Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Murder of Brittney Watts: Nkosi Thandiwe Confessed to Having Murdered Watts over the Telephone to an Allied Barton Security Services Colleague, Only Hours Later (Day One of Trial Testimony); Media Had Belittled Tiffany Ferenczy’s Wound


Atlanta murder victim Brittney Fox Watts

Brittney and Brian Watts had been married for less than 1,000 days, and had not yet had any children.

Mrs. Brittney Watts’ July 19, 2011 funeral at Saint Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church, in her and her husband, Brian’s hometown of Roswell, Georgia

Shooting victim Lauren Garcia as an undergraduate at the University of Georgia's Grady College, from which she had just graduated. She is now a paraplegic.

Wheelchair-bound Lauren Garcia testifying at Thandiwe Nkosi's trial yesterday

Shooting victim Tiffany Ferenczy


[See also: “Atlanta Hate Crime Murder of Brittney Watts: Trial Shows That Media Lied About How Watts was Murdered, and Suppressed the Rest! Victim Had been Savaged; Had Nkosi Thandiwe, er, Allegedly Raped, or Attempted to Rape Mrs. Watts?”]

Posted by Nicholas Stix

Detective: Midtown shooting suspect said, “It was just that time”

By Marcus K. Garner

Tuesday, January 29, 2013, 1:07 p.m.; updated at 9:48 p.m.

Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Images of a Midtown office building and parking deck just before a deadly 2011 lunchtime shooting played Tuesday for jurors in the murder trial of Nkosi Thandiwe.

Investigators testified in Fulton County Superior Court that Thandiwe acknowledged to a co-worker what he did in a phone call hours after the incident. The former security guard is accused of fatally shooting Brittney Watts before taking her car and speeding away from the Proscenium parking deck in a hail of bullets that left Lauren Garcia paralyzed and Tiffany Ferenczy injured.

Atlanta police homicide detective Brett Zimbrick interviewed Allied Barton worker Joanne Brothers and had her call Thandiwe.

“He called back,” Zimbrick told the jury, noting that Brothers put the call on speaker so that the detective could hear.

From the witness stand, Zimbrick repeated what he heard:

“What have you done?” Brothers asked.

“Didn’t the police tell you?” Thandiwe replied.

“Why did you do it?” she asked him.

“It was just that time,” Thandiwe answered.


Mug shot of the racist killer, er, “alleged” killer (just ignore his implicit and explicit confessions to the crime)


Racist defendant Nkosi Thandiwe entering the courtroom on Day 1 of his trial with a respectable trial haircut and scholarly trial eyeglasses, provided to him by his public defenders. Although Thandiwe comes from a wealthy, well-connected, privileged family, he jettisoned two sets of private defenders, and is content instead to leech off of the white net taxpayers.

As prosecutors played footage collected from Atlanta’s police video network and from the Proscenium’s security staff – the same footage Thandiwe was supposed to be monitoring that day for the Midtown building’s hired security – the videos showed the events of July 15, 2011.

With a time stamp of just before noon on that day, the traffic camera at the corner of Crescent Street and 14th Street, which is operated by private security firm Midtown Blue and shared with Atlanta police, captured an image of Watts leaving the building where she worked and crossing Crescent to the parking deck.

Atlanta police homicide detective David Coleman confirmed Watts’ identity as the video played, then pointed out Thandiwe, about a quarter of a mile away from her on the sidewalk at the opposite end of the parking deck.

“I determined that they had to have met inside the parking deck,” Coleman said.

Moments later, Coleman identified the group of women crossing Crescent in the video as including Garcia and Ferenczy, and the jury soon sees a black Toyota Prius burst from the parking garage as the women scatter and one falls to the ground.

Videos from Proscenium actually showed earlier scenes of Watts, in jeans and a plaid top with her laptop bag slung over her shoulder and carrying an umbrella, walking through the building lobby and later through the parking deck.

As the video played, sniffling could be heard from the courtroom as members of Watts’ family hugged closer to one another.

Donovan Yarbough, a manager with Allied Barton Security Services, who was Thandiwe’s supervisor that day, testified that Thandiwe had been monitoring the Proscenium videos earlier that morning and left duty roughly a half-hour before the shooting. “He took a lunch break around 11:30 (a.m.) that day,” Yarbough said.

The cameras that Thandiwe had been watching showed him, only minutes earlier than Watts, passing through the building lobby and crossing the street to the parking deck, then going upstairs and talking with someone before returning to ground level and loitering outside the vehicle exit to the garage.

Earlier Tuesday morning, the two surviving victims relived their horror from the shooting. “I heard a loud noise … and I just fell to the ground,” Garcia said from her wheelchair in front of the witness stand. “I couldn’t move my legs. I couldn’t walk. I couldn’t feel my legs.”

“I will never walk again,” said Garcia, who remains paralyzed from the waist down as a result of the shooting.

Tiffany Ferenczy told the jury she tried to run to the parking deck when she saw the driver of the Prius cut off another car then start shooting.

“I’m still recovering,” Ferenczy said, noting that she didn’t immediately realize she had been shot in the leg. The demure blonde wore a grey dress suit that revealed two dark penny-sized marks on the outside and back of her right calf.

Kara Bikoff, who was walking to lunch with Ferenczy and Garcia at the time of the shooting, testified that she saw the shooter’s gun “pointing directly at our group [of white and white-enough women].”

Late in Tuesday’s testimony, Fulton County’s Deputy Chief Medical Examiner Dr. Michelle Stauffenberg said the single shot that killed Watts entered the back of her neck, fracturing her vertebrae and severing her spinal cord.

“All of her motor functions would fail,” Stauffenberg said. “Once the bullet damages her spinal cord, her diaphragm stops working. She would’ve died in seconds.”

Fulton County Superior Court Judge Kelly A. Lee dismissed the jury shortly after 5 p.m., and testimony will resume Wednesday morning at 9 a.m.


Previously, on this atrocity, at WEJB/NSU:

“What was the Motive in the Atlanta Murder of Brittney Watts? APD Bigwig Calls Craven Killer ‘Bold’”; “Brittney Watts Murder Update: After Triple Shooting, CBS News Reporter Asks, Is Midtown Atlanta Safe?”;

“The Brittney Watts Murder: Fellow Victim Lauren Garcia, 23, May be Paralyzed for Life”;

“Exclusive! Nkosi Thandiwe, Allied Barton Security Guard Charged with Murdering Brittney Watts was a High-Tech Stalker, Reports Atlanta Source; Company Adopts Bunker Mentality”;

“Brittney Watts Murder/Atlanta Midtown Shootings Update”;

“Hearing Re-Scheduled in Brittney Watts Murder Case”;

“Brittney Watts Murder: Are Defendant Nkosi Thandiwe and His Attorney, John A. Garland, Playing the Crazy Card or the Race Card? Both Refuse to Appear in Court, for Third Straight Time”;

“Crazy Like a Fox: Brittney Watts’ Racist Black Atlanta Murderer, Nkosi Thandiwe, Plays ‘Crazy Card,’ Gets Death Penalty Taken Off the Table”;

“The Brittney Watts Murder Case: Nkosi Thandiwe is Playing New Variations on the Crazy Card”;

“Lauren Garcia: Huffington Post, TLC, Seek to Launder Racist Character of Nkosi Thandiwe’s Shooting Spree Out of Inspirational Marketing Piece Disguised as News, But ‘Random’ Stain Remains”;

“Brittney Watts Murder Update: Victims/Survivors are All Suing Allied Barton Security, Which Had Hired Racist Killer, Nkosi Thandiwe; AJC Imposes No Comments/No Comments Policy”;

“Brittney Watts: Black Atlanta Murderer Nkosi Thandiwe was Openly, Violently Racist, and Had Already Had Racially Attacked People, Prior to Allied Barton Security Job, and on the Job, Without being Fired”;

“Brittney Watts Murder Update: Suspect Loses Lawyer”;

“Never Too Busy to Hate: Affirmative Action Criminal Justice in Atlanta”; and

“Atlanta: Testimony in Black Nkosi Thandiwe’s Trial for Murdering White Brittney Watts, Rendering White-Enough Lauren Garcia a Paraplegic, and Wounding White Tiffany Ferenczy Began on Thursday.”]


  1. Have not read your post yet, but read the AJC articles. Here's what we know (how much do we not know because we aren't allow to know that which "reflects poorly upon the beloved community of color"?):

    She had injuries consistent with being physically attacked- looks like he tried to "mend" the brokeness that racist colonialism had done to her by raping her in to a greater awareness of her need to reach out to blacks. She resisted his raping her into healing, so he mended her racist White privilege by murdering her with a bullet to the neck.

    Having failed to get a confession from her for her White privilege, he knew that "it was time for it" to shoot two other White girls in effort to mend them from their own White privilege. One is in a wheelchair for life, so she'll have lots of time to think about how much harm her unearned White privilege is still doing to Diversity.

    He attended anti White hate meetings for Peace, but the organizers have not been held accountable for the murder.

    If a White killed a black in Midtown ATL, wouldn't the media be implicating all their White associations, such as living in "too White" neighborhood, attending a "too White" school, and not having "enough" Diversity in the facebook friends?

    Blacks are trained how to attack Whites on all points of weakness, and Whites just consider everything an isolated incident that has nothing to do with race.

    We don't deserve White privilege.

  2. His mammy says he din do nuffins. He's always be a good boy.

    “He’s not the ‘Midtown Shooter,’” she said. “He’s not a monster. It’s not consistent with who Nkosi is. Nothing can be gained by putting him in jail for the rest of his life.”

  3. A juror was dismissed earlier Thursday on the fourth day of Thandiwe’s murder trial, and prosecutors told the court that his July 15, 2011 shooting spree was the result of racism, not insanity as his attorney claimed.

    “He told you he shot Brittney Watts, Lauren Garcia and Tiffany Ferenczy because he had adopted all these racist ideals,” Fulton County assistant district attorney Linda Dunikoski said to the jury, referring to Thandiwe’s testimony on Wednesday. “If race disorder was a [mental illness], then the Ku Klux Klan could murder and kill with impunity.”

    prosecuter plays the kkk race card to put a diversity in jail for life, until parole

  4. The judge is a White blonde.

  5. Ever since Susan Sontag said “the white race is the cancer of humanity” back in 1967 we whites have been paying an undue, unearned debt. White people, liberals, such as Susan, Bill Ayers, “all white babies should be killed”, circa 1970, Ted “Chappaquiddick” Kennedy, who talked the talked of the evils of racism, and of the morality of integration, but never walked the walk of the talk he talked, as he always lived in an exclusively, all white neighborhood. Ted, “Chappy”, the liberal lion of the senate, went on to champion the “Immigration and Reform Act” of 1965, claiming relentlessly that the act will not change Americas demographics. As we all know by now, the liberal lion was lyin.

    Liberals fail to mature. Immaturity substitutes a preferred illusion in said reality’s stead. The price to be paid for this cheat of nature via social chess is dumped on the collective, and it is we, non-liberal whites that pay the bill. These three young women victimized by the thug animal Thandiwe, and others, such as Eve Carson, Nicola Furlong, Christina Eilman and so many other white women, and by the way, also white men, i.e. Ron Goldman, are part of the price we pay.

    Blacks have been emboldened to act out their more animalist nature upon whites by liberals, their zeitgeist and their defense of their zeitgeist through guiling, punishing tactics. Whites on the other hand are fearful to retaliate because of the consequences of first, the liberal attack and destroy machine of liberal ideology, and second, the fear of a prison term where only real animals such as this black POS habituate.

    I was born in the great socialist democracy of Massachusetts back in 1954. I left there 25 years ago; I now reside in the great, free enterprise Republic of Texas. I have hated liberals all my life and quickly came to loath their allies, blacks, browns, and Islamics. In fact, if I was God for a day, and the bomb would kill or destroy all of the “Alliance”, I would drop the bomb.

    This is no longer my country. The liberals, along with their allies, have destroyed her. I want my own country, my old country, carved out of what remains decent here in America.

    This Thandiwe black Negro animal has earned a comeupence with the hangman. He should be looped to the noose and rope, around the nack, a left swinging until he is dead, dead, dead.

    Watch the black punk beat the murder rap and his earned rendezvous with the hangman. F white liberal America, and the white liberal allies of low life animals, blacks, browns and Islamics. Thank you.

  6. For what it's worth:

    I both loathe and fear all members of the American “Alliance”. The members of said alliance stand out loud and clear as they are “card carrying” members and adherents to, the American democrat party. The democrat party is the party whose intent is to destroy America’s, Founding Fathers, free enterprise Republic, and further to mutate it into their socialist democracy.

    The members of the alliance share one common characteristic, immaturity, and the loser mentality immaturity always imbues its victims with.

    Nature charges all animal species with the act of maturing. Likewise every human is charged with his or her own personal responsibility to mature. We are all born totally helpless and exist in a “black hole center of the universe” condition, where everything goes in, but nothing comes out; where our parents must care for our every need whilst we, the infant, do nothing for ourselves and give nothing to them in return. It is from here, this totally selfish existence, that our journey begins.

    This phenomenon of maturation ultimates into two forms of physically grown individuals, both adulterated, however one is adulterated and matured, the other is adulterated and immature.

    All those of the alliance are adulterated and immature. Whatever their personal or group problems may be, they all share the same adulterated, immature character trait of loser, and further propagate the negativity of their loser mentality upon the collective of their culture.

    It should now be clear why those of the alliance back the democrat party and its pursuit of a socialist democracy, the individual does not have to mature. The card carrying members of the alliance are; white liberals, and the vast majority, if not all of, blacks, browns, Islamics and Amerindians. If you listen closely during a democrat rally you will hear their mantra being chanted, “Take from matured whitey and give to us”.

    That a black is born of a more r selective, and therefore less neotenous gene pool, which produces a physically smaller, lower IQ cerebrum and a more animalistic, tribal being, is not whitey’s fault. All blacks, just like all animal species, are charged by nature to mature. If blacks fulfill their obligation to mature, but still cannot cut the muster of the white man’s culture, then blacks simply do not belong in the white man’s world. This is true for the other minored members of the alliance as well. The white liberals of course are the whites who skirt their personal responsibility to mature and are, not only the immature, but also the ruffian rabble rousers who lead their fellow loser, immature comrades, in pursuit of the destruction of America.

    In my mind there is nothing lower than a white liberal, the Tim Wises of our race, all of them lower than the proverbial “belly of a snake”.

    Whatever burden life, or nature, has bequeath unto a given individual, it is the responsibility of that individual to deal with it appropriately and fairly. For those whose burden is too great for them to bear personally, there is always charity from one’s own kind. And by the way, for those not in the know, charity comes first and foremost from the heart, not from the wallet.

    Americas Founding Fathers culture of a free enterprise Republic is being destroyed and transmogrified into a socialist democracy. The former culture was created by non-liberal whites, for the mature humans who can negotiate with propriety, their place and way in that culture. The latter is for the losers and the incapables, who would first, parasitize the fruits of those who have worked and endeavored to become prosperous, and second, then blame their host they parasitize, rather than to mature and become the best their nature allows them to be.

    At this point in time, I both see and believe the only hope for Americas Founding Fathers culture is via a white nationalist state carved out of what remains both white and mature in America, the red or republican states. Thank you.
