By Nicholas Stix
And it is comments like that which raise red flags for Joseph Porras, who has two kids in the school system.
“Everyone is entitled to say what they want to say, but when it starts hurting other people then there is something wrong,” said Porras.
From the KCTV5 story below
If no one is allowed to say anything that someone else finds “hurtful,” then no one is “entitled to say what they want to say.”
Joseph Porras is a hypocrite and a racist. White children hear things hurtful to them in school every day, but Porras has no problem with those things being said. What he really means is that certain groups, like blacks, must be pandered to, while whites (excepting surely homosexuals) may be insulted with impunity.
Any school district that glorifies Martin Luther King Jr. is teaching racism against whites. During King’s life, most whites correctly considered him a very dangerous man, who did not believe in racial equality. But even if the racial fairy tales the schools taught about King were true, how could it be racist to glorify America’s white Founding Fathers, before glorifying King?
Every parent who allegedly accused Edward Stephens of “being a white supremacist” is a racist.
Kansas City has had waves of racist black mob attacks against whites (including at, but not limited to Country Club Plaza), and the day before this story aired, two blacks had set a white boy on fire in front of his own home, yet the parents who smeared Edward Stephens didn’t have any complaints about black supremacism. It sounds like the producer and reporter (Chris Oberholtz and Stephen Mayer) on this story have it in for Stephens. They insinuated that Stephens has no support, which I’m sure isn’t true. They’re trying to make him radioactive, so that people will be afraid to vote for him. But I’ll say this much for KCTV5: It is the only news outlet I’ve yet found that identified the respective races of assailants and victim in Tuesday’s racist, black gasoline attack. Clearly, Chris Oberholtz and Stephen Mayer are not on the same page with the KCTV5 staffer who flashed on the screen, and wrote into the story’s Web text that the attackers were “2 black males,” though I’m sure the first two get on just fine with “reporter” Amy Anderson, who suppressed that vital information, without which there could be no description of the attackers.
Parents concerned over school board candidate's 'white culture' focus
Wednesday, February 29, 2012, 12:11 p.m. EST
Updated on Wednesday, February 29, 2012, at 1:07 p.m. EST
By Chris Oberholtz, Multimedia Producer
By Stephen Mayer, Multimedia Journalist
A man who wants to put more focus on "white culture" is running for the Parkville School Board.
While the redistricting effort in Kansas City has received a lot of attention in the past several weeks, many parents are starting to look ahead to the upcoming school board elections in April.
And some parents have a lot of questions about one candidate in particular.
Edward Stephens is a product of the Park Hill School District and says he is running for an open seat on the school board to give back to the district.
"I feel like I owe it to my school district, the one I graduated from, to come back and again serve the people that had so much to do with my growing up and making me the man I am today," said Stephens.
But some parents have voiced concerns about Stephens' background.
On his Facebook page, Stephens is critical of the district curriculum, saying he has a problem with children learning about Martin Luther King Jr. before learning about their own customs or the white men who founded America.
And it is comments like that which raise red flags for Joseph Porras, who has two kids in the school system.
"Everyone is entitled to say what they want to say, but when it starts hurting other people then there is something wrong," said Porras.
But Stephens defends those comments.
"I think we need to also pay attention to the white culture and white accomplishments. The vast majority of the Park Hill School District is white ... it only makes sense to honor those things as well," said Stephens.
Stephens also drew criticism for comments he made at a recent school board meeting in which one person who was there says he called special needs students "duds" and questioned why the school board wastes resources on them.
"I believe that the dividends we receive from funding special needs programs, funding lunch programs ... I believe the payoff is minimal and it encourages the wrong kind of people into this district," said Stephens.
Some parents have raised concerns about Stephens possibly being a white supremacist.
"I felt like I have made position very clear. I'm not white supremacist," said Stephens.
In all, there are five candidates running for two open seats in an election set for April 3.
The other candidates running for office are Fred Sanchez, Chris Suefert, Allison Wurst and Casey Beane. All the candidates will be present at a forum March 13.
[From WEJB/NSU’s Kansas City files:
“In Kansas City, MO, Racist Black Rioters Meet with Resistance: Three ‘Victims’ Shot; Mayor Sly James Gets Curfew to Protect Rioters, Not Their Victims”;
“White Kansas City, MO Cop Sues Black Counter-Police for Racial Discrimination”;
“Now, They’re Burning Our Children Alive: In Kansas City, Two Black 16-Year-Olds Douse 12-Year-Old White Boy with Gasoline, and Set Him on Fire”; and
“More on the Kansas City, M.O., Hate Crime: Black 16/17-Year-Olds Set White 13-Year-Old on Fire in Front of His Own House; Fox Censors Race, but Permits Victim’s Mother to Quote Police as Saying It was a “Hate Crime.”]
What's the story on the Hitler quote seen on the video? Is/was that on his Facebook page?
There is no Hitler quote in the video.
It's written on the large blue space next to Stephens.
Oh, the one in the photograph? I hadn't seen that. I just hit it, and blew it up.
Yeah, that changes everything. Thanks for the heads-up.
I sincerely regret that Edward Stephens linked himself with Hitler; he must know how offensive this is to many Americans. Everything Stephens said in this article made sense to me, and I found myself admiring his courage.
If a true backlash ever develops against the war being waged against white Americans by blacks, I pray that the counter-attack is led by decent white men, rather than by modern-day Nazis.
Ask Mr.Stephens about his father!!
His father is on and he's turned his son into one.
Black supremacist
And I do know this for a fact abou this father.
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