Tuesday, October 10, 2023

naked black pervert in JCPenney store molests White children; store staff, security, refuse to intervene

By "W"
tuesday, october 10, 2023 at 10:06:16 a.m. edt

yikes! White customers try to subdue naked congoid going for their kids at store


"Integration"=constant threat of danger. NNN=No one Needs negroes

N.S.: "parents in Seattle confront a naked man at a JCPenney store after he allegedly [sic] attempted [sic] to inappropriately touch their children

"The video was initially posted by a Seattle-area twitter account from the JCPenney location in tukwila, about 10 miles south of the city

"The man is attempting to evade people chasing him wearing nothing but socks after he was allegedly holding on to two children

"tukwila police described the naked man as 'someone in mental crisis' and adding that he was soon detained and taken to the hospital"

"someone in mental crisis" is a racial code for "a black perp."

ronnyraborn, Houston, United States, 6 hours ago

"In Seattle they call this type of event a monday."

N.S.: A few commenters mentioned that anyone who stopped the perv would surely be fired and/or arrested. The problem is that businesses and the authorities support non-White criminals. Otherwise, they would arrest and charge them. They just figure that they can hit law-abiding Whites with further jacked-up prices for any losses incurred by colored criminals, while using said criminals to terrorize the White customers.


Anonymous said...

Just like in the jungles of Africa.


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Stores do have rules about confronting shoplifters but a naked man threatening children? Rule would be suspended if it were a White man, no doubt about that whatsoever. I'm resending a link to an SNL skit that lampoons the race double standard where black men are allowed to behave in inappropriate ways that White men are not. I've seen it happen in real life many times. the skit is satire and makes light of the subject but is on point:


Anonymous said...

It has been many years since we have gone to that mall--the last time there were just too many questionable turd world creatures there. The Northgate mall is better but even a few decades ago they had to take the door off the men's room because too many drug addicts were shooting up there. A sure way to assess an area is to see if restrooms are unlocked and available. When an are goes bad codes are required to access restrooms. Fortunately where I live restrooms are wide open--but recently I was in Seattle and a MacDonalds had digital keypads to get into restrooms.

Anonymous said...

All negroes are always having mental distress. I bet the guy was high in some manner too.

Anonymous said...

The thing about satire is that it's 90% true.The skit was amusing but irritating at the same time.


Anonymous said...

"A sure way to assess an area is to see if restrooms are unlocked and available."

Some truth in that actually. Call it the locked bathroom indicator of decline in a formerly high trust society.

Anonymous said...

Restrooms have always been a gathering place for gays secret, anonymous sex even before gay bars. It was quite common. It was not so much that they were seeking sex It was sometime very dangerous to participate in bathroom antics The Gay were in grave danger getting beaten up it was more of the thrill than finding anonymous, sex partners.