[Previously, on this case, at WEJB/NSU:
“Neo-Nazi Mob Commits Attempted Mass Murder in Chicago Suburb.”]
By Nicholas Stix
Updated on Wednesday, September 5, at 1:07 a.m.
Last updated on Wednesday, September 5, at 3:31 a.m.
The five suspects in custody for the May 19 mob attack by 18 men in a Tinley Park, IL restaurant that left 10 patrons wounded in its wake: John Tucker, 26; Alex Stuck or Struck, 22; and the three Sutherlin brothers—Jason, 33, Cody, 23, and Dylan, 20; all hail from Indiana. Thirteen suspects are still at large.
Wielding various deadly weapons, including baseball bats, extendable metal batons, hammers, table legs and nunchucks, they attempted to murder numerous patrons, and wounded 10. They attacked unarmed members of the white supremacist/neo-Nazi/whatever group, Stormfront, who were meeting for lunch, as well as unarmed patrons with no connection to Stormfront, at the Ashford House restaurant in the Chicago suburb of Tinley Park. (Tinley Park is as close as you can get to Chicago, without being in Chicago).
Ashford House owner Mike Winston recounted to Chicago Sun-Times reporter Mike Nolan, “Once they attacked the table, they went and started hitting random people.” [Suspects wielding hammers and batons attack diners at Tinley Park restaurant by Mike Nolan, Southtown Star/Chicago Sun-Times, May 19, 2012; updated: July 1, 2012, 12:30 p.m.]
The attackers were garbed in the official racist, anarchist, terrorist attire of black masks and black clothing. (Dressing in black is the traditional attire of fascists, which is why they were referred to as “blackshirts.”)
A group calling itself “Anti-Racist Action” not only took credit for the attack, but claimed that 30 of its members had perpetrated the violence. Either the press release writer was unmindful that that number made his group appear even more cowardly than it really was, or he considered it more important to give the impression of having greater numbers of thugs at his disposal, in the belief that this would strike fear in ARA’s enemies , not to mention the unarmed third parties that the group goes out of its way to brutalize.
The same ARA press release claimed,
The anti-fascist group was privy to anonymous inside information. This fascist event had been in secret planning for six monthsonly to end the press release,
The event was advertised on www.stormfront.org, an established white nationalist fascist internet forum.“Anonymous inside information” available to seven billion people, via the Internet. [Anti-Racist Action Group Claims Credit for Attack Inside Chicagoland Restaurant by Steve Huff, New York Observer, May 20, 2012.]
Patch, the source of the article below, although an amateur site, is frequently superior in its news coverage to the MSM. It is set up in terms of local affiliates, each of which is staffed by aspiring journalists who work their hearts out, in providing an intensely local focus to news coverage. (“Aspiring” means they hope to eventually be paid for their labors.)
Numerous media observers have argued in recent years that the news business’ only hope of surviving the challenge of the Internet (including Google), is to focus on local coverage.
With Patch, however, as the old movie horse auctioneer said, you get some bargains and some surprises.
Whoever wrote the title for the article below would appear to be in sympathy with the 18 racist terrorists who, on May 19, attacked a luncheon of members of the white supremacist/neo-Nazi/whatever group, Stormfront, as well as other patrons at the
I say that the writer would appear to be in sympathy with the terrorists, because she called them the “Ashford House 5.” The practice, by white leftists and black supremacists, of referring to criminal suspects as the “Location + number” goes back to the 1960s (e.g., “The Chicago 7,” “The Central Park 5”, etc.), and has always been an expression of solidarity with the latter. Because in every such case I know of, the suspects were guilty as heck, it has also unwittingly signaled to the public that it should withhold all sympathy from them, and support their being hanged from the nearest yardarm.
Cody Sutherlin’s attorney, James Fennery, said. "We believe there was an unlawful stop of the vehicle."Fennery conveniently ignored the fact that the police didn’t “just stop any car driving down the street,” they stopped the right car, where the officer found “black clothing, facial coverings, and batons and other weapons.”
Asked what would deem the stop "unlawful," Fennery only clarified to say it "involves the vehicle" and the "identification of that vehicle."
"You can't just stop any car driving down the street," he noted.
In June, the defendants pleaded not guilty to “37 counts related to mob action, armed violence, aggravated battery and criminal damage to property.
On June 21, they asked for a new judge, and were given Associate Judge Carmen K. Aguilar. So far, however, that little maneuver hasn't worked out so well for them.
In July, Judge Aguilar refused to reduce their bail, which ranges from $175,000 to $250,000 each.
Tinley Park Patch Editor Carrie Frillman’s liberal politics notwithstanding, she has done a good job of providing journalistic balance in this story, probably better than she’ll be permitted to give, should she be hired by an MSM outlet.
The national MSM has killed this story, as it has other stories of leftwing violence, death threats, and criminal coercion against pro-white groups, such as the anarchist/communist shutdown of Jared Taylor’s 2010 American Renaissance conference, and the criminal and unconstitutional campaign by black supremacist Charlotte City Council Mayor Pro Tem Patrick D. Cannon that shut down the 2011 American Renaissance conference (here and here). (Full disclosure: I had registered to attend both conferences.)
Although the article below is dated August 14, searching Google, I was unable to turn up any more recent reports on this case.
By Carrie Frillman
August 14, 2012
Tinley Park Patch
Attorneys representing five men who were accused in May of an attack at a Tinley Park restaurant said Tuesday morning that they believe the traffic stop leading to the group's arrest was illegal.
They filed a motion shortly after 11 a.m. to suppress evidence gathered during that stop, in which Indiana men John Tucker, 26; Cody Sutherlin, 23; Dylan Sutherlin, 20; Alex Stuck [N.S.: Struck?], 22; and Jason Sutherlin, 33; were arrested.
"Basically, we're saying that the arrest was invalid," Cody Sutherlin’s attorney, James Fennery, said. "We believe there was an unlawful stop of the vehicle."
Asked what would deem the stop "unlawful," Fennery only clarified to say it "involves the vehicle" and the "identification of that vehicle."
"You can't just stop any car driving down the street," he noted.
If Associate Judge Carmen K. Aguilar were to side with the defense, it wouldn't necessarily void the men's arrest, Fennery said. However, it would prevent any evidence garnered in that stop from being used in court. Assistant state's attorneys have said black clothing, facial coverings, and batons and other weapons were found in the vehicle.
The men were taken into custody in the parking lot of Tin Fish on Harlem Avenue near 183rd Street—about 1/2 mile from the Tinley Park Police Department—by an officer who was just finishing a traffic detail shift at the local convention center.
Each defendant pleaded not guilty in June to 37 counts related to mob action, armed violence, aggravated battery and criminal damage to property. Most recently, Aguilar denied bail reductions for all five.
Police say the Five, three of whom are brothers, stormed the Ashford House in Tinley Park on May 19, with their faces covered and began pummeling a group of diners and some random patrons using extendable batons, table legs, nunchucks and bats.
Authorities have said those targeted affiliate with white supremacist movements and defendants are said to be members of the Anti-Racist Action (ARA), a network of militant left-wing groups.
The Dodge Neon they were found in was one of three getaway cars seen leaving a parking lot adjacent to the restaurant, police said.
A victim named in the complaint, Brandon Spiller, showed in court Tuesday morning. He sat alone on a front-row bench behind assistant state's attorneys. It was his first time attending any of the court dates yet.
Spiller didn't interact with anyone in the room, nor did he offer comment. Following a story from his perspective and various e-mails, Spiller told Patch on May 25 that his lawyer asked him to stop communicating with the media.
But he silently slipped a two-page flier Tuesday to Patch Editor Carrie Frillman as he briskly left the courtroom. The flier includes booking photos of the Five and their street and hometown beneath the heading, "Domestic Terrorists," which is typed in capital letters.
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I wonder if we'll ever see the Knoxville Horror killers referred to as the "Knoxville Four?"
David In TN
Oh, my. Let's hope not. But the way things have been going...
When they get to prison, they'll find out just how much the "black communtiy" there appreciates them and, will find scorn withing the white community in the slammer.
There they will find out exactly how the black populace sees them for being fools and, how the white populace sees them for hating their own.
It'll be a true test of how much they "love" blacks when they're forced to date them in jail.
I was looking at the anti racist site http://antiracistaction.org/
was curious as to who these people are? They seems well organized and willing to use violence for their cause. It looks like they follow and try to intimidate all race realist groups. Would it be possible to do an article about them at some future time?
Wednesday, September 5, 2012 10:20:00 AM EDT
We can only hope.
Saturday, September 8, 2012 1:02:00 PM EDT
Thanks for the suggestion. I'll look into it. What sometimes determines whether I write an article on a topic is how much info I'm able to dig up. These mopes appear to have been flying under the radar. No one in the MSM or from the feds has been interested in investigating them--surprise, surprise!
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