Wednesday, July 03, 2024

From the dnc bunker on the debate (video)

Re-posted by N.S.


Anonymous said...

"Password" and "Match Game 2024"(and joe biden)

The momentum that the "dump biden" wave currently enjoys would be multiplied if TV shows started pounding the point home:

Clip of next week's episode of "PASSWORD"(U.S. version),with celebrities Mel Brooks and joe biden(who decided to appear on the show,in an attempt to convince voters and politicians his brain was "with it".)

Announcer:"The password is 'resign'"(ding)

Allen Ludden:Okay,Mel Brooks,you get to give the first clue--10 points.



Ludden:Correct,great clue,Mel.

Brooks:Yes,if brandon only had a brain like I do,he wouldn't have to.

Ludden:Speaking of which,It's now mr.biden's turn to give a clue.

Announcer:"The password is "hunter"(ding).

Ludden:Ten points.

biden:Uhhh,mmmm,errr,uhhh....beat medicare.(BZZZZZ)

Ludden:That's two words,which is not allowed.Mel Brooks,nine points.

Brooks:Son?(pointing at biden)


Ludden:Mr.biden,you couldn't come up with a clue for HUNTER?

biden:Having a bad day.

Then on "Match Game 2024" a clip from that show:

Gene Rayburn:Okay,ready?Our president was sooo far gone,that he had no clue he needed to(blank).


Rayburn:Well let's check our celebrities:

Gary Burghoff:Resign

Brett Somers:Resign

Charles Nelson Reilly:RE-zine--as they say in Germany.

Jo Ann Pflug:Quit.

Richard Dawson:As I used to tell Colonel Klink,on "Hogan's Heroes"--Say Auf Wiedersehen,Herr biden.

Betty White(shows her card):I said,"stay awake."

Rayburn:Betty,you're such a nice person.

Betty:And(as she flips the card to the OTHER side)

That's it for tonight on NSU Game Show Network.


Anonymous said...


President Biden told a gathering of nearly two dozen Democratic governors at the White House Wednesday night that he needs to get more sleep and work fewer hours — and even avoid events held after 8 p.m. — despite previous reports he can only fully handle the job between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.

The 81-year-old’s acknowledgment was reported by the New York Times, citing two people who took part in the high-stakes meeting and others who were briefed on the comment.

During the same gathering, the outlet reported, Biden responded to a question from Hawaii Gov. Josh Green about his health by saying while his health was fine, the problem was “just my brain,” an apparent attempt at humor that went unrecognized by at least one state leader in the room.

GRA:"Just my brain".But the MRI didn't show "a brain." Close enough for politics,I guess.