Thursday, May 23, 2024

From first to worst: ucla's David Geffen medical school is run by a criminal who deliberrately admits applicants who will kill patients

By N.S.

A tip 'o the hate to Steve Sailer.

For years I've said things will not impove until people like Lucero are perpwalked, prosecuted, and imprisoned.

"'did you not know African-American women are dying at a higher rate than everybody else?' Lucero asked the admissions officer, these people said. the candidate's scores shouldn't matter, she continued, because 'we need people like this in the medical school.'"

Jennifer Lucero calls herself a "chicana"


Anonymous said...

I wonder how close we are to McCarthy hearings--in reverse--with commies looking for regular Americans to out.

"Have you ever been a member of an unnamed group of people who oppose communism?"

"Who do you know that's in such a group?"

"Do you oppose the current Biden immigration policy--and let me remind you,by admitting to such a viewpoint,you are voluntarily conceding your guilt of the crime of treason before our committee.

Trump:I prefer to take the fifth on those questions.



Anonymous said...

"'did you not know African-American women are dying at a higher rate than everybody else?'"

When you see 300 pound black girls in eighth grade you can assume these females are on the wrong course.

BTW, 300 pound black girls in eighth grade hardly O-pressed. None of them are except from when they O-press one another.