800), and where most of the outdoor scenes were shot, is as spectacular now as it was then.
But imagine what the area might look like in a generation, in an America with between 500 million and one billion people. Instead of being virtually unsettled, it could have hundreds of thousands of people living in semi-attached and attached homes and apartment buildings, with the only reminders of places like Owl Creek Pass and Deb’s Meadow the street signs, strip malls, and highways named after them.
You might think that environmental groups like the Sierra Club—which until 1996 pledged its support for population stabilization—would fight to protect America’s natural treasures, but as Brenda Walker’sVDARE exposés revealed, the Sierra Club was bought off for $100 million by hedge fund entrepreneur and Open Borders fanatic, David Gelbaum.
The fox is guarding the henhouse.
No Americans Welcome!
Someone might counter, “Well, at least we’ve still got our national parks!”
Not really. As Brenda Walker has also detailed in reports over the years, America’s most beautiful national parks have for over ten years increasingly been stolen and plundered by illegal Mexican immigrant drug gangs, the franchisees in El Norte of Mexico’s narcoterrorists, who have taken over large swathes of the parks for the cultivation of marijuana, and turned them into no-go zones for the Americans who pay for their upkeep, and who are their owners. But in addition to stealing our parks, the harm spreads to ten times the area actually cultivated:
These Mexican marijuana messes are an ecological disaster. They are not innocent little plots that leave a minimal footprint. They are industrial grow sites, toxic stews where the gangsters use dangerous and illegal chemical herbicides, pesticides and growth hormones that result in long-lasting environmental damage.
When Americans, the owners of those national parks, visit them, they increasingly take their lives in their hands. As Brenda just reported today, two campers in Santa Barbara’s Aliso Park area, west of New Cuyama, barely escaped an April 17 encounter with alleged narcoterrorists with their lives. (Aren’t we always hearing that drug offenders are non-violent?!) The campers stumbled onto a marijuana patch being tended by two “immigrants.” When the “immigrants,” who spoke only Spanish, gestured to the campers to wait for “Boss,” the campers fled in their vehicle. They barely escaped a chase by two men in a truck equipped with five high-powered rifles. Police went back to the crime scene, and arrested the men in the truck.
Local parks are also being stolen and destroyed. In 2007, VDARE’s Steve Sailer observed Los Angeles’ “public” Hansen Dam Park, which had been seized from the American taxpayers, and privatized by illegal aliens from Mexico, who made no tax contribution to its support, and who wrecked it. They buried the grass in garbage and excrement, set fires that caused massive damage, brought in horses that were illegal, unhealthy, and extremely dangerous, in an area jammed with families and many small children, for an illegal trade selling rides for kids.
Where were the police, you ask? In his pioneering, postmodern/New Age/PC management style mixing sanctuary policy and de-policing, LAPD Chief William Bratton had long ago ordered the police to surrender most public space to the criminal invaders. Bratton, a Boston-born and raised carpetbagger himself, had earlier announced that if any native Los Angelenos didn’t like illegal immigration, they should leave the state. And millions of native Californians, including VDARE’s own Joe Guzzardi, have called Bratton’s bluff!
Meanwhile, that man presently occupying the White House just announced that he will seek to pass an illegal immigrant amnesty in his first year in office, just as I predicted he would in February.
America is currently well on the way to the worst economic depression in her history, with 6.14 million jobless workers receiving unemployment benefits, millions more having exhausted their benefits (and no longer being counted by official unemployment figures), additional millions underemployed, and millions more soon to lose their jobs, at a current rate of over 600,000 per month. Not only would a chief executive seeking to bring about an economic recovery never dream of pushing for a mass amnesty, but he would be undertaking accelerated mass deportations, so as to rid America of the multibillion-dollar welfare, education, and criminal justice costs that illegals incur, and to put an end to their stealing of jobs from American citizens and legal immigrants alike. Instead, that man wants to amnesty over 22 [24] million illegal aliens?! And just who will pay for these illegals? If he gets his way, you and I will. In perpetuity.
Of course, the amnestisiacs are lowballing the numbers, claiming that only 12 million illegals are in play. Only. They always lowball the numbers and the costs.
The real numbers are closer to 30 million [P.S. 23.5 million-43.5 million, plus the illegal children] illegals, because the over 22 [24] million I cited above have several million illegal children who were born here, and whom a rogue federal judiciary has redefined from being illegal aliens (as per the meaning of the Fourteenth Amendment), to native-born American citizens.
But for the Usurper-in-Chief, an illegal alien amnesty is only the beginning.
In a 2007 interview, “Obama” told NPR’s Farai Chideya that as far as he is concerned, any immigrant who is a descendant of slaves or who came from anyplace in the world that had ever been under colonial rule has an eternal and unlimited claim against America (though not in exactly those words), which to him means white Americans.
I mean, you know, black people didn't end up in the Caribbean by taking a yacht there. They came on slave ships. Back in Africa, my grandfather was a cook for the British army and suffered under the colonialism there.
Never mind that colonial rule was often the only bright spot in such misbegotten nations’ history. Never mind that in Kenya, “Obama’s” paternal grandfather benefited tremendously from colonialism. “Obama” has instead fabricated a bizarro universe history, in which his grandfather “suffered” under colonialism.
Look for “Obama” to seek to airlift in millions of sub-Saharan African “refugees,” the lower their IQs—the average in black Africa is 67 or 70, depending on whose research you read—and the less suited for modern life, the better.
What is his goal? In his autobiography, Dreams from My Father, “Obama” says that his father’s dreams are his dreams. Fortunately for us, his father had clearly detailed his dreams in 1965, in an academic paper entitled, “Problems Facing Our Socialism.”
Barack Obama Sr. expressed his rage at seeing that virtually all private property in Kenya was owned by whites and Asians (Indians). His solution: Use the government to steal every last inch of it from them. The elder Obama also suggested possibly levying a tax rate of 100 percent—a rate of confiscation twice as bad as under American chattel slavery—as a realistic option.
Such a mad plan might make a sort of sense coming from a racist, petulant child lacking the slightest grasp of economics, but Obama Sr. had a master’s degree in economics from Harvard! (How did he ever manage that?)
Obama Sr. does at one point acknowledge that seizing the businesses of experienced, capable white and Asian businessmen, and turning them over to black men lacking both in business experience and aptitude might not be economically fruitful, but emphasizes that he doesn’t care. The elder Obama was motivated purely by the politics of hate, and that is the motive now in charge in the Oval Office.
VDARE.com was founded at Christmastime 1999, by that wandering Englishman, Peter Brimelow. Peter had seen socialism and mass immigration destroy his native land, and bilingualism and biculturalism slowly destroying Canada. Peter fell in love with America, became a naturalized citizen, and didn’t want to see her destroyed, too.
Peter may not be riding a horse with the reins in his teeth, guns ablaze, and he’s not a drunk. But he’s a real man, not a movie character.
Actually, if you’re old enough to recall a kinder, gentler time when academics were scholars, rather than self-styled community organizers, Peter gives the impression, in person, of an absent-minded professor. But impressions aside, I think he has grit. And there’s no man whom I would rather have my back in a barfight.
More to the point, unlike Rooster Cogburn, Peter can’t hold up a federal paymaster or a bank, whenever he needs a “road stake” for VDARE. He needs your help. Please give generously to VDARE.
I realize that times are hard. But they’re going to get harder. I’ve written at least 11 [30?] previous fundraising appeals for VDARE, without ever employing such dramatic language, but if we can’t fight off this next amnesty push… I’ll leave the future to your imagination.
Spoiler alert: The last four minutes of the 11:32 video that follows show the movie’s climactic gunfight and fadeout. If you’ve yet to see True Grit, you might want to pass on seeing those scenes just now.
But whether or not you watch the documentary, you should first mosey on down to VDARE.com’s donation page here, to make a tax-deductible donation to The VDARE Foundation, the 501(c)(3) non-profit that operates VDARE.
Neither the DPUSA, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, nor their media shills have ever provided any evidence backing up claims that the Russians had “hacked” the election. The first such claims I heard, on CNN, were that stories about Hillary Clinton’s terrible health were “fake news” that the Russians had somehow infiltrated into the news cycle, in order to help Donald Trump.
Initially, CNN’s Brian Stelter and Kate Bolduan snorted that stories about Mrs. Clinton’s health were “conspiracy theories.” Then came the claims of Russian “fake news” stories from a talking head on CNN, though the propagandist gave no examples.
The notion that the public got the notion that Hillary Clinton was deathly ill through “conspiracy theories,” or Russian “fake news,” was as ludicrous as just about every other dirty trick the MSM pulled, though I have to admit that the sheer volume of the media treachery did affect many people—like yours truly. I was convinced that Trump would lose. My reason for believing that, however, was the treachery of his own party. No Republican presidential candidate had ever overcome both the DPUSA and the GOP ganging up on him.
In any event, the public got the idea that Mrs. Clinton was desperately ill via their own eyes, and their impressions were underscored by the media’s desperate attempts to refute the obvious. At the 9/11 memorial, she had to leave early, and fainted, getting into her SUV. She needed huge Secret Service agents on each side of her at all times to help her go up or down even a single step. She suffered repeated, violent coughing fits. She did only a fraction of the campaigning that Trump did.
In addition to the media’s “conspiracy theory” and Russian “fake news” fairy tales, the MSM showed its contempt for the public and the truth by saying things like the TV doctor on MSNBC, who asserted that we all have a “fainting reflex,” which explained Mrs. Clinton’s fainting on 9/11—except that no one else fainted. Another “expert” claimed that Mrs. Clinton “only” had pneumonia. All of a sudden, a deadly disease became a minor matter. One cable host, or talking head, asserted that Mrs. Clinton was out of the public eye, because she was busy studying for the upcoming debate. It was much more likely that she was in bed, full of medication.
The entire “fake news” campaign was a pathetic attempt by the leftwing MSM to deflect from their own role, in attempting to rig the election for Mrs. Clinton, via a constant flood of news hoaxes, including their assertions that Clinton was going to win in a landslide, and that Trump had virtually no chance of winning. They were Fake News Central.
I can recall CNN’s John King asserting every day for a good three weeks in October that Hillary Clinton had 309 electoral votes sewn up, Trump had but 172, and she had a good shot at many more, while he was dead in the water. Only about a week before the election, did King slightly change the Electoral College totals, though he still presented a Clinton victory as a given.
I am counting the fraudulent pollsters as part of the same MSM fake news world. (Note that not all pollsters were fraudulent.)
The MSM’s response to any criticism was, and still is, to vilify the critics as “white supremacists,” “Nazis,” etc.
The ganging up was so effective that a few weeks before the election, even Trump appeared to believe he was going to lose.
Since Trump’s miraculous victory, his enemies have promoted the blood libel that the Russians “hacked” the election for him. They have shown no evidence that this happened, and indeed, it would impossible for there to be any such evidence. It is not technologically possible to hack into tens of thousands of voting machines. When Obama supporters speak of “election systems” being hacked, that is exactly the deception that they seek to foist upon the public.
We are told that the Democratic National Committee was hacked, but that is no “election system,” though its bosses surely wish it were.
DNC bosses have had trouble keeping their lies straight, and with good reason.
Wikileaks exposed onetime DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile as funneling presidential debate questions to Democrat candidate Hillary Clinton, in an effort to rig the election. Brazile, who had sought in 2000 to help steal the election for DPUSA candidate Al Gore, identified herself ass “a Chrsitian woman,” and asserted that the emails that showed her passing along debate questions to the Clinton camp, were falsified by Wikileaks. If Brazile, the Christian woman, was telling the truth, then nobody hacked the DNC. But if she was lying, it means that whoever hacked the DNC succeeded at getting to the public the truth that the MSM was conspiring to cover up!
I have yet to hear any Democrats condemn Donna Brazile as a liar.
Brazile actually played it both ways: She condemned the leaks as both “stolen” and as fabricated. At first, numerous Democrats, including CNN personnel, never mentioned the emails, without emphasizing that they were “stolen.” Keep in mind that Democrats are typically criminals’ biggest cheerleaders.
I am not aware of the Administration ever providing any evidence that the emails were hacked by the Russians, and have read or heard reports that American intelligence agencies were deeply divided on the question.
The John Doe calling himself “Barack Obama” has now directed DHS and the FBI to release a joint report [pdf] asserting that, through phishing attacks, “Russian civilian and military intelligence Services (RIS) … compromise[d] and exploit[ed] networks and endpoints associated with the U.S. election, as well as a range of U.S. Government, political, and private sector entities. The U.S. Government is referring to this malicious cyber activity by RIS as GRIZZLY STEPPE….
“The U.S. Government confirms that two different RIS [Russian intelligence service] actors participated in the intrusion into a U.S. political party. The first actor group, known as Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) 29,
entered into the party’s systems in summer 2015, while the second, known as APT28, entered in spring 2016.”
(Although the report sounds impressive, there’s no “there” there. Most of it consists of strategies that will presumably protect systems from such attacks.)
Here’s why I don’t believe Obama:
We know that behind the scenes, the intelligence agencies do not agree on the source of the attack;
Democrats in the government, media, and elsewhere, including Obama, have been working like crazy to undo the election, and destroy Donald Trump;
As The Hill has pointed out, Obama has provided no evidence to back up his incendiary assertions, but instead has relied on Democrat repetition and the secondary repetition (“reporting”) of Democrat media operatives, to make people think Obama & Co. have made their case; and
Obama is the biggest liar and most evil man to ever occupy the White House. He makes the previous champion liar, Bill Clinton, look like a piker, and in matters of evil, there’s no one to whom Obama can be compared. Ever since his first inauguration, he has striven to wreak chaos at home and abroad.
As far as I can see, the Russia game began as a rhetorical strategy by Hillary Clinton’s election team. They took an innocuous line by Trump that he could work with Vladimir Putin and, after initially asserting that Trump would be Putin’s puppet, spun ever grander lies on the same topic.
The question is, what is Obama’s endgame? Toppling Trump? Installing Hillary as president? Bringing about a (nuclear?) war between us and Russia? Declaring a state of emergency, and naming himself “president” for life? On January 20, 2009, I argued that the John Doe calling himself “Barack Obama” is capable of anything. I’ve never seen any reason to change that judgment.
Russia’s December 28 Response
28 December 201619:44
The outgoing US administration has not given up on its hope of dealing one last blow to relations with Russia, which it has already destroyed. Using obviously inspired leaks in the US media, it is trying to threaten us again with expansion of anti-Russian sanctions, “diplomatic” measures and even subversion of our computer systems. Moreover, this final New Year’s “greeting” from Barack Obama’s team, which is already preparing to leave the White House, is being cynically presented as a response to some cyber-attacks from Moscow.
Frankly speaking, we are tired of lies about Russian hackers that continue to be spread in the United States from the very top. The Obama administration launched this misinformation half a year ago in a bid to play up to the required nominee at the November presidential election and, having failed to achieve the desired effect, has been trying to justify its failure by taking it out with a vengeance on Russian-US relations.
However, the truth about the White House-orchestrated provocation is bound to surface sooner or later. In fact, this is already happening. On December 8, US media quoted Georgia’s Secretary of State Brian Kemp as saying that the local authorities tracked down the origin of a hacker attack on his voter registration database after the election. The attack was traced to an IP address of the Department of Homeland Security. This was followed by an attempt to quickly cover up this information by a flood of new anti-Russian accusations that did not contain a single piece of evidence.
We can only add that if Washington takes new hostile steps, it will receive an answer. This applies to any actions against Russian diplomatic missions in the United States, which will immediately backfire at US diplomats in Russia. The Obama administration probably does not care at all about the future of bilateral relations, but history will hardly forgive it for this après-nous-le-deluge attitude.
JUST IN: President Obama announces sanctions against Russia in wake of election hacking pic.twitter.com/UkArVWwuiu
BREAKING: Trump responds to announcement of new Russian sanctions saying "It's time for our country to move on to bigger and better things" pic.twitter.com/K7lUyLdGQN
Back in the late 1980s and early 1990s, Harper’s editor Lewis Lapham used to show off his feelings of superiority towards President George H.W. Bush, by re-printing transcripts of the President’s speeches, emphasizing his vocal imperfections, e.g., “uh,” umm,” etc.
These are people who deified the racist monster and intellectual fraud, Barack “Obama,” and who are morally and intellectually unfit to carry Donald Trump’s jockstrap.
"I helped Catholic Charities resettle Hungarians in North Carolina. These refugees, Roman Catholic Hungarians, didn’t rape anybody. Nor did they drive heavy trucks into street fairs crowded with unsuspecting civilian residents.
"So, the year that began with jihadi refugees raping every female in sight of the famous cathedral in Cologne, Germany, ends with a jihadi hijacking a heavy truck, murdering the driver and deliberately and murderously crashing it into a Christmas market in downtown Berlin. And with literally too much similar tragedy wedged in between...."
Fisher had an undistinguished acting career, but proved to be a funny writer. Daniel J. Solomon has things precisely backwards:
Fisher played Princess Leia Organa in the “Star Wars” movies, becoming a cult figure to a generation of fans. She also starred in other iconic movies like “When Harry Met Sally” and Woody Allen’s “Hannah and Her Sisters.” For a brief time, she was also married to Paul Simon.
She also had a career in letters, publishing a popular semi-autobiographical novel, “Postcards from the Edge,” for which she wrote the screenplay. The 1990 movie starred Meryl Streep, Shirley MacLaine and Dennis Quaid. She wrote an autobiographical one-woman play and a book, “Wishful Drinking,” based on the show.
The daughter of singer Eddie Fisher and actress Debbie Reynolds, Fisher was born into Hollywood royalty in Beverly Hills. Her parents divorced when she was two after her father left Reynolds for actress Elizabeth Taylor.
The most important fact of Fisher’s life was whom she chose as parents; the second most important fact was her life as a writer; and the least important fact was her busy but forgettable career as an actress.
But why did The Forward even write about Carrie Fisher? The Webzine purports to be about Jews and Judaism, yet as a commenter points out, Carrie Fisher was a gentile.
I submitted the following comment.
Carrie Fisher was a funny writer (Postcards from the Edge, Wishful Drinking) and gave one memorable performance, that I can recall, in When Harry Met Sally. Conversely, I found her performance as the princess in Star Wars, one of the most overrated movies ever made, forgettable.
The notion, promoted by your headline, that she was an “iconic” actress, is ludicrous. Google’s dictionary defines icon thus:
indiscriminately use the phrase “iconic.” They told us that Madonna Ciccone was “iconic.” It’s been all downhill since.
“1. a painting of Jesus Christ or another holy figure, typically in a traditional style on wood, venerated and used as an aid to devotion in the Byzantine and other Eastern Churches.”
synonyms: image, idol, portrait, picture, representation, likeness, symbol, sign; More
figure, statue
"an icon of the Blessed Virgin"
“2. a person or thing regarded as a representative symbol of something”
Roughly 30 years ago, I started hearing media hypesters indiscriminately use the term “iconic.” Madonna Ciccone, they told us, was “iconic.” It’s all been downhill ever since.
If The Forward is in the business of making Jews look shallow, it is succeeding magnificently.
Barack Obama to Trump: Forget about an amicable succession;
Michelle “Obama”: America under the presidency of a normal, patriotic, white man, is “hopeless”;
Obama to Israel: Drop Dead;
Obama: The Wailing (aka Western) Wall, the holiest site in world Jewry, is occupied territory that belongs to genocidally anti-Semitic, Arab Moslems;
In a statement that surely was intended to insult Trump, but was at least as much a knock on Hillary Clinton, Obama says that he would have beaten Trump, head to head; and
Donald Trump kept having the "worst" week for 1.5 yrs; his campaign was always about to collapse; he had NO chance of winning#Fake2016Factspic.twitter.com/3oM6w0hQIY
Come and enjoy the world’s greatest singers, some still with us, and others on loan from Heaven, Purgatory, and … wherever!
In my annual travails with the “KK,” I had to find replacements for Nat King Cole singing “Christmas Song” live, the Vienna Boys’ Choir singing “The Little Drummer Boy” live, and Bing Crosby singing “Silent Night.”
I was able to find an exquisite version of “I Wonder as I Wander,” arranged by John Rutter, and performed by the Cambridge Singers, which I find the most moving carol of them all, without losing the two versions I had last year.
And most importantly, I had to replace Andrea Bocelli’s sublime singing of “Angels We Have Heard on High.” The live versions still available have poor audio quality, and so the new version is a studio recording. Maybe next year.
Christmas Day, 2014:
The Kopyright Kops and Youtube forced me to find new videos of Judy Garland and Frank Sinatra singing “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas,” and Nat Cole singing “Christmas Song” (two different versions!).
P.P.S. Christmas, 2013
We have nine new performances this year, and so far have lost only one of the older ones to the copyright cops. Kristin Chenoweth is visiting us, singing “The Christmas Waltz,” Ella Fitzgerald is giving us “Sleigh Ride,” Dean Martin is crooning “Let It Snow!,” Johnny Mathis is doing his famous rendition of “It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas,” the Harry Simeone Chorale performs “Do You Hear What I Hear?,” Andrea Bocelli and a heavenly choir sing “Angels We Have Heard on High” and, finally, Perry Como has dropped in to give not one but three very different versions of his standard, “There’s No Place Like Home for the Holidays.”
Merry Christmas!
Christmas Day, 2012:
Ideally, you have a thingamajig to pipe these videos into your TV screen, and can settle back on your living room couch with blankets, cozy with your loved ones, with mugs of hot chocolate or real egg nog within reach. Or maybe you’re like me, sitting in front of a little computer screen, with a kid almost as big [2013: now bigger!] as you are sitting on your lap, cutting off the circulation to your thigh. (I can no longer imagine not having a kid sitting on my lap, cutting off the circulation to my thigh, no matter how big he gets!)
Whatever your station, I hope that you can put your cares away for as long as you watch these videos. The lyrics follow each song. [2013: There was no time for lyric-hunting this year for the new ones.]
The concert’s first act consists of popular, modern Christmas songs; the second of traditional, religious songs.
With best holiday wishes,
Nicholas Stix
P.S. Christmas, 2012
This year’s production contains a new version of der Bingle singing “White Christmas,” as the older version had a commercial that ran 62 seconds and, for the first time, includes “Carol of the Bells.”
I had to replace many of the previous recordings, due to the copyright cops, but I am also pleased to announce that there is one other huge, surprise addition this year--but it's not likely to remain available for long!
In case anyone is wondering why there are so many performances by Bing Crosby--that man was just born to sing Christmas music! I wish I had more of his recordings!
I'm dreaming of a white Christmas,
Just like the ones I used to know,
Where the treetops glisten,
And children listen,
To hear sleigh bells in the snow.
I'm dreaming of a white Christmas,
With every Christmas card I write,
May your days be merry and bright,
And may all your Christmases be white.
I'm dreaming of a white Christmas,
With every Christmas card I write,
May your days be merry and bright,
And may all your Christmases be white.
Lyrics and music for "Happy Holiday" by Irving Berlin
Music and lyrics for "The Holiday Season" by Kay Thompson
Happy holiday,
Happy holiday,
While the merry bells keep ringing,
May your every wish come true.
Happy holiday,
Happy holiday,
May the calendar keep bringing,
Happy holidays to you.
It's the holiday season,
And Santa Claus is coming back,
The Christmas snow is white on the ground,
When old Santa gets into town,
He'll be coming down the chimney, down,
Coming down the chimney, down.
It's the holiday season,
And Santa Claus has got a toy,
For every good girl and good little boy,
He's a great big bundle of joy,
He'll be coming down the chimney, down,
Coming down the chimney, down.
He'll have a big fat pack upon his back,
And lots of goodies for you and me,
So leave a peppermint stick for old St. Nick,
Hanging on the Christmas tree.
It's the holiday season,
With the whoop-de-do and hickory dock,
And don't forget to hang up your sock,
‘Cause just exactly at 12 o'clock,
He'll be coming down the chimney,
Coming down the chimney,
Coming down the chimney, down!
Happy holiday,
Happy holiday,
While the merry bells keep bringing,
Happy holidays to you.
Happy holiday,
Happy holiday,
May the calendar keep bringing,
Happy holidays to you,
To you … happy holiday (repeats to fade).
Here in the Stix household, I caught some flack today over my original choice of Kristin Chenoweth. I’d been in a hurry this morning, saw her version first at Youtube, and I just so happen to be crazy about her. Granted, her saccharine performance was not up to her usual standard. And as someone pointed out, no one comes close to Sinatra, singing this song. And so, without further ado…
Greeting cards have all been sent,
The Christmas rush is through,
But I still have one wish to make,
A special one for you.
Merry Christmas, darling,
We're apart, that's true,
But I can dream and in my dreams,
I'm Christmas-ing with you.
Holidays are joyful,
There's always something new,
But every day's a holiday,
When I'm near to you.
The lights on my tree,
I wish you could see,
I wish it every day,
Logs on the fire,
Fill me with desire,
To see you and to say.
That I wish you Merry Christmas,
Happy New Year, too,
I've just one wish,
On this Christmas Eve,
I wish I were with you.
Logs on the fire,
Fill me with desire,
To see you and to say,
That I wish you Merry Christmas,
Happy New Year, too,
I've just one wish,
On this Christmas Eve,
I wish I were with you,
I wish I were with you.
It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year: Andy Williams
It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year
It's the most wonderful time of the year,
With the kids jingle-belling,
And everyone telling you,
Be of good cheer,
It's the most wonderful time of the year.
It's the hap-happiest season of all,
With those holiday greetings,
And great happy meetings,
When friends come to call,
It's the hap-happiest season of all.
There'll be parties for hosting,
Marshmallows for roasting,
And caroling out in the snow,
There'll be scary ghost stories,
And tales of the glories,
Of Christmases long, long ago,
It's the most wonderful time of the year,
There be much mistletoe-ing,
And hearts will be glowing,
When loved ones are near,
It's the most wonderful time of the year.
Woah, there'll be parties for hosting,
Marshmallows for roasting,
And caroling out in the snow,
There'll be scary ghost stories,
And tales of the glories,
Of Christmases long, long ago.
It's the most wonderful time of the year,
There be much mistletoe-ing,
And hearts will be glowing,
When loved ones are near,
It's the most wonderful time,
It's the most wonderful time,
It's the most wonderful time of the year.
How are Things in Glocca Morra?: Kate Baldwin in Finian’s Rainbow
(To those who may ask what this song has to do with Christmas: All I know is that when I was a wee lad, it wasn’t Christmas, until you heard Ella Logan (also here) of the original, 1947 Broadway cast singing “How are Things in Glocca Morra?” on a Christmas special, or on the Ed Sullivan Show.)
How are things in Glocca Morra?
Music by Burton Lane
Lyrics by E.Y. “Yip” Harburg
How are things in Glocca Morra?
Is that little brook still leaping there?
Does it still run down to Donny cove?
Through Killybegs, Kilkerry, and Kildare?
How are things in Glocca Morra?
Is that willow tree still weeping there?
Does that laddie with the twinklin' eye
Come whistlin' by,
And does he walk away,
Sad and dreamy there, not to see me there?
So I ask each weepin' willow,
And each brook along the way,
And each lad that comes a-whistlin,'
City sidewalks, busy sidewalks,
Dressed in holiday style,
In the air there's a feeling
Of Christmas,
Children laughing, people passing,
Meeting smile after smile,
And on every street corner you'll hear.
Silver bells,
Silver bells,
It's Christmas time in the city,
Hear them ring,
Soon it will be Christmas Day.
Strings of streetlights, even stoplights,
Blink of bright red and green,
As the shoppers rush home with their treasures,
Hear the snow crunch,
See the kids bunch,
This is Santa's big scene,
And above all the bustle you'll hear.
Silver bells,
Silver bells,
It's Christmas time in the city,
Ring-a-ling, hear them ring,
Soon it will be Christmas Day,
Soon it will be Christmas Day.
(There's No Place Like) Home for the Holidays (Stillman-Allen) by Perry Como, orchestra and chorus conducted by Mitchell Ayres
Here is Perry's original feel-good 1954 Christmas hit. In 1959, RCA Victor had him record a newly-arranged "replacement" stereo version that dropped the brassy big band open in favor of a more low-key intro. For decades, that was the only one that RCA would issue on its various holiday music compilations.
The 1954 HITS ARCHIVE - here in one place, a high-quality library of best-sellers and songs that made an impact, presented in clean, original-release versions (no remakes, alternate takes, or "re-processed stereo")
There’s No Place Like Home for the Holidays: Perry Como (1959)
"(There's No Place Like) Home for the Holidays" is a popular song, commonly associated with the Christmas season although the lyrics are more applicable to the Thanksgiving holidays. The music was written by Robert Allen, the lyrics by Al Stillman. The song was published in 1954. The best-known recordings were made by Perry Como, who recorded the song twice. The first recording, done on November 16, 1954, was released as a single for Christmas, 1954, by RCA (catalog number 20-5950-B on 78rpm and 47-5950-B on 45rpm). Como's second recording of the song, in stereo and with a different musical arrangement, was made on July 15, 1959. It was released as a 33rpm single (RCA catalog # VP-2066)
Oh, there's no place like home for the holidays
'Cause no matter how far away you roam
When you pine for the sunshine of a friendly gaze
For the holidays you can't beat home sweet home
I met a man who lives in Tennessee, he was heading for
Pennsylvania and some homemade pumpkin pie
From Pennsylvania, folks are travelling
Down to Dixie's sunny shore
From Atlantic to Pacific
Gee, the traffic is terrific
Oh, there's no place like home for the holidays
'Cause no matter how far away you roam
If you want to be happy in a million ways
For the holidays you can't beat home sweet home
Take a bus, take a train
Go and hop an aeroplane
Put the wife and kiddies in the family car
For the pleasure that you bring
When you make that doorbell ring
No trip could be too far
I met a man who lives in Tennessee, he was heading for
Pennsylvania and some homemade pumpkin pie (some pumpkin pie)
From Pennsylvania, folks are travelling
Down to Dixie's sunny shore
From Atlantic to Pacific
Gee, the traffic is terrific
Oh, there's no place like home for the holidays
'Cause no matter how far away you roam
If you want to be happy in a million ways
For the holidays you can't beat home sweet home
For the holidays you can't beat home sweet home
* * *
Angels We Have Heard on High: Andrea Bocelli, David Foster, and Choir (Italian and English)
Angels We Have Heard on High
Angels we have heard on high,
Sweetly singing o’er the plains,
And the mountains in reply,
Echoing their joyous strains.
In excelsis Deo,
In excelsis Deo.
Come to Bethlehem and see,
Christ whose birth the angels sing,
Come adore on bended knee,
Christ the Lord, the newborn King.
In excelsis Deo,
In excelsis Deo.
See him in a manger laid,
Whom the choirs of angels praise,
Mary, Joseph, lend your aid,
While our hearts in love we raise.
In excelsis Deo,
In excelsis Deo!
In 2009, Andrea Bocelli and David Foster collaborated to produce a Christmas album with a number of other music legends. This is "Angels We Have Heard on High" with choir and orchestra.
This YouTube version was ripped and uploaded directly from the raw DVD VOB files, which means quality should be higher than other YouTube versions.
You can get the album from any of the links below:
- My Christmas: Amazon MP3 downloads: http://amzn.to/dUrI5V
- My Christmas: Amazon CD: http://amzn.to/h3qyw5
- My Christmas: Deluxe CD and DVD combo: http://amzn.to/g4qgaT
- My Christmas: DVD: http://amzn.to/hr2Jqg
Les Anges Dans Nos Campagnes
(Original, French Version)
Chant de Noël - Les Anges dans nos Campagnes par les Petits chanteurs à la Croix de Bois
Montage vidéo : la Magie de Noël (LMDN)
Les Anges Dans Nos Campagnes – Paroles de chansons de noel
[The Angels in Our Campaign – Lyrics to the Christmas Carol]
Les anges dans nos campagnes ont entonné l’hymne des cieux
Et l’écho de nos montagnes redit ce chant mélodieux
Glo______________________ria in excelsis Deo !
Glo______________________ria in excelsis De____o !
Bergers, pour qui cette fête quel est l’objet de tous ces chants?
Quel vainqueur, quelle conquête mérite ces cris triomphants?
Déjà les concerts des anges et les Hymnes des chérubins
Occupés de vos louanges ont appris à dire aux humains
Il est né, le Dieu de gloire terre, tressaille de bonheur
Que tes hymnes de victoire chantent, célèbrent ton Sauveur!
* * *
Do You Hear What I Hear?: The Harry Simeone Chorale
Unfortunately, der Bingle, whose performance was previously on this spot, was taken into custody by the copyright cops, but my son found this lovely version, in its place.
Said the night wind to the little lamb,
"Do you see what I see?
Way up in the sky, little lamb,
Do you see what I see?
A star, a star, dancing in the night,
With a tail as big as a kite,
With a tail as big as a kite."
Said the little lamb to the shepherd boy,
"Do you hear what I hear?
Ringing through the sky, shepherd boy,
Do you hear what I hear?
A song, a song, high above the trees,
With a voice as big as the sea,
With a voice as big as the sea."
Said the shepherd boy to the mighty king,
"Do you know what I know?
In your palace warm, mighty king,
Do you know what I know?
A child, a child shivers in the cold—
Let us bring him silver and gold,
Let us bring him silver and gold."
Said the king to the people everywhere,
"Listen to what I say!
Pray for peace, people, everywhere,
Listen to what I say!
The child, the child sleeping in the night,
He will bring us goodness and light,
He will bring us goodness and light."
Little Drummer Boy
By Katherine K. Davis, Henry Onorati and Harry Simeone
Come they told me, pa rum pum pum pum,
A new born King to see, pa rum pum pum pum,
Our finest gifts we bring, pa rum pum pum pum,
To lay before the King, pa rum pum pum pum,
rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum.
So to honor Him, pa rum pum pum pum,
When we come.
Little Baby, pa rum pum pum pum,
I am a poor boy too, pa rum pum pum pum,
I have no gift to bring, pa rum pum pum pum,
That's fit to give the King, pa rum pum pum pum,
Rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum.
Shall I play for you, pa rum pum pum pum,
On my drum?
Mary nodded, pa rum pum pum pum,
The ox and lamb kept time, pa rum pum pum pum,
I played my drum for Him, pa rum pum pum pum,
I played my best for Him, pa rum pum pum pum,
Rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum.
Then He smiled at me, pa rum pum pum pum,
Me and my drum.
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
By Ralph Blane and Hugh Martin
Have yourself a merry little Christmas,
Let your heart be light,
From now on,
Our troubles will be out of sight.
Have yourself a merry little Christmas,
Make the Yule-tide gay,
From now on,
Our troubles will be miles away.
Here we are, as in olden days,
Happy golden days of yore,
Faithful friends who are dear to us,
Gather near to us, once more.
Through the years,
We all will be together,
If the fates allow,
Hang a shining star upon the highest bough,
And have yourself a merry little Christmas now.
Here we are, as in olden days,
Happy golden days of yore,
Faithful friends who are dear to us,
Gather near to us, once more.
Through the years,
We all will be together,
If the fates allow,
Hang a shining star upon the highest bough,
And have yourself a merry little Christmas now.
[Christmas, 2015: The KK deleted my previous live version of Cole singing "Christmas Song," but I was able to find a not-yet-deleted upload today.
Christmas Song
By Mel Torme and Robert Wells
Chestnuts roasting on an open fire,
Jack Frost nipping on your nose,
Yuletide carols being sung by a choir,
And folks dressed up like Eskimos.
Everybody knows, a turkey and some mistletoe,
Help to make the season bright,
Tiny tots with their eyes all aglow,
Will find it hard to sleep tonight.
They know that Santa's on his way,
He's loaded lots of toys and goodies on his sleigh,
And every mother's child is going to spy,
To see if reindeer really know how to fly.
And so I'm offering this simple phrase,
To kids from one to ninety-two,
Although it’s been said many times, many ways,
Merry Christmas … to you.
They know that Santa's on his way,
He's loaded lots of toys and goodies on his sleigh,
And every mother's child is going to spy,
To see if reindeer really know how to fly.
And so I'm offering this simple phrase,
To kids from one to ninety-two,
Although it’s been said many times, many ways,
Merry Christmas … to you.
Nat King Cole: Christmas Song (Live TV Performance, Circa 1959)
Nat King Cole: Christmas Song (Classic Recorded Version)
Here We Come A-Caroling
(The Wassail Song) – Traditional
The wassail bowl was a combination of hot ale or beer, spices, and mead, alcoholic enough to warm a cold caroler.
Here we come a-caroling among the leaves so green,
Here we come a-wand'ring so fair to be seen,
Love and joy come to you,
And to you glad Christmas too,
And God bless you and send you a Happy New Year,
And God send you a Happy New Year.
We are not daily beggars that beg from door to door,
But we are neighbors' children whom you have seen before,
Love and joy come to you,
And to you glad Christmas too,
And God bless you and send you a Happy New Year,
And God send you a Happy New Year.
God bless the master of this house, likewise the mistress too,
And all the little children that round the table go,
Love and joy come to you,
And to you glad Christmas, too,
And God bless you and send you a Happy New Year,
And God send you a Happy New Year.
We Wish You a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas,
We wish you a Merry Christmas,
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year,
Good tidings we bring to you and your kin,
Good tidings for Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Oh, bring us a figgy pudding,
Oh, bring us a figgy pudding,
Oh, bring us a figgy pudding and a cup of good cheer.
We won't go until we get some,
We won't go until we get some,
We won't go until we get some, so bring some out here.
We wish you a Merry Christmas,
We wish you a Merry Christmas,
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing: The Mormon Tabernacle Choir
This spot was previously held by Bing Crosby, singing a medley of “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing” and “It Came Upon a Midnight Clear: Bing Crosby,” but the copyright cops came along at some point over the past year, handcuffed der Bingle, and hauled him off to gaol.
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
Words by Charles Wesley,
Music by Felix Mendelssohn
Hark! The herald angels sing,
"Glory to the newborn King!
Peace on earth and mercy mild,
God and sinners reconciled,"
Joyful, all ye nations rise,
Join the triumph of the skies,
With the angelic host proclaim,
"Christ is born in Bethlehem!"
Christ by highest heaven adored,
Christ the everlasting Lord!
Late in time behold Him come,
Offspring of a Virgin's womb,
Veiled in flesh, the Godhead see,
Hail the incarnate Deity,
Pleased as man with man to dwell,
Jesus, our Emmanuel!
Hark! The herald angels sing,
"Glory to the newborn King!
Peace on earth and mercy mild,
God and sinners reconciled,"
Joyful, all ye nations rise,
Join the triumph of the skies,
With the angelic host proclaim,
"Christ is born in Bethlehem!"
Hail the heaven-born Prince of Peace!
Hail the Son of Righteousness!
Light and life to all He brings,
Ris'n with healing in His wings,
Mild He lays His glory by,
Born that man no more may die,
Born to raise the sons of earth;
Born to give them second birth.
Hark! The herald angels sing,
"Glory to the newborn King!
Peace on earth and mercy mild,
God and sinners reconciled,"
Joyful, all ye nations rise,
Join the triumph of the skies,
With the angelic host proclaim,
"Christ is born in Bethlehem!"
It Came Upon A Midnight Clear
Edmund Hamilton Sears
It came upon the midnight clear,
That glorious song of old,
From angels bending near the earth,
To touch their harps of gold:
"Peace on the earth, goodwill to men
From heavens all gracious King!"
The world in solemn stillness lay,
To hear the angels sing.
Still through the cloven skies they come,
With peaceful wings unfurled,
And still their heavenly music floats,
O'er all the weary world:
Above its sad and lowly plains,
They bend on hovering wing,
And ever o'er its Babel sounds,
The blessed angels sing.
O ye beneath life's crushing load,
Whose forms are bending low,
Who toil along the climbing way,
With painful steps and slow,
Look now, for glad and golden hours,
Come swiftly on the wing,
Oh rest beside the weary road,
And hear the angels sing.
For lo! the days are hastening on,
By prophets seen of old,
When with the ever-circling years,
Shall come the time foretold,
When the new heaven and earth shall own,
The Prince of Peace, their King,
And the whole world send back the song,
Which now the angels sing.
I Wonder as I Wander: The John Brown University Choir
(Yes, the video looks awful, and the mike needed to be closer, but bear with it. The soprano sings like an angel and, as Maureen Hegarty and Barbra Streisand's versions make all too clear, this song requires a soprano.)
I wonder as I wander out under the sky,
How Jesus the Savior did come for to die,
For poor on'ry people like you and like I,
I wonder as I wander out under the sky.
When Mary birthed Jesus 'twas in a cow's stall,
With wise men and farmers and shepherds and all,
But high from God's heaven, a star's light did fall,
And the promise of ages it then did recall.
If Jesus had wanted for any wee thing,
A star in the sky or a bird on the wing,
Or all of God's Angels in heaven to sing,
He surely could have it, 'cause he was the King.
I wonder as I wander out under the sky,
How Jesus the Savior did come for to die,
For poor on'ry people like you and like I,
I wonder as I wander out under the sky.
Silent night, holy night,
All is calm, all is bright,
Round yon’ Virgin Mother and Child,
Holy Infant, so tender and mild,
Sleep in heavenly peace,
Sleep in heavenly peace.
Silent night, holy night!
Shepherds quake at the sight,
Glories stream from heaven afar,
Heavenly hosts sing, Alleluia!
Christ, the Savior is born,
Christ, the Savior is born.
Silent night, holy night,
Son of God, love's pure light,
Radiant beams from Thy holy face,
With the dawn of redeeming grace,
Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth,
Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth.
Deck the halls with boughs of holly,
Fa la la la la, la la la la,
'Tis the season to be jolly,
Fa la la la la, la la la la,
Don we now our gay apparel,
Fa la la la la, la la la la,
Troll the ancient Yultide carol,
Fa la la la la, la la la la.
See the blazing Yule before us,
Fa la la la la, la la la la,
Strike the harp and join the chorus,
Fa la la la la, la la la la,
Follow me in merry measure,
Fa la la, la la la, la la la,
While I tell of Yuletide's treasure,
Fa la la la la, la la la la.
Fast away the old year passes,
Fa la la la la, la la la la,
Hail the new, ye lads and lasses,
Fa la la la la, la la la la.
Sing we joyous all together,
Fa la la, la la la, la la la,
Heedless of the wind and weather.
Fa la la la la, la la la la.
O little town of Bethlehem,
How still we see thee lie,
Above thy deep and dreamless sleep,
The silent stars go by,
Yet in thy dark streets shineth,
The everlasting light,
The hopes and fears of all the years,
Are met in thee tonight.
For Christ is born of Mary,
And gathered all above,
While mortals sleep, the angels keep,
Their watch of wondering love,
O morning stars together,
Proclaim the holy birth,
And praises sing to God the King,
And peace to men on earth.
How silently, how silently,
The wondrous gift is given!
So God imparts to human hearts,
The blessings of His heaven,
No ear may hear His coming,
But in this world of sin,
Where meek souls will receive him still,
The dear Christ enters in.
O holy Child of Bethlehem,
Descend to us, we pray,
Cast out our sin and enter in,
Be born to us today,
We hear the Christmas angels,
The great glad tidings tell,
O come to us, abide with us,
Our Lord Emmanuel.
O Come, All Ye Faithful
Joyful and triumphant,
O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem.
Come and behold Him,
Born the King of Angels;
O come, let us adore Him,
O come, let us adore Him,
O come, let us adore Him,
Christ the Lord.
O Sing, choirs of angels,
Sing in exultation,
Sing all that hear in heaven God's holy word.
Give to our Father glory in the Highest;
O come, let us adore Him,
O come, let us adore Him,
O come, let us adore Him,
Christ the Lord.
All Hail! Lord, we greet Thee,
Born this happy morning,
O Jesus! for evermore be Thy name adored.
Word of the Father, now in flesh appearing;
O come, let us adore Him,
O come, let us adore Him,
O come, let us adore Him,
Christ the Lord.
Ave Maria Prayer : The Latin text of the Ave Maria prayer
set to the music by Franz Schubert
Ave Maria Gratia plena
Maria Gratia plena
Maria Gratia plena
Ave, ave dominus
Dominus tecum
Benedicta tu in mulieribus
Et benedictus
Et benedictus fructus ventris
Ventris tui Jesus
Ave Maria
Ave Maria Mater dei
Ora pro nobis pecatoribus
Ora, ora pro nobis
Ora ora pro nobis pecatoribus
Nunc et in hora mortis
In hora mortis, mortis nostrae
In hora mortis nostrae
Ave Maria!
Ave Maria
German [?] translation by Adam Storck from
"The Lady of the Lake" by Sir Walter Scott
Ave Maria! Ave Maria! maiden mild!
Listen to a maiden's prayer!
Thou canst hear though from the wild,
Thou canst save amid despair.
Safe may we sleep beneath thy care,
Though banish'd, outcast and reviled -
Maiden! hear a maiden's prayer;
Mother, hear a suppliant child!
Ave Maria!
Ave Maria! undefiled!
The flinty couch we now must share
Shall seem this down of eider piled,
If thy protection hover there.
The murky cavern's heavy air
Shall breathe of balm if thou hast smiled;
Then, Maiden! hear a maiden's prayer;
Mother, list a suppliant child!
Ave Maria!
Ave Maria! stainless styled!
Foul demons of the earth and air,
From this their wonted haunt exiled,
Shall flee before thy presence fair.
We bow us to our lot of care,
Beneath thy guidance reconciled;
Hear for a maid a maiden's prayer,
And for a father hear a child!
Ave Maria!
Ave Maria
German translation by Adam Storck from
"The Lady of the Lake" by Sir Walter Scott
God rest ye merry, gentlemen
Let nothing you dismay
Remember, Christ, our Saviour
Was born on Christmas day
To save us all from Satan's power
When we were gone astray
O tidings of comfort and joy,
Comfort and joy
O tidings of comfort and joy
In Bethlehem, in Israel,
This blessed Babe was born
And laid within a manger
Upon this blessed morn
The which His Mother Mary
Did nothing take in scorn
O tidings of comfort and joy,
Comfort and joy
O tidings of comfort and joy
From God our Heavenly Father
A blessed Angel came;
And unto certain Shepherds
Brought tidings of the same:
How that in Bethlehem was born
The Son of God by Name.
O tidings of comfort and joy,
Comfort and joy
O tidings of comfort and joy
"Fear not then," said the Angel,
"Let nothing you affright,
This day is born a Saviour
Of a pure Virgin bright,
To free all those who trust in Him
From Satan's power and might."
O tidings of comfort and joy,
Comfort and joy
O tidings of comfort and joy
The shepherds at those tidings
Rejoiced much in mind,
And left their flocks a-feeding
In tempest, storm and wind:
And went to Bethlehem straightway
The Son of God to find.
O tidings of comfort and joy,
Comfort and joy
O tidings of comfort and joy
And when they came to Bethlehem
Where our dear Saviour lay,
They found Him in a manger,
Where oxen feed on hay;
His Mother Mary kneeling down,
Unto the Lord did pray.
O tidings of comfort and joy,
Comfort and joy
O tidings of comfort and joy
Now to the Lord sing praises,
All you within this place,
And with true love and brotherhood
Each other now embrace;
This holy tide of Christmas
All other doth deface.
O tidings of comfort and joy,
Comfort and joy
O tidings of comfort and joy
Good King Wenceslas: York Minster 1995 Choir and Soloists
Good King Wenceslas
Good King Wenceslas looked out
On the feast of Stephen
When the snow lay round about
Deep and crisp and even
Brightly shone the moon that night
Though the frost was cruel
When a poor man came in sight
Gath'ring winter fuel
"Hither, page, and stand by me
If thou know'st it, telling
Yonder peasant, who is he?
Where and what his dwelling?"
"Sire, he lives a good league hence
Underneath the mountain
Right against the forest fence
By Saint Agnes' fountain."
"Bring me flesh and bring me wine
Bring me pine logs hither
Thou and I will see him dine
When we bear him thither."
Page and monarch forth they went
Forth they went together
Through the rude wind's wild lament
And the bitter weather
"Sire, the night is darker now
And the wind blows stronger
Fails my heart, I know not how,
I can go no longer."
"Mark my footsteps, my good page
Tread thou in them boldly
Thou shalt find the winter's rage
Freeze thy blood less coldly."
In his master's steps he trod
Where the snow lay dinted
Heat was in the very sod
Which the Saint had printed
Therefore, Christian men, be sure
Wealth or rank possessing
Ye who now will bless the poor
Shall yourselves find blessing
Joy to the world, the Lord is come!
Let earth receive her King;
Let every heart prepare Him room,
And Heaven and nature sing,
And Heaven and nature sing,
And Heaven, and Heaven, and nature sing.
Joy to the world, the Savior reigns!
Let men their songs employ;
While fields and floods, rocks, hills and plains
Repeat the sounding joy,
Repeat the sounding joy,
Repeat, repeat, the sounding joy.
No more let sins and sorrows grow,
Nor thorns infest the ground;
He comes to make His blessings flow
Far as the curse is found,
Far as the curse is found,
Far as, far as, the curse is found.
He rules the world with truth and grace,
And makes the nations prove
The glories of His righteousness,
And wonders of His love,
And wonders of His love,
And wonders, wonders, of His love.
On the first day of Christmas,
My true love sent to me,
A partridge in a pear tree.
On the second day of Christmas,
My true love sent to me,
Two turtle doves,
And a partridge in a pear tree.
On the third day of Christmas,
My true love sent to me,
Three French hens,
Two turtle doves,
And a partridge in a pear tree.
On the fourth day of Christmas,
My true love sent to me,
Four calling birds,
Three French hens,
Two turtle doves,
And a partridge in a pear tree.
On the fifth day of Christmas,
My true love sent to me
Five golden rings,
Four calling birds,
Three French hens,
Two turtle doves,
And a partridge in a pear tree.
On the sixth day of Christmas,
My true love sent to me
Six geese a-laying,
Five golden rings,
Four calling birds,
Three French hens,
Two turtle doves,
And a partridge in a pear tree.
On the seventh day of Christmas,
My true love sent to me,
Seven swans a-swimming,
Six geese a-laying,
Five golden rings,
Four calling birds,
Three French hens,
Two turtle doves,
And a partridge in a pear tree.
On the eighth day of Christmas,
My true love sent to me,
Eight maids a-milking,
Seven swans a-swimming,
Six geese a-laying,
Five golden rings,
Four calling birds,
Three French hens,
Two turtle doves,
And a partridge in a pear tree.
On the ninth day of Christmas,
My true love sent to me,
Nine ladies dancing,
Eight maids a-milking,
Seven swans a-swimming,
Six geese a-laying,
Five golden rings,
Four calling birds,
Three French hens,
Two turtle doves,
And a partridge in a pear tree.
On the tenth day of Christmas,
My true love sent to me,
Ten lords a-leaping,
Nine ladies dancing,
Eight maids a-milking,
Seven swans a-swimming,
Six geese a-laying,
Five golden rings,
Four calling birds,
Three French hens,
Two turtle doves,
And a partridge in a pear tree.
On the eleventh day of Christmas,
My true love sent to me,
Eleven pipers piping,
Ten lords a-leaping,
Nine ladies dancing,
Eight maids a-milking,
Seven swans a-swimming,
Six geese a-laying,
Five golden rings,
Four calling birds,
Three French hens,
Two turtle doves,
And a partridge in a pear tree.
On the twelfth day of Christmas,
My true love sent to me,
Twelve drummers drumming,
Eleven pipers piping,
Ten lords a-leaping,
Nine ladies dancing,
Eight maids a-milking,
Seven swans a-swimming,
Six geese a-laying,
Five golden rings,
Four calling birds,
Three French hens,
Two turtle doves,
And a partridge in a pear tree!
The First Noel, the Angels did say,
Was to certain poor shepherds in fields as they lay,
In fields where they lay keeping their sheep,
On a cold winter's night that was so deep,
Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel,
Born is the King of Israel!
They looked up and saw a star,
Shining in the East beyond them far,
And to the earth it gave great light,
And so it continued both day and night,
Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel,
Born is the King of Israel!
And by the light of that same star,
Three Wise men came from country far,
To seek for a King was their intent,
And to follow the star wherever it went,
Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel,
Born is the King of Israel!
This star drew nigh to the northwest,
O'er Bethlehem it took its rest,
And there it did both pause and stay,
Right o'er the place where Jesus lay,
Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel,
Born is the King of Israel!
Then entered in those wise men three,
Full reverently upon their knee,
And offered there in His presence,
Their gold and myrrh and frankincense,
Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel,
Born is the King of Israel!
Then let us all with one accord,
Sing praises to our heavenly Lord,
That hath made Heaven and earth of nought,
And with his blood mankind has bought,
Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel,
Born is the King of Israel!
Hark! How the bells, sweet silver bells,
All seem to say, throw cares away,
Christmas is here, bringing good cheer,
To young and old, (meek and the bold),
Ding, dong, ding, dong, that is their song,
With joyful ring, (all caroling),
One seems to hear words of good cheer,
From everywhere, (filling the air),
O, how they pound, raising the sound,
O’er hill and dale, telling their tale.
Gaily they ring, while people sing,
Songs of good cheer, Christmas is here!
Merry, merry, merry, merry Christmas!
Merry, merry, merry, merry Christmas!
On, on they send, on without end,
Their joyful tone to every home,
(Hark! How the bells, sweet silver bells,
All seem to say, throw cares away),
Christmas is here, bringing good cheer,
To young and old, (meek and the bold),
Ding, dong, ding, dong, that is their song,
With joyful ring, (all caroling),
One seems to hear words of good cheer,
From everywhere, (filling the air),
O, how they pound, raising the sound,
O'er hill and dale, telling their tale.
Gaily, they ring, while people sing,
Songs of good cheer, Christmas is here!
Merry, merry, merry, merry Christmas!
Merry, merry, merry, merry Christmas!
My son just found this for me [2012]. I was tempted to retroactively add it to the Christmas Concert, but instead decided to publish it separately, since otherwise, many readers would miss it until next year. At that time, I’ll add it to the concert.
The Artist: Traditional Music of unknown author
Composition Date: Unknown
Composition Info: A traditional Ukrainian song, known as “Schedryk.” The legend of the “lastivochka” (“The Swallow”), recounted in a winsome folk song, was given a harmonious arrangement by Mykola Leontovych, and traveled to the United States in 1922 with Alexander Koshetz and the touring Ukrainian National Chorus. American composer Peter J. Wilhousky added new lyrics, upped the tempo, and named the song, “Carol of the Bells.”
I am a dissident journalist, whose work has been published in dozens of daily newspapers, magazines, and journals in English, German, and Swedish, under my own name and many pseudonyms. While living in internal exile in New York, where I am whitelisted, I maintain NSU/The Wyatt Earp Journalism Bureau and some eight other blogs (some are distinctive but occasional venues, while others are mirrors), and also write for stout-hearted men such as Peter Brimelow and Jared Taylor. Please hit the “Donate” button on your way out. Thanks, in advance.
Follow my tweets at @NicholasStix.