Revised on Tuesday, May 18, 2010, at 3:12 a.m.

US immigration court grants asylum to President Barack Obama’s African aunt
By MEGHAN BARR , Associated Press
Last update: May 17, 2010 - 5:13 PM
CLEVELAND - A U.S. immigration court has granted asylum to President Barack Obama’s African aunt, allowing her to stay in the country and setting her on the road to citizenship after years of legal wrangling, her attorneys announced Monday.
The decision was made by a judge in U.S. Immigration Court in Boston and mailed out Friday. It comes three months after Kenya native Zeituni Onyango, the half-sister of Obama’s late father, testified at a closed hearing in Boston.
People who seek asylum must show that they face persecution in their homeland on the basis of religion, race, nationality, political opinion or membership in a social group.
The basis for Onyango’s asylum request was never made public, but her lawyer Margaret Wong said last year that Onyango first applied for asylum “due to violence in Kenya.” The East African nation is fractured by cycles of electoral violence every five years.
Medical issues also could have played a role. In a November interview with The Associated Press, Onyango said she was disabled and was learning to walk again after being paralyzed from Guillain-Barre syndrome, an autoimmune disorder. At her hearing in Boston earlier this year, she arrived in a wheelchair and two doctors testified in support of her case.
Her lawyers would not comment on Onyango’s medical troubles.
“She doesn’t want people to feel sorry for her,” [the hell, she doesn’t!] said Scott Bratton, another of her attorneys.
Onyango’s efforts to win asylum have lasted more than a decade, Wong said.
“She was ecstatic,” Wong said at a news conference in Cleveland on Monday, describing Onyango’s reaction to the news. “She was very, very happy.”
Wong said the White House was not informed [lie] of the ruling. Obama spokesman Nick Shapiro [lie] said Monday that the White House had no involvement in the case at any point in the process.
Onyango didn’t immediately respond to telephone messages left by The Associated Press and didn’t answer her door in Boston. Two police cars were stationed outside her apartment building trying to keep reporters away.
“She really does give [criminals] people hope,” Wong said. “Because if [a criminal] someone like her who was [exposed] in the spotlight, in the limelight — and it was all negative — could [make a mockery of America’s laws] make it in our land of the law, I think other [criminals] people could, too.”
Onyango will now apply for a work permit, which would provide some documentation that she is permitted to stay in the country and allow her to travel again [a lack of “documents” never stopped her from traveling before; besides, what about her crippling illness?; get your lies straight, counselor], Wong said. A year from now, she will be eligible to apply for a green card, which is given to people who are granted legal permanent residency in the U.S., Wong said. Five years after receving [sic] her green card, she can apply to become a U.S. citizen.
“There are hundreds and thousands of [criminals] people like her who really need help to stay here,” Wong said. “When they first come to this country, they don’t know what they are doing.” [She knew exactly what she was doing.]
The media’s portrayal of Onyango in recent years has [been insufficiently sycophantic] not been entirely fair, Wong said.
“She may not be photogenic [huh? No one talked about her looks], but she’s very much a smart, thoughtful, regal woman,” Wong said.
Onyango initially came to the U.S. in 2000 just for a visit [lie], Wong said. Her first request for political asylum in 2002 was rejected, and she was ordered deported in 2004. But she [flouted the court] didn’t leave the country and continued to [criminally] live in public housing in Boston.
Onyango’s status as an illegal [alien] immigrant was revealed just days before Obama was elected in November 2008. Obama said he did not know his aunt was living here illegally [lie] and believes laws covering the situation should be followed [hahaha!]. To escape the media attention, Onyango came to Cleveland for a couple of months in 2008 [to lay low], where she has many friends in the city’s [criminal alien and fraudulent refugee] Kenyan community, Wong said. At that time, a family member in Cleveland contacted Wong.
A judge later agreed to suspend her deportation order and reopen her asylum case.
Wong has said that Obama wasn’t involved in the Boston hearing [lie]. The White House also said it was not helping Onyango with legal fees [yeah, right].
In his [ghostwritten] memoir, “Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance,” Obama affectionately referred to Onyango as “Auntie Zeituni” and described meeting her during his 1988 trip to Kenya.
Onyango helped care for the president’s half brothers and sister while living with Barack Obama Sr. in Kenya.
Associated Press writer Rodrique Ngowi in Boston contributed to this report.
‘It's the once-every-five-year violence in Kenya; It’s her boo-boo; It’s her regalness. Pick a story, any story. If you don't like those, we'll come up with more!’
This woman should have been imprisoned and fined for defrauding all manner of public agencies (housing, Medicare and/or state medical programs, food stamps, Social Security disability, etc.), and then deported. Instead, she hit the jackpot, thanks to her criminal nephew.
A couple of Obamaton dead-enders tried to rationalize this travesty of justice in the comments section, but otherwise the sentiment was overwhelmingly contemptuous of the court’s decision.
Juan Mann, where are you, when we need you!
Margaret Wong: “She really does give people hope. Because if someone like her who was in the spotlight, in the limelight — and it was all negative — could make it in our land of the law, I think other people could, too.”
Translated into morality: Wong is lauding a criminal’s success, with Wong’s considerable help, at making a mockery of, and chipping away at our legal system, and encouraging other criminals to do likewise. Some people will counter that everyone has a right to legal representation, and that Wong was merely serving that right. But that’s not true; not everyone has such a right. Zeituni Onyango had already been ordered deported in 2004, and was a criminal fugitive until George W. Bush’s ICE ordered, in a corrupt and unlawful decision, out of deference to Onyango’s nephew, her deportation put on hold. And this criminal was permitted to flaunt the law, by attending her nephew’s inauguration.
And so, Margaret Wong was not serving any legal ideal, but rather undermining the rule of law, and in her statement sowed confusion, and supported lawlessness. Like so many liars, er lawyers, Wong is not content to get criminals off, and just say, “We’re happy with the decision.” Like them, Wong insists on giving her client-criminals ideological cover, as well, which makes her a Princess of Darkness. Remember her name.
Remember, too, the name “Meghan Barr,” AP’s political operative on this case. This “news report” sounds like a press release from Auntie Swindler’s liars.
But we don’t know the names of Onyango and Wong’s accomplices on that immigration court. Those culprits must be exposed and thrown off of the court, and there must be public protests of this corruption. A real press would be exposing them, and hunting down those who have been supporting Auntie Zeituni, running interference for her, and paying for her lawyers. Don’t look to Meghan Barr or other AP operatives such as Tom “Boosgate” Hays, Shelia (Hardwell) Byrd, Holbrook Mohr, et al., to do the job.
Send Auntie Swindler back!
A tip ‘o the hat to ALIPAC.
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