Friday, May 10, 2024

some of speaker mike johnson's past: MTG suggests he is being blackmailed

By "W"
friday, may 10, 2024 at 10:48:00 p.m. edt

some of speaker mike johnson's past

MTG suggests he is being blackmailed:

johnson has declared that he and his wife are in a "covenant marriage",marriage%20and%20the%20responsibilities%20thereto.


Anonymous said...

There's no one left to even TRY to hold down the massive spending anymore.Congress is like a drunk Mexican, driving toward the Grand Canyon--without working brakes.


Anonymous said...

I see the comments on newsweek's site are 100% dem rants against her.I used to read that mag 30 years ago(circa) and it seemed fairly objective back then,but today must be completely commie writing.

Too bad how this has all transpired and how msm has all CONSPIRED.


Anonymous said...

Final house vote total on impeachment

1 in favor(MTG)
434 against(Uniparty)


Anonymous said...

Americans need to wake up and FLUSH Congress down into the sewer where they belong. Problem is new congressmen seem to go putrid almost immediately. Johnson was supposed to be conservative! Same with judges--Roberts went bad or is blackmailed and the only one I trust is Clarence Thomas--when Thomas is gone katy bar the door.

AbolishTenure said...

ditto GRA - Spending is THE issue. Instead of playing whack-a-mole and getting distracted with the Issue Du Jour (Mayorkas! Hunter! Ukraine! EVs! Lloyd Austin AWOL! Hamas and The Joooooozzz! Student loans! Doctor Plagiarist of Color! etc.), just stop spending money you don't have. Then quite naturally, out of necessity, the Swamp doesn't have money to get into all that other mischief.

Yes, it will be painful. Oh the horrors of when the real estate market crashes in those DC metro counties like Loudon and Fairfax and Montgomery. Well, if the Assistant Undersecretary for Road Design Specifications is that important, some state will hire he/she/zir/them.

Then afterward go pick off the this 'n' that outrageous program that somehow survived.

If Trump picks a deal-breaker VP, I'm going to write in Javier Milei and his chainsaw. Argentina is showing us how it's done.

It doesn't help that MTG and Thomas Debt-Clock Massie voted for the debt limit increase in 2023. They enabled this. Give the drunk a $20 bill and of course he's going to spend it on booze. Sorry to see Bannon giving MTG a soapbox on the Speaker's misdeeds now without calling her to account.

Anonymous said...

The vice president has little power. It has to be Trump or there is no hope for the country. Who else is there who has a chance of winning and at least says he is on our side? Deficit spending should be made illegal unless in a real war--and not the endless campaigns, but a war like WWII. But the replacement of Whites with turd world aliens and the self-created coming energy shortage are also serious upcoming disasters.